Of Cheerleaders and Busineswomen - (Oneshot 6)

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REMINDER: This was written before the situation with Ukraine, Russia, and the U.S!

A/N: Since I couldn't fit the title in the text box I'll just put it here:

Of Cheerleaders and Businesswomen(Oneshot 6) Nyo!Rusame

So plot that I generated from a random website:

Amelia: A high school senior who is a cheerleader for Alice's crew(nyo Italy's actually name). She is eccentric and loved all around the school for being one of the most positive girls, though she wants to make more friends, real friends that like her for her personality and not her appearance.

Anya: A high school senior who is ready to become a businesswoman. She is in a group of young ladies lead by Monika(Nyo!Germany) who have the same interests as her. She is feared around the school with her doll like appearance, and the way she towers over people like a shadow. All she wants is a friend, since she is so feared, here only true friend is her Chinese neighbor.

Ah shit that was long. Let's get into the story!

Anya's POV:

The click of my black heels could be heard echoing in the hall full of people who shivered in fear. Hi, my name is Anya, and people fear me.

I do not mean to come off as intimidating, though I guess my thick Russian accent doesn't help...

I get hurt my their stares and their whispers. It really does hurt. I just want to be friends with them.

I could see the look of fear from the girls, since this was an all girls school fit for every nationality. So it was common to hear an accent or verbal tick, or arguing in the halls.

Then I saw her.

She was basically skipping down the hall with basically all the carefreeness
(Is that a word? Sorry I'm tired) in the world.

She had short, curly hair that reached her shoulders that was a beautiful blonde, she had tanned skin that looked like it was kissed by the sun, her sky blue eyes sparkled with innocence, but she could see something lurking underneath.

She was wearing a skirt that was a dark green, with a brown bomber jacket that was closed, but underneath you could see breasts jiggling.

I kept walking with my head held high as she said Good morning to everyone until she stopped when she got to me and just stared.

'Just like all the others...' I thought sadly.

"Morning!" She said skipping off.

I almost lost my footing before regaining balance. Did she really talk to me? I blushed faintly remembering her southern accent that sounded heavenly.
(I'm jealous of the deep south cause y'all have actually accents)

Soon I got to my locker and people moved out of the way in fear. I got my books and things like that and locked my locker. I eventually made it to my class and sat down in the back of the class I knew no one went.

But I didn't expect to hear the slap of a book next to me.

I looked up in shock. It was the girl I saw in the hallway! Why was she sitting next to me? I was roused from my thoughts when the girl smiled at me and gave a boisterous hello that startled the class. They stared at me and her in awe, some whispered about how brave Amelia was.

'Amelia, so that's her name...'

"Hiya there! I'm Amelia! What's your name?" She said cocking her head cutely.

"Anya..." I said much quieter.

"Oh that's a pretty name! Where ya from?" Amelia once again asked.

"Russia." I made sure to get rid of the mother part since that scared people and I wanted to make a good impression.

"Oh! That's so cool! No pun intended. I was born and raised in America! Frick yeah!" She said censoring herself.

For the rest of the time we waited for the teacher, we chit chatted about a lot of things. What out countries were like, what our favorite foods were, what we liked to do, all that stuff.

Amelia was quite the interesting character. She was born in Virginia but moved to Texas when she was younger so that's why her accent was so strong. She had a couple of brothers and sisters in her massive family. Though she was closest with her sister who was Canadian, and her two brothers that were from New Zealand and Australia.

I on the other hand was much more boring. I had a handful of brothers and sisters myself, but I wasn't as close to them. My brother Nikolai was Belarusian, and always stuck around me like a shadow. Sure he was great to talk to if I was angry but he sometimes was a bit over protective.

My other brother Mykola was Ukrainian. I wasn't close to him at all so there wasn't much said.

Finally we parted ways at the end of the day, since she was in most of my classes, and I stuck around to look at the cheerleaders practice. Something tells me that we will become friends, and that tomorrow will be a good day.
I'm most likely gonna make this my first stand alone story. I wanna redo this as a longer chapter with more world building, characters, that stuff.

Anyways here you go. My first gonna be yuri oneshot.

I'm tired someone kill me.

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