chapter six

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"SO, JUGHEAD REALLY wants to become a Serpent, huh?" Kiara asked Sweet Pea. They were seated at the small kitchen table of Sweet Pea's trailer and eating Chinese takeout.

"Yeah, we're starting the initiation tonight if you wanna come," He replied. "We're giving him Hot Dog at midnight."

"Wow, never thought I'd see the day Jughead Jones accepted this life," Kiara chuckled.

"You know him pretty well, don't you?"

"I used to," She smiled sadly. "We grew up on opposite sides of the tracks but we still found a way to be best friends."

"Jughead talked about you all the time," He smiled. "I hung out with him and Fangs when we were like ten, and all he could talk about was this pretty girl who'd sneak out her bedroom window to play with him."

"That night we met, why'd you help me?"

"You were lying under a bench in the pouring rain, Kiara, if I didn't help you I would officially be an asshole," He let out a laugh and she giggled. "Honestly though, I recognized you. I knew you were the girl that snuck over here to be with one of us even though she was the daughter of the Sheriff. And I respected that, I still do. Never before had I met a Northsider who would rather associate themselves with the Southside."

"I wasn't always the daughter of the Sheriff," She whispered.

He stretched his hand out and brushed her thigh gently. She grabbed his hand from the back and brought it to her inner upper thigh and held it there. She looked up and he gave her a peck on the lips.

"You're blushing, tough guy," Kiara whispered, which caused him to kiss her again. He broke off then made a trail of kisses down to the side of her neck. He grabbed her other thigh and picked her up off the chair then brought her to his lap. She tugged on his hair as he kissed her neck, then she tilted his chin up.

"My turn," She whispered then kissed him again and again until she reached his Serpent tattoo. She gently grazed her teeth against his soft skin and he let out a quiet moan which made her smile. She let her tongue slip out before softly sucking on his tattoo and creating a hickey between her teeth.

"Fuck!" Sweet Pea whisper-shouted. He pulled her off him and smiled at her. "Are you sure you wanna do this? Cause once we start I can't stop," He asked.
"I don't think I'm ready to go all the way, Sweets. I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry, we can take this slow."


Kiara woke up before Sweet Pea and laid in his arms, not wanting to move. She touched the bruises on his cheek softly and tears came to her eyes. He acted so tough, but there was no way he wasn't in constant pain. She brought her hand to his chest and winced when she saw his abs. They were purple, blue, and even black; still covered in bruises from the other night. She hadn't really gotten a chance to take a good look at where Pitbull and Archie had hit, and it shocked her to realize how much he was trying to hide it. She buried her face in his chest and kissed it repeatedly.

"Morning, Kiara," Sweet Pea grumbled, slowly opening his eyes.

"Morning, Sweets," She whispered and kissed his cheek.

"Ugh, I don't wanna go to school," He moped. "Can't we just skip?"

"Now, Sweet Pea, don't let my good looks sabotage your attendance record," She smirked and he laughed a little.

"My attendance record is irrelevant."

"C'mon, school's not that bad," Kiara said and he raised a brow. "Okay, yeah it sucks, but at least- nope, just sucks," She admitted and snuggled closer to him.

"So, we're skipping?" He smiled widely.

"Yeah, we can head over to the Wyrm later," She replied.

"Sounds good to me," He mumbled then they fell back asleep.


They walked into the Whyte Wyrm and just like last time, Sweet Pea retracted his hand the second they entered. It bothered Kiara immensely, especially because he hadn't even explained himself yet.

"Jug? Could I talk to you for a minute?" Kiara asked him, earning a confused look from Sweet Pea, who was now halfway across the room. "Alone?"

"Yeah, of course," He replied and they walked to the back room. "What's up?"

"I'm assuming Betty doesn't know you're here?" She asked and he nodded. "You sure this isn't gonna get between you guys? I don't wanna discourage you cause joining the Serpents was the best decision I ever made, but, please be absolutely sure you want to do this, okay?"

"Of course, Kiara," He smiled. "I miss the days when our worries were what we would order at Pop's or how to sneak you in and out your bedroom window without breaking a bone." Kiara giggled then sighed.

"Yeah, definitely easier than deciding if you want to join a gang," She smiled and it made Jughead laugh.
"I think I miss you more than the carefree feeling, if I'm being honest," He smiled sadly.

"I'm right here Jug," She whispered and took the chance to hug him. "We just need to spend more time together."

"Yeah, from now on, we're hanging out every single day, deal?"


"Kiara, everything okay?" Sweet Pea asked as he came into the room. "We're about to start."

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