chapter eight

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WATER RUSHED DOWN her bare back and washed away the feeling of a jail cell. Kiara combed her soaked hair and slipped on a bra and sweatpants before stepping out of the bathroom and letting Sweet Pea in to take a shower. She grabbed a sweatshirt from his drawer and threw it on before grabbing her phone from where it lay charging on the kitchen counter. She plopped on the couch and looked through her number of unread texts until coming to the ones from Jughead. She frowned with confusion and anger as she read what he sent then instantly called him.


"Jug, what the hell is happening?" She asked.

"A race is the only way to get the Ghoulies off our backs and out of Riverdale once and for all," He explained.

"But it's also extremely dangerous, Jug. And what happens if they cheat or something goes wrong or-"

"It'll be fine, Kiara. I'm using Reggie's car, Betty's fixing it up, and Archie's gonna be in the car with me."

"So, you're trusting Betty, the girl that just broke up with you via Archie, and the guy that kidnapped me? I really don't think this is a smart move Jug."

"I'm uneasy about it too, but the Ghoulies are joining the Serpents over my dead body."

"You know I've got your back no matter what," She said. "I'm not letting you die, or the Ghoulies join the Serpents."

Sweet Pea walked out of the bathroom; hair dripping and a smile on his face. Kiara couldn't stop the sheepish blush that began to take over her face when she saw the tightness of his boxers against his wet skin.

"I gotta go, Jug I'll talk later, okay?" She hung up and smiled at the boy standing in front of her. "Hey."

"Wow, you are really blushing," Sweet Pea smirked and sat beside her on the black, leather couch.

"And you're really only wearing boxers," She giggled in response.

"Hm, I guess so," He hummed and leaned in, giving her lips a peck.

"Want your sweatshirt back?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I would like it back," He smiled and she took it off, now back to wearing a bra and sweats.

He wrapped his arms around her and brought her into his lap and smiled at her before he kissed her softly. Their lips moved in sync as Kiara held his face and Sweet Pea rubbed her lower back. He tugged on the sweatpants, signaling he wanted them off. She stood up for a split second, took them off, and jumped back onto him. She made a trail of kisses down to his neck and landed on his Serpent tattoo. There was something about it that was particularly hot and she couldn't help herself as a hickey formed under her mouth.

"Are we going all the way?" He whispered between moans. She broke off and looked at him sadly.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't," She looked down and began to play with her fingers nervously. "I mean I can force it if you really-"

"Kiara, it's okay," He smiled sadly and lifted her chin up to face him. She leaned her forehead on his and their noses were touching. "Just tell me when you're ready, okay? Until then, we'll take it as slow as you want."


"So, what'd your dad want? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, he just asked how I was and if I wanted to go home," Kaira answered Sweet Pea.

"What'd you say? Do you wanna go back?"

What if she said yes? What if at that moment, Sweet Pea lost everything? What if she left him?

"I said 'I don't know'" She smiled sadly.

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