chapter fifteen

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SHE LOOKED INTO his eyes as she danced in his arms. Her white dress flowed with every step and she smiled. It finally came, her wedding day.

"I didn't think I'd make it this far," She smiled at Sweet Pea.

"You didn't," He replied, also smiling. She looked down at her dress as the blood seeped through and dripped to the floor. "Wake up, you're not dead yet."

She opened her eyes slowly and looked around her. She saw her dad and Kevin sleeping on two chairs next to her bed and she smiled at the familiar sound of their snores.

"Dad? Kev?" She tried to speak but realized it sounded nothing like actual words. Her hoarse mumble was enough to wake them up and tears of happiness instantly filled their eyes.

"Oh my god, you're awake!" Her dad gasped. He leaned in and placed a kiss on her temple before Keven gave her a tight, cautious hug.

"I thought I lost you," He whispered. They had waited three days to see her eyes open and now that she was awake they couldn't contain their happiness.

"Where's Sweet Pea?" She asked but they couldn't understand her.

"We don't know what you're trying to say, hun, but I'm so sorry I let this happen. I love you," Her dad smiled sadly.

"Sweet Pea," She tried again.

"Oh, you need to pee?" Kevin frowned with confusion and Kiara let out a quiet, hoarse laugh and shook her head.

"Serpent," She whispered.

"Oh, the Serpents! Yeah, there's one in the waiting room," Tom replied. "Want me to go get him?"

She nodded her head and mouthed 'thank you' before he smiled and left. Within a minute Sweet Pea was in the room and the expression on his face said 'I'm so sorry'.

Kevin gave them the space they wanted and needed by leaving the room and letting Sweet Pea sit in the chair next to her bed.

"Kiara, I'm so sorry-"

"It's not your fault, Sweets," She whispered and it visibly hurt her throat to speak.

"Shh, it's okay, Kiara," He hummed. "You need to rest your voice."

"I'm sorry for what I said, I was just mad because my bio-parents got arrested for selling loads of drugs so I let that get between us," She explained, pushing through the pain. "I shouldn't have said those things I should've told you how much I like you and how much you really mean to me. I thought I was gonna die, Sweets, and my biggest regret was the fact I've let the people who controlled my life in the past, control what I do now. I've made some big mistakes in my life, but pushing you away was definitely the biggest."

She took a deep breath. Her throat was now very sore, but he was able to make sense of everything she had told him.

"Kiara," He whispered and placed a warm hand on her cheek. "I love you." He leaned in and kissed her. He pulled back after a while and huge smiles were on both their faces. Their foreheads stayed connected and Sweet Pea's warm breath against her lips calmed her nerves and slowed down her rapid breathing.

The nurse came in and awkwardly knocked on the door, "hi, I heard Ms.Keller woke up." The young woman smiled and Sweet Pea sat down. He took Kiara's hand in his and entwined their fingers then she gave his hand a loving squeeze.

"I have to check your vitals, then I'm gonna have a doctor come see you, okay?" The nurse explained and Kiara nodded. She checked her blood pressure, heart rate, and a couple other things before walking out. The doctor came in not much later. He asked her some questions about how she felt and took some notes before leaving.

Sweet Pea and Kiara were alone again until a few other people came. Archie and Betty were almost as faithful as Sweet Pea in waiting for her to wake up and had been at the hospital for hours each day. Jughead didn't want to leave Betty or Kiara, so he was there every second he could be. Cheryl was also one of the few who spent hours in the waiting room daily.

"Kiki?" Cheryl said as she softly knocked on the door. "I'm so glad you're okay!" She walked up to her and smiled down at her.

"Cheryl," Kiara tried to speak but started coughing instead.

"Kiara," Sweet Pea mumbled and helped her sit up slightly until her coughing fit ended. "Please, don't say another word, okay?" She nodded and motioned that he wanted him to bend down then gave his lips a soft peck.

Archie, Betty, Jughead, and Kevin filed into the room, much to the dismay of the nurse, to support Kiara.

"Kiara, I'm so sorry!" Archie said. Kiara shook her head and smiled at him.

"Me too," Betty smiled sadly. "We're so glad you're okay!"

"Yeah, you really had me there for a second, K," Jughead smiled and gave her a friendly kiss on the crown of her head. He held her hand, the one Sweet Pea wasn't, and sat down next to her. She looked over at her childhood best friend and smiled.

She looked around the room and noticed there was a mini Christmas tree in one corner. She furrowed her brows and Jughead followed her line of sight.

"Oh, we all got you something for Christmas, of course!"

"You could open your presents now if you want, Christmas was two days ago," Kevin said and she nodded. She wanted to take her mind off what was happening and focus on something that could make her smile.

She first opened Cheryl's: three Kylie lip kits in the most beautiful shades of red, pink, and nude. Next was Betty's: a butterfly necklace that was an exact replica of the one she gave her when they were ten years old. Kiara had loved that necklace but lost it in Sweetwater River while she, Betty, Jughead, and Archie were swimming one spring.

She then opened Kevin's gift: a beautiful red lace dress. Next was Archie's: a CD of music they used to listen to when Fred would drive them up to where they went skiing when they were younger. Next, she opened Jughead's: the ring he had given her years ago hung on a silver chain. Jughead had proposed to her when they were little but she told him to keep the ring and give it to her when they were old enough to get married.

She finally came to Sweet Pea's. His wrapping skills were below average, but it was the thought that counted. She peeled back the paper to reveal a small black box. She opened it and gasped. The most beautiful ring sat on satin cloth. It was a silver snake with diamonds lined up on its back. Inside the box there were also two dog tags hung on a thin silver chain.

"Um, those match mine," He mumbled, a huge smile etched on his face. He bent down and kissed her. His hands went to her face as hers went to his. The other teens awkwardly looked away; except for Cheryl who was beaming with pride that her bestie had gotten a man.

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