seven | queen

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Like most days, Hazel was bouncing on her trampoline and singing along to her loud music.  She had been obsessing over Queen lately, having tried to convince Remus and Sirius to come to a concert of theirs with her later on in the year.  She had failed in doing that so many times she stopped asking.

She looked over towards her room just as Sirius was storming out of it towards Hazel, several papers clutched in his hand.  She stopped jumping.

"Why were you in my room?" She asks, turning down her music.

"Why are you looking at apartments in Ireland?" Sirius asks, throwing the papers at her.  She glared at him before scrambling around on the floor to pick them all up.

"That was uncalled for," She mumbles, "Now, why were you snooping around in my room?"

"Stop avoiding the damn question!" Sirius shouts, causing Hazel to take a step away from him.

"Because, Sirius, I can't do this anymore, alright?" She states, turning and beginning to walk towards her room.  Sirius grabs a hold of her arm, turning her back towards him.

"What do you mean you 'can't do this anymore'?  Is it because Remus and I won't go see Queen with you?  If you really want us to you know we will-"

"No, Sirius," Hazel interrupts, slightly raising her voice, "I can't be around you all anymore."


"All of you.  I can't be around James, or Lily, and being around you, Remus and Peter just remind me of James.  This whole apartment reminds me of him, what with all of the pictures he's in.  Every time we talk about our days at Hogwarts, he's a part of every memory.  He's a part of every good memory I have, Sirius, I just need some without him."

Sirius sighs loudly, running his hand through his hair.  

"So, what.  Your answer is to run away from your problems?  Run away from your family?" Sirius argues, noticing the tears forming in Hazel's eyes.

"I just need some time to myself, Sirius." She states, a tear finally falling down her cheek.

Sirius shakes his head and laughs.

"You're so caught up in James damn Potter that you can't even realize what you have right in front of you.  It's getting old, Hazel, it's getting really old." Sirius says, shouting the last part as he storms off to his room, slamming the door behind him.  

Remus then finally comes out of his, smiling sadly towards Hazel, who is clutching the papers of different apartments for rent tightly to her chest.

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