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"Oh, Gray. Come on in." Said Natsu while moving aside to let Gray in his house.

"Yo, Natsu."

"It's a bit messy. Sit wherever to can make some space." Natsu said while handing Gray a can of coke.

"You have been really busy lately. " Gray said.

"Of course. Erza is finally getting married. I want there to be no mistakes.

She finally decided to get married. Gosh, I though I was going to die off a bachelor." Natsu sneered.

"To think you will seriously push back your marriage for three years. You made Lucy wait along with you." Gray said laughing.

"Erza has always been like a sister to me. I decided I will only marry after I walk her to the ailse as her bridesmen. Lucy agreed to it." Natsu sounded really happy Gray would see it in his eyes.

"Erza is such an amazing person. You make sure her big day is perfect.
I am also glad she is getting married. I am sure that man will make her happy, he would do anything for her."

"Gray you sound like a creepy old man who is trying to drink away his sorrows. You having regrets?"

"Oi, you want to die? You are clearly saying some misleading words. Seriously, if anybody heard you I would surely be in trouble.
No matter what you think I am a happy man now."

"I know, I know. I was just pulling your leg." Natsu said laughing.

"Both of us know we didn't break off because of someone else.
Thinking back we starting dating on a whim, based on the crush he had back on college days.
I was attracted by her charms, dating her was fun. We broke up as we realized love is more then enjoying each other's company and caring for each other. We failed to find that stability together. But dating her I came to know her better and I came to admire and respect her more then ever. So, I regret nothing of it." Gray took a deep sip from the can of cake.

"But things got really confusing after that. Man, that was some hard time." Natsu sighed.

"Well yeah, things got really awkward there. Though we wanting to stay as good friends I hated the ideas of not being able to enjoy life with everyone.
I am really grateful that Gerard helped us out back there. We couldn't have made it to today if he didn't provide the push we needed. You guys also helped out but coming from him was different since I knew how he felt and maybe by then Erza must have realized it too." Gray smiled.

"Gray you remember his face after being rejected when he offically proposed?
Surely he didn't expect an immediate respond but he never though he would be rejected flat out.
Pufft, I would die off laughing remabering his face." Natsu laughed really hard.

"Erza remained single for more than half a year after we broke up. I was getting worried back then though she always laughed and said everything was fine." Gray sighed.

"I am sure it was her own way of ensuring Gerard wasn't a replacement for you and she also needed to sort out her feelings."

"Gerard is a really nice guy he kept being a friend with Erza and wasn't even being pushy in anyway, to the point that Era was worried that he might have get-over her when she decided to propose Gerard back." Gray said.

"You think so?
I have worked with him so I know Gerard is the type of guy who is nice to only people he cares about. Another then that he is an arrogant jerk. Only soneone as patient as Ultear can be his assistant."


"I will tell you what, the few months Ultear was in maternity leave Gerard had to change his assistant a dozon time. Most of them resigned on their own accord.
Ultear had to literally rush-back to work as soon as her leave ended."

"Hard to believe."

"Though he had to allow Ultear to bring the baby in the office.
What surprises me is seeing how much he likes babies. He takes really good care of the baby while Ultear is busy. The baby may end up taking Geard to be his father." Natsu laugh out.

"Oi, let's go grab something to eat. Then I will head back. I don't wanna be late in the bachlor's party tonight."

"Sure. It must the best party ever."

The wedding day~~~

"We will finally see Erza as a bride. I feel so excited. I wish i could help out oreparing for the ceremony." Nezuka said pouting.

"No. It is better this way. I don't want you to trip over while being clumsy. You need to remember you are not alone anymore. You should only thinking about the lilltle ones safety now." Gray said while cuddling his wife.

"Look she is here.
She surely is the most beautiful bride in the world." Nezuka almost jumped up in excitment.

"Erza, you look amazing." Gerard complimented.

"You don't look bad either." Erza said smiling.

I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.

Gerard then felt surprisingly nervous, the woman he loves is finally his wife. He tried to calm down and recollect himself.

"Oi, Gerard what are you so emberessed about now? You had no problem kissing her in the office infront of all the staffs." Natsu shouted out.

"I swear, that loud-mouth is...."

Before he could finish, Gerard felt his collar being grabbed then a pair of soft lips on his own. He was surprised for a moment but quickly savoured the taste of the kiss from his beloved.

"That's what you get from ignoring what's right infront of you." Erza chuckled.

"I hope you will be prepared for the payback tonight. You will on calling my name all night." Gerard softly whispered in her ears.

"We will see about that."


I know it took me more then a year to give this story a proper ending. And I really hope that the reading who were looking forward to it will get to read this final chapter. I personally like how it turned out and i hope everyone else will enjoy it too.

Gray didn't end up with Juvia hehe. I felt like having them end up together wilk make it feel like Erza and Gray weren't 100% loyal.
I choose Nezuka instead. She is super cute, right? Truth be told I even considered Rukia with Gray but Rukia has Renji (and probably Ichigo as well 😜 ) 😍

How the love between Gray and Nezuka blossomed might be a story for the future. No promises though.

At the end I would say it was fun writing this story. Hope you had fun too.

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