eleven | a declaration

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The summer of 1980 was when Hazel finally declared to herself she was over James Potter.  Shortly after beginning to get serious with Dylan, she finally decided to start opening her mail and responding to her friends.  She still kept minimal contact with them, though now she could write to them without any sort of hurt feelings.  

She had been with Dylan for the past few months, feeling content with their relationship.  To Hazel, their relationship was temporary.  The time away from everyone and being with Dylan was, as it turned out, exactly what she needed.  She enjoyed spending time with Dylan and his two friends, Connor and Riley.  

Her mind, of course, still would at times wander back to James.  It especially would on days like today, when his owl would pop up at her window.  

Sitting alone in her apartment, that was now filled with pictures of her and Dylan, she let the owl inside.  He sat on her lap as she removed the letter from his leg and opened it up.


Lily just had Harry last night, he's beautiful, and he has Lily's eyes.  I cried watching it happen, and you know how much I hate crying in front of people.  Well, Sirius, Remus and Peter are coming over on August 3, we're just going to celebrate.  Things are going alright for the first time in a very long time, Lily and I would love if you could stop by and meet Harry.   We also haven't seen you since you moved, and we all miss you.

All the love,


P.S. You showing your face would also make Sirius shut up about you, so please, think about coming.

Hazel read the note two more times, noticing how James still forgets to dot most of his i's.  She laughs to herself, before placing his owl aside and getting up to find a piece of paper and a pen.  Once she does, she scribbles her answer on it, feeding his owl before sending him back on his way.  

She kept telling herself she was over James, so finally seeing him in person wouldn't hurt, right?

Maybe just a little bit.

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