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Six Months Later

He began to bottle the pepper up potion into vials. He breathed in the scent of the minty potion, the comforting and familiar scent wrapped around him like a blanket. His owl Artemis sat on the balcony, pecking at his feathers, hooting softly, impatient to begin his flight to Merlin's Hospital for Magical Maladies.

When he returned from the mission, the hospital sent an inquiry asking him to please consider a job as their full time Potions Master. It had been an easy decision. A step back into the magical world but anonymous enough that no one would care where or who he was. But he could continue to do what he loved and contribute to the world.

The question had been whether he would stay or go. Return to his small section of town and resume life as normal. Or plow a new path. Starting over once again.

"Patience Artemis. Nothing good ever comes from haste" he spoke gently to the beautiful grey and white messenger owl, offering up dried salmon as a treat

Packing the vials in a basket, shrinking them down to a fourth of their size, protective charm on them, he tied them to Artemis' leg. The task oriented bird proudly flew off into the morning sky.

He cleaned up his brewing station, taking inventory of what he would need from the herbalist within the next few days. Stretching his back, he couldn't help but glance around enjoyment at his well earned private potions lab.

After the Mistress Serafina had been captured, he got to work on several cures based on the information she gave to them with the aid of Veritaserum. Within two months the cases had nearly all disappeared. And once again he was in the spotlight.

The ministry touted his partnership with Eve as a radical shift to become more inclusive with the non-magical world. The pushback was not nearly as bad as he had expected, with the papers labeling him a reformed Death Eater. His favorite article said something to the effect of "If Severus Snape can look past non-magical abilities then so can you."

The limelight stung him just as much the second time around. Questions and cameras and poking and prodding. He was no hero, only a deeply justice rooted human; he had chosen correctly which side to serve this time.

The ministry awarded him with a vault full of Galleons. One million Galleons in fact. Kingsley promised "you can disappear for as long as you like now." 

But his small apartment hadn't felt like home when he returned. It held the energy of a life lived in shame. In fear. A life made to be small. And that was not in fact, how he intended to live out the rest of his days. He had outgrown his space.

He bought a plot of land outside of the city limits, constructing a home that he envisioned while camping in the wilderness. A home that would hold promise and abundance. A place to heal and harbor in safety.

A place to finally live free.

Walking into the main section of his home, the sturdy wood underneath his feet, he made his way to the kitchen. He put on the kettle, measuring out the specific blend of tea: orange peel, lemon zest, cinnamon, hibiscus, and earl grey tea leaves.

He carried the mug down the hallway, to the bedroom where Eve lay sleeping underneath their heavy weighted comforter. Sitting the mug down with a slight thud, he brushed the hair away from her face.

When she returned from the mission, the hospital welcomed her back easily. When he asked how that was possible, since she was gone for the better part of a year, she shrugged and said

"If you say it's military business no one questions you"

Rolling over, she groaned, reaching for him. That was his favorite part of waking her up from sleep, when she reached out to hold him. She loved him. Knew he was safe. He was what she wanted when acclimating to the consciousness of the world. 

Their relationship took an awkward turn when they first returned home, the life or death pressure gone. Not knowing where to live or what they should do. The rules in flux and murky. An abrupt return to the mundane and routine. It was this simple gesture, him bringing her wake up tea that grounded them to their new reality.

The fears and anxieties of their past lives hadn't gone away. But the companionship and trust they built had made it easier to live through the bad days. The days when the memories lay heavy and intrusive. The days when she had only slept a few hours or he walked on pins and needles because something shook him. Being together made the bad days easier and the good days near bliss.

"You don't want to be late" he said, kissing her forehead

"I wouldn't mind being late once in a while" she flirted, scooting over in bed with a grin

"I never could say no to you" he mused, kissing her neck

"Because you know I'm right...I love you" she kissed him back, pulling him on top of her with a giggle

"I love you too" he murmured in her ear, soul light and content.

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