Chapter Fourty- Five - Friends With A Heated Moment?

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I had a sense of déjà vu when I hesistated then knocked on the Conners door. I hitched my bag higher on my shoulder. What if Mrs Conners answers!? Will she be upset with me for lying to my mum when she was meant to responsible for me? I suddenly felt really bad about it.

My heart rate increased as soon as the door opened. Caleb had a solemn expression on his face when he looked at me. "Come in."
I swallowed, okay... so we still weren't on the best of terms and I hated it. So I blurted out my next words, "Caleb I'm sorry." I took a deep breath, before I could stop myself. "I hate this. Not talking to you."

His face crumbled. Suddenly, he looked really sad. "I hate it as well." Without another word Caleb closed the front door and walked forward. I followed him in the kitchen.

My hands were sweating. "Where's your parents?"

Caleb went to the fridge and opened two cans of soft drink, he handed me one. "There out." He gave me a look. "Don't worry they won't be back till tomorrow."

"Is your mum mad?"

A hint of a smile covered a part of his lips. "Just disappointed."

"That's worse." I sighed.

He shook his head, this time he was smirking. "I knew that you lied to your mum Alley. It's not like I tried to stop you... It was kind of funny at the time to see you doing anything rebel."

"Hey." I frowned. "I can be rebel."

He chuckled. The sound eased my heart and my nerves. I missed that laugh. "Trust me, my mum has had to deal with a lot more out of me then just a little bit of lying. I think that she just didn't expect it from you."

"Right." I smiled. "Because I'm meant to be the good one?"

"You're meant to the one who keeps me check." He shrugged.

I raised an eye and shook my head sadly, "Sorry to say but thats impossible." I joked.

Caleb laughed again. He was staring at me with an warm expression though he vanished quickly. "Alley..." He sighed, "Why did you do it?"

I pressed onto my lips as my finger trailed along the circle top of my can. Slowly, my eyes met his. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes." He said it so confidently and surely that it surprised me
I blinked back. "You do?"

He chuckled. "Of course I do."

"Then... can you just trust me on this?" I licked my lips nervously. "I'll fix things with Sam I promise."

He frowned. "Alley why would you..." He stopped talking. "Are you doing this against Mel?" His voice suddenly turned accousing.

"It was Sam's idea." I frowned, oh geez. Blaiming her won't do any good. "I evenutally went along with it."

"But why are you doing it?" He demanded.

"Because somebody needs to take down Mel." I argued. "She's destroying peoples lives."

"She only does that to people who mess with her."

"I didn't do anything to her!"

"Thats different." He sighed. "She was jealous of our friendship."

"She doesn't just mess with people that do anything against her. She does mean things to people to stay at the top of the ladder at school." I was suddenly getting really angry. "Or are you still blind enough to not see how much of a bitch she is?"

He shook his head. "What exactly are you planning on doing?"

"Make her moves schools."

He stared at me blankly. "How would you even make that happen?"

I threw my arms up. "I don't know! It was Sam's whole idea! I didn't even want to do it! But she kept telling me that I had to do it because I was the only one who could."

"But what even made you want to do this?"

"You!" I screamed.

Everything suddenly came to a stand still. Silence filled the air. "Why me..?" He frowned.

My heart rate increased with dread. Fix it! "B-because..." I stuttered. "I wanted you to break up. That was the whole reason why it started."


So many why's... "Because she wasn't right for you." OK, better.

"You didn't need to do that." He sighed, "I can take care of myself."

I sighed myself, "This isn't working. I'm sorry, I should go." I hitched my bag higher to my shoulder and made my way to the door. It was only when I was opening the door that Caleb unfroze, ran over and slammed it shut.

I stood shocked.

"Look Alley." That angry face had disappeared. "I just don't want you to get hurt. Mel, she can be... difficult."

Understatment of the year goes to Caleb Conners. "I'm willing to risk it." I muttered, "I just took it too far but that's what we were meant to do.. try and be friends with her."

He pursed his lips as he concidered what I just said. "Just apoligise to Sam and be friends with her again. Forget about Mel."

I nodded. "Your right."

"Good." He smiled a genuine smile. "Because I've really missed you." Caleb grabbed onto my arm, pulling me along with him up the stairs. "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday at dodge ball. It was uncalled for and with Sam, Oliver and Mason refusing to talk to you, it was hard. Especially when I had no idea why you were doing it." We reached the top of the stairs. His eyes met mine, "Just promise that you won't try and mess with Mel OK?"

I nodded. "Got it."

We made it to his room. Caleb nodded towards my bag. "I'm guessing that whatever you're wearing tonight is in there?"

"Yeah, I sort of sneaked out and I didn't want to climb down my tree in a dress."

He grinned and suddenly blurted out, "I meant it. I really did miss you."

I smiled back. "I missed you too." I walked inside his bathroom. Half of my heart suddenly felt right. Though the second half- which was Sam. It needed to be fixed.

Things are suddenly looking up.

I'm getting my two best friends back.

I brushed the rest of my hair to the side. It was straight and long, it ran past my chest. The dress that I had bought tightened around me in all the right places. The black of the dress stood out my features. My lips were a bright red, they looked big and kissable. My long legs made the dress look small and short. I also wore liquid eyeliner and black eye make up which made my eyes look wide and luscious.

I looked sexy.

I walked out of the door, my black high heels clicked against the wooden floor.

I smiled to myself as I closed the door behind me and stopped.

Caleb was laying on my bed, his hands behind his head as he stared at my ceiling. "Why is it that girls always take so-" His gaze fixated on me and suddenly he stopped talking.

I bit my lip and tried to keep my face blank. He was staring at me, oh dear god why was he staring at me!? Do I have something on my face!? "What?" I blurted out.


In one movement he was off the bed. "You look..." He stopped talking, still staring at me intently. "You look.." Well. He looked lost for words.

I looked what? Spit it out already!

"You look amazing."

I cracked a smile though my heart bet wildly in my chest. "Really?"

He shifted his head to the side, I wanted to crawl under the bed away from the way he was staring at me. There was this dangerous glint in his eyes that I couldn't place. He nodded. "You do."

"It's just make up." I breathed, tugging on my hair nervously. "And the dress."

He shook his head, still staring. "No it's not. You're always beautiful."

My hands started to sweat so I tightened them into a fist. What was he doing to me!? Speechless, I just shook my head.

I could feel my face heating up, my breath hitching in my throat.

Dear god what temperature was it in here? I suddenly felt all hot and clammy. I turned around and took half a step before I heard Caleb mutter to himself. "Stuff it."

My back hit the wall, knocking the breath out of me for good. What the-

I stared up at Caleb. He stood in front of me, that glint in eyes - suddenly I could place it.

It looked...hungry.

His eyes roamed my face, down to my body. Stopping on chest to my legs and curves. Till finally they rested on my face again... And then my lips.

My eyes widened, I couldn't breathe.

I can't breathe.

Oh dear god, I always knew that you were going to be the death of me Caleb Conners.

I bit my lip as I tried to think of something to say. He growled an noise in the back of his throat, his eyes snapped towards mine.

I slowly sunk into those green eyes, my own brown eyes swimming in them as everything blurred but those eyes.

He watched me closely, from the corner of my eye I could see his hand. He placed it on my arm. His fingertips brushing down my arm and making electric sparks down it.

My breath hitched.

Slowly, he smirked. I stared in shock as he leaned forward, breathing in deeply I stood frozen as I felt the light touch of his lips slide down my ear... Down... And down... My eyes half closed as those lips stopped on my collarbone.

I shivered. "What are you doing?" My breath came out husky.

With his answer, there was a slight pressure against my skin like a sweet kiss. I couldn't help but shiver again. "What do you think I'm doing?"

His breath on my skin made my legs shake as he planted small kisses up my collarbone, my neck... towards my cheek and along my jaw line.

His lips stoppped an inch away from my lips.

Kiss me! Kiss me! My legs shook in controllably as he leaned his legs against mine, stopping them.
His finger tips lightly ran against my skin, making my skin prick with the same electric sensation. He leaned forward again as they stop either side of my head.

He stared in my eyes almost daring me to step away.

"What do you want Alley?"

"I- I." I breathed in while closing my eyes, I breathed out. "I want-" You. I want you!

"Hey Caleb! Were here! We'll meet you outside!" A voice yelled from downstrairs. We instantly sprung apart. My body completely against the wall in shock as he took two steps away. Apart of my brain regestered that the voice was Oliver.

"Okay!" Caleb yelled back, his voice was breathless as he looked like he'd run a mile.

I watched him as he stumbled backwards and landed on my bed. He sat there staring at his hand as he tried to control his breathing.

My eyes were still wide, the air in the room watering them. I needed to blink.

We just...almost kissed...

"I'm sorry Alley." His voice made me jump. "I shouldn't have done that."

My eyes met his. "It wasn't right."

Oh my god! Does he know about my feelings! Is he playing me!?

That hungry look in eyes, I could only stare at him as my brain raced. Was that how he treats every girl he's ever been with? Did he just want to kiss me and use me like that?

I didn't want that.

"We should..." I bit my lip and leaned away from the wall. "We should go."

He nodded, that glint fading in his eyes with understanding. "I'm so sorry Alley. I shouldn't have... We're friends-.."

"I know." I could feel tears blind my vision. I needed to get out of here. "Were friends."

I opened the door and slammed it behind me as I ran downstairs.

And that's all we ever are going to be.

The sooner you realise that, the better Alley.


sooo umm yeah.. you can say you hate me if you want to. I understand. haha, comments and votes yo. xx

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