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i sit slumped at my desk tapping my pencil to the steady rhythm of the beating rain.

it's quiet in the classroom. blinds shut, dark- but dark enough to see.
i cant seem to focus. my mind is astray, somewhere distant. maybe even cloudy.

a teal set of eyes wander the room. uninterested and dull, steadily grazing upon the other students- on occasion locking eyes with the wall or floor.
but his eyes never manage to land on them.

it seems that (name) and Jotaro Kujo both share no interest in participating.
however, this is a reality where neither of them are
aware of each - others existence. at least, not quite yet.

the pencil tapping eventually came to a holt, and so did the paced drops of rain slamming on the windows.
silence once again rang deaf in their ears, setting them in unease.

the only noise that could be heard were the sudden gusts of wind, and the slight hum of violins and drums two floors above.
(name) looks down at their worksheet. empty. no spaces were filled out and no equations had been completed.

a silent sigh murmurs it's way into the atmosphere as they got to work.


the bell rings, signalling that class had finished. the lights flashed on, making everyone groan and complain. "turn the damn lights back off! "god, my eyes!"

ignoring their irritating whines, (name) stands up and packs their things in a rush.
"man, now that i think about it... my ass feels real sore. maybe i was sitting down too long."


"do you ever shut your mouth?" one of them yells. the other one only snorts in response, followed by a few moments of silence.

"nah. guess not. seriously, though. i'm not trying to get caught doing something so outrageous out her-"
"oh, be quiet! don't make it sound like that you dumbass! dear god."
"right. sorry." she awkwardly chuckles. Versalees only offers a blank, disgusted expression.

they both continue walking to the gate, a tight, thick silence settling between the two of them. neither of the two attempt to break it.

"pull me up." versalees offers, looking up at the tip of the gate's walls. the other sneers, but reluctantly agreeing.
"god! your heavy. try losing some weight first you cretin. what? do you think i'm willing to break bones for you? pìss off!"
"shut up and hurry! we don't have time, jackass!"
and there's suddenly a loud thud on the floor.


".... just to be clear, i stole the keys. we can just, um... open the gate. and go. normally, you know?" she wearily speaks, lightly pushing it open and awkwardly fumbling with her hands waiting for her partner to stand up.

versalees only rubs her head and clings onto the metal bars of the gate for support. she shoots Deega a look, and stumbles forward in an attempted walk.


"you'll be okay going home? by yourself? are you sure?" she asks. "yeah, it's whatever. it was only a little fall."
though she did a horrendous job of helping her companion, it was an attempt. Deega had tried to patch up versalees' wounds by ripping up small pieces of paper and sticky-taping them on as substitute to bandages.

that small, "thanks."  was all Deega needed. she was satisfied plenty with that.
sighing, she turns and heads home. it had indeed been a rough day, having to hammer down a smile with a screw and nails.
finally, she could rest.


she suddenly feels a stop. a jolt. she had bumped into something soft.
looking ahead of her was (name). they looked just as equally confused as she was.

"oh. uh, you okay there? sorry. for bumping into you." you say half heartedly. really, you were extremely irritated and were waiting for her to move out of the way since she had been taking up the whole space of the walkway.

"yes, yes. just fine, thank you! i'm so sorry, i hadn't looked where i was headed." she states, "though this isn't really related, it's real nice to meet you!" Deega smiles, outstretching her hand.

for a moment, you cringe. such an awfully dressed woman- bright pink lipstick, navy and sky blue checkered vest with some kind of logo on it- and brown tights with the black loafers. you couldn't believe the atrocity you were witnessing. it was like seeing some guys microscopic dong.

before outstretching your hand in return, you put on a glove on your right hand. you had no idea what .... depths, that hand had lurked, and you weren't going to take any chances.

"yeah. real nice to meet you too. but uh, listen. i've gotta go on my good ol way home. i'd really appreciate if you could just," keep it together. "..move. you know? just out of the way a little bit. i would really be appreciative of that." you manage to muster out. really, this was a pretty tiny walkway for the place that you were in. it was a pretty tight spot to fit in.

it seems like it takes her a few moments to process your ask. "oh! yes. of course. well, have a safe journey home! bye!" she waves, walking past you.

"what the hell?"

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