Chapter 7

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Rex pov

She stares at me in fear. "The other medics were just busy" she said. "Ahsoka both of us know that the medics would put you before a clone" I said looking at her. Why was she lying to me.

"Um I told them to treat the clones first" she said. "They still would have treated you" I said. "I ordered them" she said. "Ahsoka the medics override all of our orders when it comes to the safety and health of us." I said.

Seriously why is she lying. "Um" she starts saying before she gets cut off. "PADAWAN" I hear General krell yelling. She gets up in a hurry and runs off.

I wait for her to be far enough away so I can follow her. I slowly start following her.

Ahsoka pov

I run over to my masters voice. He is deep in the forest, away from where people can see us. I gulp, I know what this means. He notices me, I see the anger in his eyes.

"Come here padawan" he said angrily. I obeyed. I feel my self getting lifted. Not being choked yet thankfully.

"I saw you talking to three clones padawan" he growled. Shit. "I'm sorry m" I started before he cut me off. "Quiet" he ordered. I shut my mouth.

"You know the rules, no talking to clones or calling them by their names or hanging out with them" he growled.

"It's obvious my abuse to you isn't enough punishment for breaking my rules, I guess I must start doing more" he growled. I gulped.

"I saw you talking to one clone today though, ct- 7567 I believe, captain Rex" he said. "I take it you are friends" he said. I stay still, not talking.

"Or maybe more, I see the way you look at each other, that's not friendship" he said. My eyes go wide how did he know.

"Maybe next time you break one of my rules, he will accidentally trip and fall onto my ignited lightsaber." He said growling. My eyes go wide, no please not Rex.

"Now we don't want that now do we?" He asked me and I shake my head. "Good, now don't break anymore rules you worthless excuse of a padawan." He said using the force to choke me.

I bring my hands to my neck and start clawing at it. Trying to get some air. "Remember I have eyes everywhere" he said before he used the force to smash me into the floor, knocking me out. Everything goes black as I watch him walk away.

Rex pov

I go to behind a tree and watch. General krell lifts ahsoka off the floor, what the hell. I listen in to their convo.

"It's obvious my abuse to you isn't enough punishment for breaking my rules, I guess I must start doing more" he growled. Did he just say abuse!

"You know the rules, no talking to clones are calling them by their names or hanging out with them" he growled. Those are strange rules.

"I saw you talking to one clone today though, ct- 7567 I believe, captain Rex" he said. "I take it you are friends" he said. Why the hell does he care.

"Or maybe more, I've seen how you look at each other, that's not a friend way" he said. Shit how could he have known.

"Maybe next time you break one of my rules, he will accidentally trip and fall onto my ignited lightsaber." He said growling. What the hell!

"Now we don't want that now do we?" He asked her and she shakes her head. "Good, now don't break anymore rules you worthless excuse of a padawan." He said using the force to choke her.

Why is the general saying that to her. And why is he hurting her. I'm using all the will in my body to stay in my hiding place and not charge at him.

She brings her hands to her neck and start clawing at it. Trying to get some air I'm guessing. "Remember I have eyes everywhere" he said before he used the force to smash her into the floor, knocking her out.

I wait till he walks away. I look back at ahsoka to see her head bleeding and she is laying on the floor. I run to her. I start shaking her. "Ahsoka" I said.

A few moments later her eyes open weakly. "Ahsoka are you ok" I asked her with worry. She looks at me strange. "Yes trooper I was just taking a nap" she said. It hurt my heart when she refereed to me as trooper.

"Ahsoka I just saw everything" I said. Her eyes go wide, "yes you saw me taking a nap" she said avoiding my eyes.

"No, I saw General krell threaten my life and hurt you!" I said aggravated now that she was lying again.

"No trooper, you are mistaken, go get some rest, you must be tired" she said getting up. She stumbles and starts to fall. I rush and catch her. She gets out of my arms quickly and looks around.

She starts walking off. I run up to her. "Ahsoka I know what I saw" I said grabbing her arm to stop her from walking. She winces.

She looks at me with a pained expression. "Then you know to stop talking to me or he will hurt me and you" she said ripping her arm out fo my hand. She walks off. "And Rex dont tell anyone please" she begged. I nodded. And she walks away.

I promise you ahsoka I will get you out of this.

That's the end of the chapter! Comment your thoughts on it.

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