|| Chapter 1: A Unusual Quest ||

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[Warning: There's curse words ówò. We hab an Aries in the house so-]

~December 1, Capricorn time, 7 hours aften meridiem~

The 'tapping' of shoes echoed through the walls of the corridors in the place where the Holy gods of Constallations resided.

Loud tapping.

"ORION YOU FUCKTARD WHY WOULD YOU SEND US, ESPECIALLY M E, ON A QUEST?! " A fuming Ram entered the room, slamming the door to the quarters of the great archer open and glared at him.

"Little Ram, ca-"


" Reine-"


"Reine, child, it would be better if you were to cope with other people that you do not know. You've been in this quarters for a long time now."

The girl just huffed, crossing her arms and looking away. The ram, identified as Reine, had shoulder lenght black hair with fire highlights tied in a ponytail so that it wouldnt get tangled on her cinnamon bun shaped horns. She also had dull Maroon eyes in which, if looks can kill, can murder you. She wore a red dress that had orange silk draped over the skirt part. She also had a sword's sheath strapped onto the side of her waist. The girl kind of..lacks height as well.

" Fine, fine. But when we get back here with your fucking star, I'd definitely want a reward. "

The archer only smiled at her response, before patting her head. This made the girl's eyes widen.


"Your new acquaintances will be here soon. For now I shall ready my bows"

Reine just glared at his fleeting body and huffed, looking out of the window.

'An adventure huh...'


"Come onnnnnnnn Reine! You dont smile like,you just glare at-EEK" A Virgin girl screeched as Reine glared at her with playful hatred.

"Shut up, Nat" The girl, now identified as Nat, just smiled and poked her cheeks. Nat had long black hair with a golden band that sat atop her head. She had gleaming purple eyes, and her body was covered with a white dress adorned with gold.

"You wouldn't get a husband with that snarky-OW" Reine has enough of the girl's blabber and decided to nudge her hard enough for her to slink into a ball, whining.

"Avery help meeee"

"In your dreams"

"Why is everyone so mean to meeee" The Virgo whinned as Avery, a Taurus, rolled his eyes.The male had dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes. He also had a pair of horns with golden accessories on top of his head.

"Hey Ram-"

"Reine. Get that right you bull."

" Call me Avery then. "

"Oh fuck no-"

"Silence, children" The three glanced to where Orion stood as he smiled. Though, Reine focused more on the people behind him, narrowing her eyes.

"The travellers are here"Each and every one of the new people behind Orion showcased themselves as Nat squealed, whilst Reine and Avery stood silent.

"Eek! Avery we will have new friends! Isn't that-"

"Yeah yeah now shush" The bull hushed his Virgin friend(not like theyre all non-virgins there-*slapped*) as the new people introduced one by one.

"I have come from the Village of Cöeral to your aid, your league" A male with brown hair, huge chocolate brown eyes which made him look more like a boy than a man, blue gills with green edges and bluish-green scales on some part of his body bowed before them, smiling sweetly as Reine scoffed; "I am Prince Triton of the Pisces'"

"From the Aquarius" A boy with light brown hair, blue eyes, and female-like features with a vase strapped on his back looked away, "Tap"

"Eek!They're all so cuteee!!!!!!" Reine immediately cuts off Nat by covering her mouth, the girl making muffled noises.

"Whats happening here..?" A platinum blonde haired girl enters the scene, yawning as her fish friend(A pisces), with blonde hair and magenta eyes supported her sleepy state.

"You're just in time, little Rin, little Leonardo" The girl uttered a small 'huh?', before looking at the people before them.

"Who are they?" Orion smiled, shaking his head carelessly

" They'll be your companions in this battle of finding my Polaris"

"W H A T-"


"Thank you for making our map, dear Reine" The girl just huffed, "Whatever"

"Now, I assume the Polaris is somewhere located in the underworld; being held captive by the evil sorceress known as Lita" Orion's eyes darkened, "She is the only one who took interest of the Polaris' power, and I do not know what she'll use it for"

"So you're saying, Orion-sama" Rin started, poking the place where the underworld is on the map, "We'll have to go here?"

" But that is too far! " The Aquarius intervined and huffed, "It'll take months before we get there if we're walking!"

" I will afford the transportation! " Nat offered, clasping her hands together. The archer just looked at her expectantly, before nodding.

[The pic above is what the carriage looks like]

"It is settled then" Orion closed the map, before handing it to Reine, "You'll be their leader"

"WHY ME/HER" She heard a couple of them say, making her a tad bit disheartened.

"Well...Arieses are great at leading, and I've seen that in you for a while, little Aries" Nat gave Reine a thumbs up while Avery just huffed and looked away. Reine thought about it for a while, before making up her mind.

"...Fine.." Reine sighed, "But I'm just doing this because you all dont really have a second choice"

The archer smiled, patting her head as Reine swatted it away.

"Stop with that!"

" You are so adorable, little one"



The others were packing up their things as Reine stood behind the reighs of the carriage, humming to herself.

"Miss Reine, was it? " Triton, holding a couple of bags, approached the carriage with his fish companion, who was weirdly named 'Fishy'.

"Yeah? What is it fish boy?" She only casted a mere glance at him, to which he responded with a smile.

" Nothing. Just greeting you. " She just huffed, facing the railings as Triton giggled.

"Interesting." He mumbled, fixing up his things on top of the carriage.

"Eep! Coming through!" the two looked over and deadpanned as they saw the bags Nat held in her hands that wobbled with every step she took.

"Nat, we're not going to a plaza or something. "

"Just in case though!" The ram just facepalmed and groaned at the beaming Virgin's response.

" We can't carry all that!"

"The ram is right, Nat" Avery passed by, only carrying a small sack filled with necessities and food, "Just bring the important stuff."

" Ugh, fine" The virgin pouts and ran back inside to drop a couple things as Reine shook her head.

After a couple of moments the crew finally hits the road with Reine controlling the reighs.

~And this is the epic start of the Zodiac's adventure~

{if yall are wondering where your Zodiacs are

they'll appear sooner or later in the book ;bb

-Admin Renajuu}

[Edited: 07/09/20]

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