Chapter Six: Serpents V.S Bulldogs

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Ariana woke up the next day, regreting almost everything about the night before.  The key word being almost. She didn't regret seeing the tall serpent again. She didn't regret the motorcycle ride. And she didn't regret running away from Archie. What she did regret was seeing that side of Archie, and she regretting coming home that night. Archie had waited for her to come home, worried sick about where she had gone. They had gotten into another fight, Ariana angry with him for having a gun, and Archie angry at her for running away from him. It ended with Ariana walking upstairs, claiming that she was tired, which she really was, due to the fact that it was almost three in the morning.

Once she had rolled out of bed, she got ready as fast as possible, not wanting to walk to school with her brother. She got into her clothes for the day, threw her hair into a loose curly Ponytail, and added eyeliner and mascara. She grabbed her backpack and rushed down the stairs. Thankfully for her, Archie wasn't in the kitchen yet. She rushed in and grabbed a protein bar for her breakfast and quickly left the house.


It was during Chemistry when Prinicpal Weatherbee and Sheriff Keller intrupeted the class.

"I'm Sorry to interupt Dr. Phalum. But Sheriff Keller and I need to see Archie and Ariana Andrews in the hallway." The twins shared a concerned look, before getting up.

"I'm sorry Prinicpal Weatherbee but the T-Shirts were my Idea, not theirs." Veronica spoke up. Ariana aprecated the jesture, but she had a feeling that it wasn't about the red circle t-shirts that Veronica made in support of Archie. She feared it was about the incident of the night before.

"This is not about T-shirts Miss. Lodge. Please sit down." The twins watched as she sat back down, a look of confusion written over her face. Ariana watched her brother whisper a few words to her before the two walked out of the door.

"I had a tip from a Southsider that said 2 Riverdale school students were waving a gun around in the front of his shop. Said it looked like they both had red hair." Ariana's heart dropped. She knew that she shouldn't have gone with Archie. Now she was going to pay for it.

"We were in our garage last night, working on some songs. Ariana was helping me." Ariana nodded in assurance, not trusting her voice.

"Well, never the less, given your behavior Archie over the last several days, we think that its prudent to have a look in both of your lockers for any weapons or contraband." 

"Weapons? Don't you need a warnant for that or something?" Archie argued. This only made Ariana more nervous, thinking that it made the two look more quilty.

"No, I do not."

"Well than maybe we should call our dad."

"Archie, it's fine." Ariana said softly, placing her hand on his shoulder. She was only ignored by the 3 men, seeing that they were more worried about Archie than her.

"I did. He's informed." Said Weatherbee. "Open the lockers or I will." Ariana nodded before unlocking her locker. Sheriff Keller shifted through her neatly kept locker, nodding to her when he was finished, signinaling that everything was alright. He moved on to Archie's locker, where Archie was more reluctant to open it.

"I don't know what you think you are going to find Sheriff." Keller starting going through his locker, which was much more messy compared to Ariana's.

"Well this is interesting." He said, pulling out a black hood. Ariana looked at it in shock, before looking at her brother. "Where did you get this hood?" Archie looked at it in confusion, before regaining his composure.

"I can explain that." He said sighing. 

"Before we continue, Ariana, please go to my office, I will meet with you there in a few moments." She nodded before quickly walking towards the office, only one thing running through her mind.

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