Gally Imagine

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He was such a jerk.

The guy with the funny eyebrows. Ever since I came up from the box, all he's ever done is glare at me. If he ever spoke to me he'd bark at me. I'm just going to be honest, the first time I met him, I had feelings for him. He came down in the cadge, pulled me up, welcomed me and he's never acted ordinary since. I wouldn't tell my friend Newt or Ben, they'd just tease me. I planned not to tell him how I felt. Gally. My stomach flips at the mention of his name. I honestly never expected anything weird to happen. That was until bonfire night. A new greenie came. Boy. So we had to have a bonfire. That meant someone would get terribly drunk, but laugh about it tomorrow. Gally made his famous drink that got all the gladers tipsy, including himself. I myself, was not in the mood to get tipsy. I felt annoyed and frustrated. This feeling swept away however, when Gally walked towards me. "Hello Y/N!" He smiled, which was a bit odd. "Gally." I smiled back. He sat down next to me, staring at me. "I've been staring at you for a while. And I just want you to know, your soo pretty." He said. I felt taken aback. My cheeks turning a shade of red. But that wasn't it, oh no. He placed both my hands in his, grasping them tightly, he kissed them both. "Gally-"

"Shhhh, don't worry, this is a dream. Right? Not real." He blurted. I felt taken aback. Nodding slowly, it'll be funny to play along. "Y-yes it is." I replied. He nodded smirking. Walking away singing a random song from the top of his head. I stood up, taken aback from what had just happened. I slowly walked towards the sober people of the glade i.e, Newt, Alby and Chuck. "Hey guys."I yawned resting my head on Newt's shoulder. "What did Gally want?" Asked Newt. I yawned again. "He just was just drunk and was being silly." I told him. Newt wasn't only a friend, he was like a brother, he care for me as if I were his sister. "Okay." He mumbled. Us three continued to talk, until Alby announced that they had to take the drunk gladers to bed. "Night, stay safe." Newt whispered as I hugged him goodbye. The moment I closed the door of my private hut, I dashed to my pillows and screamed inside them. GALLY KISSED MY HAND! GALLY CALLED ME PRETTY! What did this mean, does Gally like me? I lay on back, staring at the roof, thinking of Gally. I yawned, my eyes getting heavier. About to finally sleep, I heard a gentle knock on the door. I rolled out of my bed. "I'll be back darling." I whispered to it opening the door. It was Gally. "Gally I-" Before I could say anything, Gally moved in onto me. Kissing me, passionately. Of course, without hesitation I kissed back. Moving a hand through his rough hair. His hands wrapped around my back. He pushed me fore-ward, closing the door with his foot. I pulled away. "Gally what are you doing?" I asked. He smirked, the scent of his drink was in his breath. "I just wanted to do that for a while." He smirked. Kissing me on the cheek before leaving. I stood there, stunned on the spot, trying to absorb what had just happened.

__________________the next day_____________

My eyes opened, burning out of the light from outside. I changed my clothes, grey tank top and blue denim shorts. I walked outside, to see what Frypan had for me to eat. Bacon and eggs. I walked with my breakfast on an empty table. "Hey Y/N" It was Newt.

"How was your night?" I grunted out of reply, my mouth filled with food. "Interesting." He replied, gesturing for Minho, Alby, Chuck and Ben to come. "Did you hear what happened to Gally?" Chuck whispered. Newt gave him a look, making him shut up. "No, what happened?" I asked. Minho and Ben exchanged smirks. Alby placed his cutlery down and walked away. "What's his problem?" I asked. Chuck looked up at Newt his baby eyes shining with plea. Newt slammed his cutlery on the table. "Fine! Go ahead."

"Gally is embarrassed."

"Gally. Embarrassed?" I asked. 

"He just came from your hut, angry and red faced, saying 'i'm such an idiot' " 

"Why?" I asked. Chuck shrugged. "Did you do anything with Gally while he was drunk." Newt asked, making Ben choke on his eggs, Minho slamming his palm on Ben's back. "N-no." I told him. Newt raised an eyebrow, before walking away. "Okay, well I have to go and help Alby. See you shanks later." He walked away. I looked at Chuck "Any special request for lunch?" I asked him. He shrugged, "I think Frypan will make his stew."

"I think you're right." I told him. Walking to Frypan, he was stirring the pot. "Wait!" He cried. Before grabbing a spoon and stuffing it inside my mouth. It was hot, but smooth, sliding down my throat, I cleared it coughing. "Not nice?" He asked.

"H-hot." I panted. 

"Oh right." He said. "Well, once you're ready, I'd like you to continue to stir it, and add the vegetables once in a while. Oh and don't forget to taste!" I put my thumbs up, holding my throat. The hotness cleared. So I stirred the pot, adding vegetables once in a while. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I MISSED BREAKFAST?" I heard a yell. It was Gally. I looked up. He was hungry. Angry. Hangry. I walked towards Frypan. It's okay Fry, i'll make him some and you can stir the stew."


"No, no, I insist!" I say, pushing him away. Setting up the fire to cook. "You can sit down while I cook." I told Gally. He walked to an empty table and sat there. It took a few minutes until I finished his breakfast. Pouring it onto a wooden plate, I handed it to him. "There you go Gal." I said, turning to walk away. "Wait Y/N." He called. "I need to talk to you." He said. I sat next to him. "Listen what happened about last night."

"No, I understand Gally, you were drunk, you did some regretful things."

"That's the thing, I didn't regret anything. I just thought, I was just acting really stupid, I'm sorry. I understand if you don't have any feelings for me too, I understand." He said. Geez, boys were clueless. I cupped my hands on both his cheeks, then pecked his lips. "I love you stupid." I told him. Gally just stared down at me. He looked shocked. I took my hands down his face. Walking up. "Y/N, wait." He said. I turned. "I-I love you too." He mumbled. His lips met mine, this time it felt more special. "Gally." I whispered in his ear. "I have to go work, so do you." He moved away from me, smiling. "Wait, before I go, are we..."



"Um, I guess so?"

"Great." He said, walking away. "See you around Sailor." He called. Making my heart melt. 

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