My Unique Art

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Every kind of art we do is unique even if we do the same thing. Like for example, even though I can draw and you can also doesn't mean we're not unique from one another. We still have different approach to the kind of art we do. Music, acting, writing, painting, dancing, speaking and other forms of art are ways for us to express our unique selves.

I learned that comparison is never a key to a great artistic approach in life. Constant comparison that an artist does with his or her co-artists will only deprive him or her from seeing his or her work beautiful or authentic. He or she would always feel melancholic over his or her works because he or she compared it to other artists of the same field. Comparison has greatly damaged a lot of artists' masterpiece and most of the time it sets up value for the artist himself or herself. It's sad, but it has to stop.

Over the course of my writing journey, I believe I was also called differently in this field of art that I chose and dedicated my life to. God has called me in this field to glorify His name and to make Jesus Christ known. If I will compare myself to other writers, they are more profound and let's say has many readers compared to me because they get to touch other people's lives with their writings in their own unique way. I admire them for it. Needless to say, did that make me change the way I write? By trying out their style? No, I didn't because I believe in my own unique voice. At the same time, I believe it is not a matter of how many readers I get because even with little of them, the thing I want to captivate more is their souls which God wants to touch through every writing I make. God wants to reach out to them and allow them to have a personal relationship with Him through the Lord Jesus Christ. And to me, that's the most rewarding thing I can ever achieve, my readers' souls turned to God through every stroke of my pen.

So if you are caught up in a situation wherein you're trying to manipulate your works by comparing them to others or you're one of those people who just want to give up because you see other artists in the same field successful than you, here is something you ought to remind yourself everyday: "I am a unique artist, and my art is just as authentic as I am."

Your art is you and not them. Don't change it for someone else.

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