Only Jesus

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This world can offer me a lot of things but it will not take away my eyes from Jesus Christ. All my life, I was kept in His warm arms that protected me from the world's lies, deception and sin. Being enveloped with love from the Lord takes away all the doubt, the worries and all the lies that the enemy tries to pour in my mind. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and it is only through Him that I can come to the Father. A personal and everlasting relationship with Jesus will draw me closer and closer to God—not relying on my own strength and capability for it is in Jesus that I find strength and perseverance to continue. It is in Christ that I find the genuine joy of staying in His presence more worth that silver and gold of the world's treasures. A short happiness in this temporary world cannot compare to the eternal joy of being in the presence of God.

Always, I will always choose Jesus above anything else.

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