Nothing Apart from Him

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As I type these words, my heart grieves for the whole world because we have rejected a love that is like no other. We keep on looking for love from other people but a genuine love stands before us. This is a love that knocks at the door of our hearts. This is a love like no other. This is the love of God through his Son Jesus Christ that we often reject. Why? It is because we don't want to let go of this world. I learned that apart from Christ I am nothing and all the things I achieved and will achieve are useless if I don't have Jesus in my life.

We think we are alright, that we don't need Jesus in our life but I am one hundred percent sure that you will never receive peace unlike the peace that comes from Christ Jesus. You will never be fulfilled and will always feel empty apart from the Lord Jesus.

It is hard to surrender and obey because we fear our future but our future is in His hands—in God's hands. There is nothing to be afraid of. Have faith!

As I look at my life and recall all the times I chose to be afraid and tried to live a life apart from Jesus, I always failed and was never fulfilled. It is because God is showing me that apart from His Son, I am nothing.

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