||Chapter 6: End of the Dark ages||

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"We're not interested in bullshit, fatso" Reine's eyes narrowed as Triton held her hand to seek comfort, Nat holding the urge not to squeal-

 "We're here for serious matters." The king raised a brow as the blondie and the ravenette from earlier stood beside him.

 " And what could that be? " Reine took a look at Leroy, who took a deep breath in the process.

"Its about the Sagitarrians"

>December 4, Capricorn time, 11 Past meridiem<

"Those wenches?" Leroy's fists clenched up as the king spoke that harsh remark, though holding his anger to not lead potential suspicion.

"Why the fuck do you hate their race so much?" The Ram raised a brow and crossed her arms over her chest, "They didn't even do shit to you people"

The king gave an almost snarky and deep laugh, staring back at Reine's own suspecting(more like glaring) eyes and stood up, walking over to a huge window on the room and gazing out of it.

"They have been our enemy before. A great scar amongst the history of Capricorns, and an eyesore to see." The king spoke and looked at Reine.

 " Knowing a traitor like you, you wouldn't get it." Reine's blood boiled at his statement but before she can even unsheath her sword; Leroy has beaten her to it. A knife against the king's neck.

 "That war happened a hundred years ago! The Celestial Eminents of Capricorns and Sagittarians have already made a peace treaty! What more do you want from us?! Why do you hate my people?!"

The two right hand men of the king were ready to attack and pry Leroy away from the king 'til it gave another hearty laugh; a dark one at that.

 "What more do I want? Well, your people's land. Your wealth. Isn't that what rulers do? They take what the other kingdom has...and destroys it" The king gave a menacing smirk as Leroy's grip on the knife got tighter.

 "Why you...asshole!"

 " LEROY NO! " Blood splattered along the red carpet beneath them as a body fell on top of the expensive fabric it was made.

 But it wasn't the king's.

 "I wouldn't suggest you to do that to our guest, your highness" A dark aura surrounded Ivan as he made a rather peculiar -but creepy- laugh whilst Viktor stared down at the bleeding body of a guard that tried to stab Leroy for himself under the king's order.

 "You two...I thought you served for me!" The king yelled in betrayal as Ivan shook his head carelessly.

 " Viktor and I have noticed the way you rule our kingdom. You're just another one of those types of rulers that always wants war, and we cannot have that kind of ruler. So... " Ivan grinned as the others stared at the exchange of conversation the two had.

 "We'll be disposing you! ehe!"

 " Y-You can't do that! I am still the king! Guards!" Suprisingly, no guard has come by to rescue the helpless King.

"I took care of them for you Vicky, Ivan~" A new voice entered the scene, and it was owned by a female.

"Ah! Mariel, Anne!" Ivan smiled at the two as Mariel; who had long brown hair with reddish streaks as a sign of being a Cancer, a blue bow atop her head, and is donned in fighting clothes smiled back at him while twirling a knife around.

"It was easy to kill them off! Right Anne?" The girl looked up to the taller female who also had long hair that is colored black, and gave a hum at the happy female.

" C-Cancers! June Desert i-is pretty far from here...i-is it not...? "The king stuttered out as he backed away to the corner of the throne room, a scared look etched on his face.

" Well! It is, but me and Anne have ways~" Mariel cooed and looked at our shocked adventurers whom was unresponsive since the two arrived.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we'll be taking care of him~"


"I'm glad you two arrived just in time" Ivan smiled at the two Cancerians and ruffled Leroy's hair (who was near him, talking to Leonardo).

"If not, this boy could've been in trouble"

"H-Hey! I'm no boy!" Leroy huffed as Leonardo gave a chuckle and shook his head.

" No problem, Ivy~ You know you can always count on me and Anne! " Mariel smiled up at the taller male.

"Now that the king is away for good...who shall rule the kingdom?" Rin asked with a raised brow as Reine sighed.

" She's got a point. " The room was quiet for a short while, before Avery spoke up.

"Every kingdom can have any person of higher rank than others to be king by either election," His emerald green eyes showed that of authority, " Or by volunteering to be one, only if the people of that place know them well enough. "

"Why don't you be king, Ivan?" Mariel piped up, " The people here know you well enough, right? And I see you as a trustworthy ruler! "

Anne just nodded to her sister's words which made Ivan feel flattered for a short while, before he made up his mind.

"I will be the ruler of this kingdom." The whole room was filled with cheers and applaudes, before Ivan hushed them.

" Without you people, we wouldn't have ended the dark ages that once blankets the two Zodiacs. " Ivan smiled at the group who's hunting for a missing star, "Viktor has requested to join you people, if you dont mind?"

" Uh... " Viktor gave Reine a hard stare, to which she returned with a glare, "Fine, he can come."

" Can I come too? Anne can be your right hand woman!" Mariel beamed as Anne held her shoulder to calm her down, to which she did.

"Well, Anne?" The ravenette sighed and gave a nod while Mariel looked at her sister with pleading eyes.

" Hmn...Fine you can go as well. " Mariel cheered as she held a...blob of slime? 

"Hear that Mauve?! We're going on an adventure!" The others ( except Viktor, Ivan, and Anne) sweatdropped as she saw the Cancerian talk to the blue colored slime, who surprisingly gave a nod of agreement.

"Oh you have a pet too!" Triton beamed, taking out his own blob pet "This is Téras!"

"Such a wonderful name!" Mariel cheered, talking more to the fish prince about their pets.

'Great...more new people...' Reine thought and sighed, which Triton took note.

He excused himself in the middle of talking to Mariel, and approached the Ram; squatting down so he can look at her face clearly.

This shocked Reine as she jumped away from him.

"W-what do you want?!" She screeched as Triton enveloped her in a hug, which surprised her a lot.

"I'm here, so don't be sad" He pouted down at her as Téras nuzzled her leg. Reine gave a smirk at him (though it looked more like a smile).

"Me? Sad? Psh, no. Now let go before I punch you."









"Noisy brats..."

" Vicky don't be so mean~"

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