Chapter 2

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Dhruv looked around at his apartment observing the surroundings beside him.

"It is damn hot in here. Let me turn on the AC."

As he switched on the AC he looked outside the window at the sun. Dhruv stepped outside on his balcony. His thoughts drifted to his hometown Udaipur. Soon he would be leaving to go back to Udaipur so he could see his family once again to hear their scathing taunts and compulsive behavior.

Dhruv suddenly remembered a childhood memory from his past.

It was scorching hot outside to the point where standing up was almost impossible.

"Mom! Please give us something to drink." pleaded Dhruv. His younger brother stood right next to him also begging for something cold and refreshing to drink in the balmy weather.

"Lemonade it is," she said sighing and rolling her eyes yet smiling.

The boys cheered and when they received their drinks quickly gulped down the cooling beverage to quench their thirst.

"Calm down! You'll choke." exclaimed their mother worriedly.


Dhruv focused back into the present. "I guess it is time to relive childhood memories," Dhruv said grinning. "I'll have to order some lemons to make the lemonade."

"Did you say lemons?" asked a worker who was unloading boxes of Dhruv's furniture.


"There is actually a great farm nearby where you can get fresh fruits and vegetables. Actually today there is fruit picking going on and you can get whatever you'd like. I bet you there are fresh lemons there that you can pick for your lemonade."

"Alright. You guys can keep setting up the furniture and bringing the boxes. I'm going to head out to the farm."

"Good luck sir!"

Dhruv nodded and smiled as he shut the door behind him and ran out to the street to get a taxi nearby.


Kavya grabbed a basket and began to walk towards the tree to pick the strawberries that she needed to make the ice cream. As Kavya was picking the ripest strawberries that she could find for her birthday treat, her thoughts drifted to her best friend Raina's wedding.

Raina was the heiress of a huge jewelry empire that had been owned by her family for several generations. The business was called "Shringar." A word that meant to dress up and adorn oneself. Raina was set to marry her fiance in a couple of days and Kavya had a flight to catch three days later. She knew it was going to be the most lavish and upscale wedding the world was going to see.

She noticed that her basket was full and as she turned around, a gigantic tractor was coming towards her very quickly.

The tractor swerved around her and the driver angrily yelled.

"Crap! Sorry!" she said as she ran across the field to where safety was without sparing a glance at what was behind her.

As Kavya crossed the other side to safety, a light breeze tickles the back of her neck and she gets the sense that someone is looking at her. Kavya turns in the other direction and her eyes set on one of the most attractive guys she's ever seen.

Although, he wasn't looking at her. He was staring down at his phone with headphones in his ears and a basket of lemons in his hand.

It was Dhruv Kohli.

And he was standing in the middle of the field about to get hit by the tractor that had almost killed Kavya. 

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