Chapter Seven: Unknown Number

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Thankfully, Ariana and Sweet Pea arrived at Sunnyside Trailer Park in one piece. After a few minutes asking Sweet Pea which trailer is his, and trying to understand his mumbling, Ariana successfully found his trailer, parked the motorcycle, and turned it off. The pair made it inside of his trailer before Sweet Pea collapsing on the couch.

"Where's your First Aid." Ariana asked.

"I- dotjsnt help." She glared at him, understanding his gibberish.

"Yes you do, you can barely talk." He pushed himself upright before glaring at her. She crossed her arms, glaring right back at him. "Fine. I'll go find it myself." She walked towards the kitchen, and carefully shifted through cabinets, making sure not to displace anything. When she didn't find anything in the kitchen, she moved onto the bathroom, finding the kit in a cabenet above the sink. Satisfied, she walked back over to Sweet Pea, who was now passed out on the couch. Sighing, she started cleaning him up and putting some bandages over his wounds. She didn't even know why she was doing this. He was beating up her brother, but part of her knew that it was Archie's fault. He was the one who threatened him, not the other way around.

Once she had finished cleaning him up, she put  the first aid back in the bathroom, then contenplated what to do next. She knew that she shouldn't stay, but she also knew that she would get lost again on the way home. Sighing, she decided to stay, to make sure he was alright through the night. She headed back over to the couch to help Sweet Pea lay down. She pulled a blanket that was on the back of the couch over top of him, and a pillow underneath of his head. As she was doing this, Ariana took in his features, a soft smile on her face. He looked innocent, all the anger gone from his face. She took a step back, observing him for a few seconds longer before walking over to a recilner and curling up, exhasution taking over her body.


Ariana woke up the next morning to noises in the kitchen. She slowly opened her eyes slightly to see herself sprawled out on a couch. She groggily got up, confused as to why she was on the couch. She remebered falling asleep on the chair. As her eyes adjusted to the sunlight, she saw Sweet Pea moving around in the kitchen. Shirtless. Ariana got up and walked over the the kitchen. She tried to keep her eyes off of Sweet Pea's body, but it was hard to ignore his muscles. She noticed a few scars on his torso, but with how he had acted the past few days, she wasn't surprised. Her eyes landed on a bruise where she had punched him, causing her to bite her lip in guilt.

"Like what you see?" She looked up to see him staring at her, smirking. She quickly blushed and looked down, tugging at the sleeves of her shirt.

"Morning." She mumbled quietly. He laughed a little before going back to making toast. "How are you feeling?" She asked, getting over her embarassment. She looked up, concerened when she saw his black eye.

"You and your brother have one Hell of a punch. Must be a family thing." He half-joked.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was you." She said softly. He chuckled, passing her a plate with some toast on it. She smiled in thanks, before taking a bite of it.

"Figured you were hungry." She nodded, taking another bite of it. Suddenly, she rembered it was Thursday.

"Shoot, what time is it?"

"7:30, why?"

"I have to get to school, and Archie will kill me. I left my phone at the house and him and my dad have no clue where I'm at." She quickly finished before rushing over to the couch, grabbing her rain jacket. She heard Sweet Pea laughing as she frantically got her shoes on.

"Hold on," He said, walking over towards her. "If it wasn't for you, my ass would have gotten hauled in by police, so thanks." He said leaning against the wall.

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