Chapter 6

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Ahsoka pov

I laugh weakly and spirit helps me up. "We need to get to the hanger" I said trying to walk. Pain shoots up my body and I wince. Spirit notices and runs to support me. "Thank you" I said. "I mean no disrespect, but you need to tell someone you cant live like this" spirit said with worry In his voice. He was right, but I'm scared my master would hurt me.

Spirit opens the door and helps me out. A few moments later we reach the hanger door. Spirit slowly lets go of me, we didn't want me getting caught with spirit. "You go in first, I'll come in shortly after" he said. I nodded and I walked in. Limping badly. All the men already there looked at me worried.

I walked up to my master and he threw a cloak at me. "Put this on, when we get to the temple, you go straight to your quarters and change into some less reveling clothes" he said snarling. I nodded sadly and put on the cloak. It was a full body cloak, no one would be able to tell what krell was doing to me.

A few moments later spirit walks in and gives me a worried look. I give him a small smile and enter the ship.

After about 1 hour we reached the Jedi temple. Once the ship landed we exited the ship. I limped slightly but my master gave me a look. Telling me if I did, he would hurt me. I pulled up my hood and walked to my quarters, keeping my eyes on the ground.

Halfway to my quarters I bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry, I didn't watch where I was going" I said and hurried off. I sensed it was Obiwan, I wish I could tell him everything.

But I can't, he probably wouldn't believe me anyway. I kept my head down, even though I heard him calling my name from behind me I ran to my room, despite the pain throughout my body.

I went into my quarters and locked the door. I went through my closet and found an outfit to cover my whole body.

It was just black leggings and a long sleeved black shirt. It had a hood attached to it. I put them on and look in the mirror. I looked terrible. I noticed my eye didn't have a twinkle anymore, if anything, they were starting to go to a bland boring blue. Not my usual ocean blue eyes. I put my cloak on with my hood and went out to the hanger.

I saw master krell already waiting. "Take off the cloak" he said and I did as instructed. I reveled my outfit and he smiled. "Good, put your cloak back on, we have a mission" he siad. I nodded and did as instructed. I followed him onto the ship and it took off.

In our ship there was only 3 other clones, I realized it was spirit, bomb, and someone I didn't recognize. The other clones must be on a different ship.

A few moments later I feel my self levitating off the floor. I gulped, I knew what was coming next. Spirit looked at me sadly, he knew as well, and there was nothing he could do.

I feel my ability to take in air getting harder. I bring my hands automatically clawing at my neck, trying to get rid of the imaginary hand around my neck. I start trying to gasp for air and I feel a punch to the back.

Suddenly I'm forced onto the floor, I feel the blood dripping off my head. I slowly stand up and looked at my master. He glared at me. He turns his back on me.

A few moments later we land. I hear blasters already firing. The door opens and I stiffin up, sensing way to many familiar force signatures.

I hear the doors open and I bring my head up. Master krell walks in front of me, down the ramp of the ship. I feel spirit near me, Incase I fall. We make it down the ramp and I see Anakin's face light up. I bring my head down and walk to beside my new master. I zone out on their conversations, until I hear my name.

"Padawan intruducd your self" my master growled. I look up and see anakin and Rex. My gaze saddens. "Hello I am padawan learner ahsoko Tano. Padawan of master krell" I said. They all looked at me in shock. "Ahsoka can I talk to you" anakin asks.

I look up at my master and he nods his head, allowing me to go. I bow at anakin. "I'm at your service general skywalker" I said. No emotion in my voice. Anakin walks a few feet away and stops. I stop as well.

"You wished to speak to me?" I asked. Silently pleading he would take my cloak hood off and see the marks, but he didn't. "How are you" he asked smiling. "I'm doing fine general skywalker" I said. He frowned when I said General skywalker.

"What is up with you" he says a little annoyed now. I look up at him and he noticed my eyes not having the twinkle or their bright blue look. "Ahsoka your eyes, it looks like your broken" he said gasping. "I must be going master skywalker, pleasure talking to you" I said bowing and returning to my masters side.

I see Rex give me a small smile, but I don't return it, I just look away. We got briefed on the mission. I watch as my old master leaves on a ship. "Alright, you have one hour to rest" my master yelled. (I know this dosnt happen In the tv show but it comes Into the plot.

I look up at my master, confirming I can get some rest as well. He nods and I walk away. I walk far enough away were no one was. I sit down and rest my back against a tree.

I hear footsteps coming and I look up to see spirit and bomb. I smiled weakly at them. "We brought some bacta patches, you can't fight with these injuries" bomb says. I nodd. "Thank you guys" I said. They start placing them on my injures. Once their done I pull my sleeves and leggings down to hid the patches.

"Go get some rest" I said. They nodded and walked off. I closed my eyes and rest my head against the tree. I hear footsteps coming towards me and I open my eyes. It's Rex.

"So if they are battle injuries, how come a medic didn't heal you? Cause it looked like two clones just tried to heal you secretly" he said raising an eyebrow up at me.


Rex pov

I'm about to close my eyes when I see two solders sneaking off to the direction ahsoka went. I stood up and quietly followed them. I hid behind a tree when I saw ahsoka. She didn't look good. She looked weak.

I see them talk for a few minutes and then the soldiers pulled out bacta patches and started putting them all over her. Why the hell were they doing that, they aren't medics.

I see her pull her leggings and sleeves down Over the patches. Why the hell was she hiding them, and showing so little skin. She once told me she hates covering that much skin.

Then the solders look around to make sure no one saw them, and ran.

I waited a few moments then walked to ahsoka. "So if they are battle injuries, how come a medic didn't heal you? Cause it looked like two clones just tried to heal you secretly" i said raising an eyebrow up at her. She looked at me with fear in her eyes. What the kirff is going on.

That's the end of the chapter! Comment what you thought of it. I'll update soon. Bye!

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