Chapter 9

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Rex pov

"How do you know?" Spirit asked. "Saw him hurt her, and so did fives" I said. "This isn't good" bomb said rubbing his templates. "Why not?" Fives asked. "Because if he finds out you guys know, he will think she told you. And all the abuse she's gotten, will be like a paper cut compared to what he will do to her" spirit said.

Shoot. "Yes but we can help her now" I said. "How do you plan on doing that Rex" bomb asked. "I'm not sure, we have to tell someone, like general skywalker" I said. "Rex you'll be killed as soon as you call him. The General will be tracing and listening in to all of our transmissions" bomb said.

"Yeah but then general skywalker will know!" I said not getting why they hated the plan. "Rex you don't understand" bomb said. "You haven't seen the things he's done to her" spirit said.

"If he found out we knew and are telling people, he would do so much worse then he already does, and what he does already nearly kills her"  spirit said. "What do you mean?" I asked, he must mean like kill her mentally from sadness or something.

"Rex I've seen him through her against a wall around 30 feet's away!" Bomb said. "I've seen him choke her until she faints, then he leaves burn marks on her lekkus" spirit said. "Whats so special about the lekkus?" Fives asked. Spirit sighs.

"For someone you fought with her for a year you guys know nothing. They are extremely sensitive, they are basically her ears. So when you have a lightsaber burning them, it's gonna hurt like hell. They are so sensitive if people remove a togrutas lekku, the togruta usually dies" spirit said. I feel my face go pale.

"The only way you can help her, is to not do anything besides treat her wounds when he isn't around." Bomb said. "So were just gonna stand here and watch him keep hurting her!" I said angry. "Rex I want to help her as much as you do. But four clones can't go against him, also we would all be killed. And that would just make things worse for ahsoka" Bomb said.

I pick up my arm and start hitting buttons on my comm. "Rex what are you doing?" Spirit asked. "Secret code I have with the general" I said. "What does it say" bomb asked.

"Come fast, need help" I said. "Rex the General will see that!" Spirit said. "No guys, it's a series of beeps and vibrations Rex and the general made, the pattern means certain phrases. Unless you were taught it, you can't read it. They have a whole mini language" fives said.

I finish and sent the beeps and vibrations. A few moments later I get some back. It said "what I'm busy". "What did he say?" Fives asked. "What I'm busy" I siad. "What are you gonna say?" Spirit asked.

"Ahsoka is in danger" I said and I hit the buttons. A few moments later I Get a response. "On my way" it said. I let out a sigh of relief. "He's coming" I said. I'm about to say something when I hear my name. "Ct-7567 come here" I hear the general yell.

I run over to his voice. "You sent a transmission to general skywalker in secret code, why?" He asked. "We always check in on each other in battles sir" I said lying. Lucky for me, anakin taught me how to lie to a Jedi. Cause I've had to lie to general Kenobi when helping my general hide his relationship with the senator. Also so I could deny having a relationship with ahsoka.

"Why is it in code" he asked glaring. "Incase the bad guys are reading them sir" I said. "What does it say?" He asked. "I said everything is good here sir" I said. "He then asked how our progress was" I said. "I then told him we were doing good with the mission sir" I said. "He then said goodbye" I said.

The general glared at me, I could tell he was trying to sense if I'm lying. I use the trick my general taught me. "Ok gather your men, we are heading forward with the plan" he ordered. "Sir yes sir" I said and left.

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