Chapter 12

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Ahsoka pov

I cuddle up into Rex as he holds me. I was still trembling a little but not as much as before. I hate how I'm so scared and weak right now. I hate it. "Hey Cyar'ika, what's wrong, I can tell something's on your mind" he asked. I sigh. "Just hate how I'm so weak and scared right now." I Admitted.

He takes his index finger and puts it under my chin. He moves it and lets my chin down. It was resting on his chest and I was looking up at him. "Ahsoka you have every right to be scared at the minute. And you aren't weak" he said. "I am weak" I said. He sighs. "Ahsoka if I just went through what you did, I would have taken it so much worse. You stayed strong when he hurt you" he said.

"And ahsoka you mentioned at lunch he said mean things? What were they?" He asked me. "Brat, worthless, unskilled, not special, high of my self, disappointment to all Jedi, I don't deserve to be a Jedi. I was a waste of skin and flesh" I said quietly. "Your not any of those things. Don't listen to him" he said.

"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum bid much, or'atu then gar kelir vurel kar'taylir" he said kissing my forehead.

"Is that mando?" I asked. He nods. "What does it mean?" I asked him. He smiles at me. "I'll tell you one day" he said. I glare at him. "But I wanna knowwww" I said whining. "Well your not gonna knowww" he said matching my tone.

"Meanie" I said and he rolls his eyes. I let out a yawn. "Get some rest ahsoka" he said. I nod tiredly and move my head back so my side of my face is on his chest, not my chin. I close my eyes and he strokes my lekku gently. I fall asleep.

Rex pov

I smile and keep stroking her lekku, gently careful not to hurt her due to the burns on them. I hear a door open and I look up to see the Jedi council. They look down at ahsoka in my arms. "She got really scared again, nightmares, asked me to hold her" I said. The council nods.

"We understand she only really trusts you at the moment Captain" General Koon said. I nod my head. "Why is that, are you dating?" General fisto asked. "No sir" I said. I mean I wasn't technically lying we aren't official again yet.

"So you said she couldn't sleep without you holding her?" General windu asked. "In a way sir. She just got really scared and couldn't sleep. I just held her and comforted her." I said. General yoda nods.

"Watch over her, you shall, stay here, you will." He said. I nod. "Incase you couldn't understand him with his wise way of talking, he basically said your being assigned to watch over her and stay in her quarters. Just follow her around." Geberal Kenobi said. I nod. "Yes sirs" I said.

They leave the room besides obwian. The door closes. "Need anything sir?" I asked. "Yeah take good care of her" Obiwan said. "It is my du" I started before he cut me off. "No as her boyfriend, I know rex" he said and he walked out. I smiled.

I'm about to close my eyes when I ahsoka starts moving around. Muttering words I couldn't hear. I shake her awake. Her eyes shoot open and she sits up. Panting. I wrap my arm around her waist and gently pull her back to lay on me. She rests her head on my chest. She had so much fear in her eyes. I kiss her forehead. She relaxed a little.

"I have good news!" I said trying to cheer her up. She hummed in replay. "I've been assigned to watch over you and that, make sure your ok" I said. She smiles at me. "Why?" She asked. "Well anakin must have mentioned how you only let me hold you and stuff, council came when you were sleeping. They saw me holding you and asked why. I said you got really scared and couldn't sleep. So I came and comforted you. Ended up assigning me to watch over you until you got better" I said.

She cuddles up to me and yawns. "You tired?" I asked her. She nods her head. I kiss the top of her head. "Get some sleep, we gotta go to the halls of healing again so they can check on your foot. Also I'm sure the men will be excited to see you" I said. She smiles and nods.

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