A Return To Hogwarts

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Quebec, Canada.

The halfway point between Denver and London. Apparition became infinitely more dangerous the further the distance, especially with an attached flyer.

They landed in a small patch of woods that he used to pick up a specific brand of mushrooms for an anti-anxiety potion. He let go of Doc's arm, and she valiantly stood her ground, throat trembling  as she swallowed down the vomit.

Such pride. It almost made him want to like her.

"You know most people vomit their first trip. There's nothing wrong with that" he told her, looking down at the ground

"I'm not most people. I'll be fine" she spoke slowly, balancing herself on a nearby pine tree

"You'll feel better if you just let it happen" he took a swig of water from his flask, eyebrow hitched as she gulped in air as if she was drowning

"God damn it..." she swore, the last convulsion doubling her over, projectile vomit at least a foot in every direction

Pulling out an anti-nausea potion, he tossed it to her, surprised that she drank it without performing her usual inquisition.

"Impressive distance" he remarked drily as she leaned her back against the tree with her eyes squeezed shut

"Shut up" she muttered grouchily, wiping her chin roughly

"We have two more rounds to go so once you get it together, we'll shove off" he informed her, drinking a pepper up potion

"I'm not even going to ask how this is possible. Let's do it" came the reply, sneaker clad feet clomping over, grabbing his elbow hastily

She had grit, he had to hand that to her. Even if she was faking it, the fact she didn't want to seem weak meant something to him. She needed to prove her strength which meant something had happened where she hadn't been the portrait of fearlessness. The spy in him wanted to find it out.

Making certain that her arm was clasped in his, he disapparated to the back corner of the Leaky Cauldron. Her breath came in a big gasp, but she held herself up this time, reorienting quickly.

"Welcome to London" he dropped her arm as people began to mill around them

"Bustling place for being hidden in a wall"she commented, looking around at the commotion

"Severus! Round on the house for the war hero!" the bartender called out to him, floating over two pints to the small table.

They needed to get to the school. Good company was often fickle. All it took was one bad attitude or errant spell from a vengeful ex-death eater and he would be gone.

An idea dawned on him as he turned to her almost accusatorially

"Wait. How can you see this. It's guarded by magic"

Digging around in her pocket, she produced a crumpled sheet of blank paper. Curiously, he held his wand to it as the writing began to appear

"According to the statutes verbally agreed upon by the world governments, we, the undersigned authorities behind the Muggle and Magical International Alliance, hereby give permission for Muggle, Eve Breathwaite, to be able to view and attend all magical communities and their locations with the exact same privileges as wizards and witches. The bonder will face inescapable consequences should Eve Breathwaite break any statutes of secrecy"

He stared at the paper, mind blown at the secrets within the magical world that passed over him so stealthily. A bit of anger flared up, triggered by the fact that he was used to having things hidden from him and now was no different. Even after the war. Handing the paper back to her, he took a long sip from the chilled glass.

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