6: strike a match

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On the training grounds, Leon had already rounded up the men. There were several pairs already sparring, testing out swordsmanship and fighting sequences across the field. Merlin noticed Gwaine and Percival swinging at each other, but... something was off about it. Percival was obviously pulling his hits and Gwaine was more focused on his hair than practice (which, okay, was nothing new but— Percival was making it weird).

To the right of them, Merlin spotted Sir Brennis taking a water break, leaning against a tree and breathing heavy. He was probably Leon's partner, since Leon was the only one who didn't have one. Leon himself was standing in front of Merlin, Arthur, and Sir Brennis, studying battle scrolls as his partner rested up.

Merlin was just about to go up to Leon and rip off the bandage when Arthur shoved him away. "No," he whispered. "Hang out of sight until I can break it to my men."

Well, if he wanted to do it the hard way. Merlin shrugged and walked over to Sir Brennis, exchanged hellos, and sat on the other side of the tree so he couldn't see the knights and they couldn't see him. He turned his head a little, though, enough to catch Lancelot and Elyan swordfighting, and he smiled. He was excited to reconnect with Elyan. They'd always been friendly with each other, having Gwen in common, and perhaps naively Merlin wasn't very worried about him. After all, he was Gwen's brother. He could pretty much expect the same reaction, couldn't he?

"Do you think something's going on with Sir Gwaine and Sir Percival?" Sir Brennis asked him, throwing a sprinkle of water at his head. The cool drops landed on his forehead, and Merlin laughed, wiping them away.

"Yeah," he said.

"Okay, just making sure someone else sees it."


After Arthur told Merlin to go out of sight, he did go to the only place that was really reasonable to hide considering Leon was right in front of them, but Arthur was still annoyed. Here he was, trying to break the news to his right-hand that his manservant and unbeknownst lover best friend had returned from the dead, and Merlin was cozying up with Sir Brennis. Of all people! He was too young, first of all, and frankly had no concept of boundaries. Flicking water at his servant. Laughing with his servant. Moving to the other side of the tree so he can lean against his servant.

Yes, he'd have to have a long talk with their newest knight. A long talk indeed.

But for now, Arthur thought, shaking his head to clear it, he should be focusing on Leon.

As soon as he approached, Leon seemed to sense him. He turned around and, sounding relieved, exclaimed, "There you are, sire! Lancelot told me you had an urgent matter to deal with and expressed a desire to not be interrupted, but I knew you were stressed about keeping the knights prepared, so I thought I'd gather them while you were attending."

"Yes, thank you, Leon. I was just about to gather them myself." Arthur cleared his throat. "Leon... there's something I need to speak to you about."

Leon looked both ways for potential eavesdroppers, then leaned in and whispered, "My Lord?"

Arthur cleared his throat again. This wasn't going to be easy. Best to just come out with it. "It's about Merlin, he—"

"You can't still blame yourself, My Lord."

He flushed, knowing Merlin could hear their conversation. "No, I—"

Leon shook his head, like he was disappointed. "Because, really, I know you miss him, but if you'll forgive me for saying so... the knights need a leader, and Camelot needs their king."

Arthur, hearing at once the truth and falsity of it, bristled. "Merlin!" he called— admittedly without thinking it through. Merlin's mop of black hair popped around the other side of the tree trunk, and he nearly smiled. It was too late to turn back now. "Come here."

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