Chapter 8

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Ahsoka pov

I ran over to my masters voice. I still can't believe Rex knows now. If I know him, he is gonna try and stop what's happening. And he's gonna get himself hurt or even killed. No I don't want to think about that now. I must focus on the mission.

I see my master coming into view. He was standing next to a (the big circle thing where they make their battle plans, don't know what it's called). I rush over and bow. "Master" I said. "Captains" he called. Spirit and Rex came running over.

"Lets go over this battle plan" my master said. (This is the part where they go up that main rode and are forced to keep moving).

"Everyone got the plan?" He asked. Everyone nodded. "And don't retreat no matter what" my master said. "Now dismissed, go tell the other clones the plan, padawan come with me I need to speak to you" master krell said. I nod and follow him back into the woods.

"Yes master" I said. "No matter what, with that plan, you don't turn back, you keep pushing, no matter what. If you don't, I will kill Rex, understand" he said. I nod my head. I hate this so much. I guess this is why jedi shouldn't form attachments.

He punches me in the gut and he walks off. I start following from a distance. I hear someone call my name from behind me. I turn around to see fives. "Yes trooper" I said. "Hey Commander Tano, how are you" he asked. I wish I could tell him everything.

"I'm fine" I said and I turned to follow my master again. But he stops me by grabbing my arm, causing me to wince in pain. "Don't you recognize me?" He asked. I know my master was watching. "Yes ct-5555, now if you excuse me, I really must be going" I said. His face looked sad when I called him by his number.

"Sir are you alright?" He asks. I just turn and start walking away. My master spots me. He grabs my hand and pulls me behind a tree. Oh no. He punches me in the gut. "No talking to clones" he growled then left.

I clench my teeth trying not to let out a noise of pain, it hurts so bad. I pull it together and walk out from behind the tree. I notice fives looking at me with a shocked face.

"Don't tell anyone please I'm sorry" I said and ran away. My master pulled me off to the side again. "I see your friends with that clone too? Ct-5555 is it? Fives? Yeah I'll kill him along with Rex if you don't follow my orders" he growled in a low voice so no one could hear him except me. I nod my head. I hate this so much.

Fives pov

It felt like my heart had shattered into a million tiny little pieces. She just called me by my number. She never ever does that. She knows how much it hurts us. I have to follow her to find out what's up. Something isn't right. This isn't the ahsoka I know.

I follow her and see the general pull her to behind a tree. I go to a close tree and hide behind it. Peaking my head out slightly, so I could see.

The general punches her in the gut. What the hell. That isn't supposed to happen. The master isn't supposed to punch the padawan in the gut. The general isn't supposed to punch the commander in the gut. And an adult isn't supposed to punch a child in the gut.

"No talking to clones" I hear him faintly say. What the hell, is that why ahsoka was being weird? He walks away. I come out from my hiding place at the same time ahsoka does. I look at her with a shocked face.

She looked up at me in fear. "Don't tell anyone please I'm sorry" she said and ran away. I turn and walk away. Oh I'm telling someone. I walk over to Rex. "Captain can I speak to you for a moment?" I ask him. He nods and we walk away from our brothers.

"Rex, Commander Tano is in trouble" I said. He dosn't look shocked. "I just saw the general punch her in the gut" I said. He nods. "Why aren't you shocked by this Rex!" I said surprised. He looks at me sadly. "Cause I already know" he said.

"How?" I ask him. "I followed her after having a strange convo with her. I saw the general lift her from the ground using the force. Saying how she broke the rules. How her abuse wasn't enough punishment. Fives he started threatening my life." He said. I looked at him in shock. "Why your life?" I asked him. That's strange.

"He somehow found out me and ahsoka dated" he whispered to me. Other then anakin, I was the only one that knew they dated.

"How?" I ask. "Apparently the way we look at each other. But he started saying if you don't follow my orders and rules, Rex will accidentally trip into my ignited lightsaber" Rex told me. I look at him in shock. "Then what happened?" I ask him.

"He started choking her. He then used the force to shove her onto the floor, she passed out from that. And her head started bleeding." He told me. I look at him in shock.

"She has burn marks all over her. Bruises and injuries, that's why she wears the cloak" he told me. I did find it strange how she wasn't showing any skin, she always told us she liked to show at least a little skin. It made her feel less restricted.

"Fives, all of General krell's men know" he told me. I look at him in shock. "Why haven't they been helping her, or reported him?" I ask in shock. "Well, some of them hate Jedi. Since all they have known is krell. Some of them don't want to get involved. Some are scared krell will hurt them. And some of them just plain don't care" he told me.

I know if the 501st knew ahsoka was getting hurt, they would help and tell someone. "So she is all alone?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "Two clones help her secretly" he told me. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Maybe they can help us get her out of this?" I suggested. Rex nodded. "I was planning to go talk to them but then you came up to me" he rode me. I nodded. "Lets go talk to them" I said.

Rex led the way over to two clones. He pulled them to the side, away from other clones. "We know about ahsoka" Rex told them. They look at each other in fear.

That's the end of the chapter! Comment your thoughts on it. I'll update soon. Bye!

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