literally not g*ay chapter😡😡😡

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As they left house Risotto realised that he made a biggest mistake in his whole life, he left their children home alone.

"So,,, now we need to accept a life of homeless people i guess..." said Risotto while Prosciutto was staring at him in a big confussion.
"don't u understand....?"
"dude, did u drank more than usual or smth , u literally grabbed my ass with saying that we need to go to the kiosk, and now u're saying that we are homeless, like wtf"
" we left these dumbasses at home alone,, like why tf we are NOT homeless, now..?"R
"goddamit, please, do not include my little sweethartest Pesci to- WAAAAIIIIT"

and they both started to cry, while going to the mf kiosk that was literally 69 meters from them, but they were so drunk so they made some circles while going there.

They entered the kiosk. A cashier lady fell unconsious with some other ppl, because noone was excpecting that some bdsm goth clown with crocs on with his (boy)friend that just looks like russian drunk man, (((nothing special))), will enter this little shitty bitty kiosk. A random little boy just started to cry because he was so scared. HE WAS IN PANICK.

after few minutes of trying to understand the fuck just happened, they abused a child and theny e e t e d  to the second cashier which was about to call the police

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after few minutes of trying to understand the fuck just happened, they abused a child and then
y e e t e d  to the second cashier which was about to call the police.
They stole some bottles of vodka, whine and also pack of doritos that Risotto really wanted to taste from the start of this shitty day.

They left the kiosk and went to the nearest playground. It was about 6 pm so there were less children and  those children who were there just shitted their pants and left the fuck from there, so that they were left alone there.

Prosciutto was going to sit on a bench that was closer to them, but he was too fucking drunk that he bent off on his own leg.
"ouch" Pr
"bro u so clumsy, r u ok?" R
"am i?" Pr
they fell silent in thought.......

"Um, are u just gonna sit on a ground, u'll freeze ur ass..." R
"Dude u're so worrying abt my ass it's so cute omfg" said Prosciutto with absolutely serious face.
"um, m'kay, maybe u wanna seat on a bench?????"R
Risotto held out his hand and waited till Prosciuttoes will grab it.
Peosciutto was quite confused, but then he grabbed it, and forgot to let it go. So they were just sittin there, h- h..holmding hands😳😳😳😳??

//daeyumn i drew their hands wrong way ughghghghhgahhghu//

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//daeyumn i drew their hands wrong way ughghghghhgahhghu//

"dude, don't ya think it's kinda weird?"R
"whatchu talkmkin abt?"Pr
"hmm,, i'm talkin abt it's kinda weird that two adult men juss sittin on a bench drinkin whine and.....holmdin hands......"R
"um, wdym, we are not- uh you're right,,,"
Prosciutto looked at their hands and was like:
"um bruh, that's gay, u kno,,, why do u hold it?"
"man, u were the one who grabbed it."R
"oh, srsly?????"Pr
"uh,, maybe because of ur stand u got alzhaimer or smthn,,,?"R
"what a funny joke" Pr

And then Prosciutto started talk shit that he is not gay and doesn't have alzheimer, just because he grabbed his mf hand and forgot abt it. Risotto totally ignored it, cs he was too focused on what might happen when they get home (if they,,,)

" dudee, are u even listening to me?? I was trying to explain u a lot of shit 'n u just ignored me like wtf, are u even care......." Pr
"ofc, i do"
Risotto was abt to give him a kissie((not homo at all)), but then they heard weird sounds in a mf bush next to their bench.

"have a look!!! they're abt to do smthn geay omfg, and OoooOh!! i didn't know that Prosciuttoes has alzheimer, omfggg i can'ttt he is such a boomer, brUuuH💅!!!!!"
"Oi, bruv, stop shoutin at me,,, that's rude, hoHoho~"

Risotto was about to piss his pants, but instead he dropped his pack of doritos that he was opening. All doritos crumbled to the floor....
"WHY ALWAYS ME, GOD WHY" cried Risotto in a panick

Prosciutto ignored that, he was more interested why tf did he hear voices inside the bush...
"This british accent,,, even if he is literally Italian,, he is always trying to speak with british accent... Goddamit Melone wtf are u doin here..... with Ghiaccio... um why are u sittin' on him? that's gay, AND ALSO I DON'T HAVE ALZHEIMER, STOP" Pr

to be continued👺👺👺

Risotto being surrounded by stupid homo idiots (they also do crack)Where stories live. Discover now