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He drew another line to the contact tree. Twelve hours straight. Interviewing each student, seeing where they had been and who they had been in contact with for the last month. The trace map resembled veins through the body. A tangled mess of people's lives and actions.

But they believed that they found the first infected student based on length of symptoms. Ella Litwick, second year, old magic pureblood. He had vague memories of a Litwick in the round table meetings with the death eaters. The poor girl seemed to have no idea of any family dealings, believing the danger to be gone after the defeat of the dark lord.

"Do you think they would have done it on purpose?" Eve asked, chewing her thumbnail

"Yes. No doubt in my mind there are still some loyalists out there. Those still faithful to the dark lord's purpose" he answered quickly, perhaps too quickly

"What was his purpose? Power?" she asked curiously, spitting the shredded nail across the room

"That is vile, ripping off your skin and leaving it to rot on our shared floor. His purpose was blood purity. A master race of pure magical beings. No half bloods. No mixed blood. They would take over and make muggles their slaves" he chided her before informing her of the murderous wishes of his old master

She blew out a deep breath, rubbing the bridge of her nose

"So, magical genocide. Racism still exists even within this world? Maybe even more?"

He nodded, giving her time to process the information.

"Well...Then we can't let the bastards win" she declared with a half cocked grin, stray hairs falling into her face, hair bun loose and off to the side.

He resisted the urge to tuck her hair behind her ear, that wouldn't help anyone. Reign it in.

"Severus! We have visitors coming. Potter and Weasley and Kingsley. They want to be informed of the progress you've made and to tell you about the other cases that are spreading rather quickly throughout the city..." Minerva bustled into the room, speaking as if she didn't just destroy his whole day, then turning back out on tip toes

Potter. They had reached an understanding. He hoped he never had to see him again. But now, of course he shows up. Potter knew nothing of his anguish, even though he saw the Pensieve. It's possible that he deserved it, left to toil in his dungeons while Potter went on to receive global acclaim as the poster child for goodness. He, Severus Snape may not be the vision of perfect morality, but he knew what was in his soul. He couldn't continually strive to be understood when no one cared to understand him.

"If they must" he spoke in a bored drawl, slipping back into his old role like a well worn coat

"You going to be okay?" Eve asked nervously, coming around the table awkwardly to stand beside him

"Why wouldn't I be?" he threw at her roughly, instantly hating that he could so easily hurt her when he felt threatened

"You just looked upset...You hide it well but I can see it" she whispered, tiny hand warm on his shoulder

"I don't know what you thought you saw. But I'm fine" he held strong to his facade, desperately needing to find some time to himself to gather his thoughts before they poured out

"I thought we were past this Sev" she muttered, stomping to the bedroom door

"You don't understand Eve. Don't pretend that you for one second can understand what I went through for the last thirty years" he instantly regretted his outburst, the pain beginning to seep

"You know why you get mad at me Sev? Because I don't pity you. So you had a rough life? So did I. You had to do things against your will, so did I. You have to live with your screaming demons? So the fuck do I. And I'm not a mean-hearted asshole. Quit trying to push away any person who wants to help you" she yelled at him from her door, before promptly slamming it for effect.

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