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"It's getting worse. The sickness is shifting..." Kingsley told him that morning as they met up outside of Bucharest.

"I am well aware. I've been brewing as many different concoctions as I can manage. And until you have someone in custody, I cannot help you with a counter curse. To blindly begin trying to heal dark magic could have dire consequences" Severus forced his tone calm, internally panicking as the death toll began to rise amongst the pocketed villages of witches and wizards in the European countryside

"I have several leads but I can't follow up on all of them. That's why I came, I was wondering if you and Eve would mind taking on a few scouting missions" Kingsley asked gently, expression neutral, fully prepared to accept a no

He didn't want to go on a mission. Finding these tubers was enough. He couldn't risk spending more time with Eve, not with what happened the week before...But perhaps this could move along the process if he helped suss out the suspects. Perhaps they could be done and living their own lives within the month.

Exhaling deeply, he took the paper from Kingsley's hand and placed it in his pocket.

"Thank you Severus. Give my regards to Eve" Kingsley nodded at him in appreciation and disapparated from sight.

He rubbed his forehead, turning back inside.  Eve sat up against the wall asleep. Both of them took turns having nightmares. He eventually gave into the insomnia, brewing potion after potion, hoping to find the one that affected the virus.

She began twitching in her sleep, as he noticed she would do. Soon she would start crying. And then wake up. He would ignore it. Just like he always did. He couldn't let her know that he wanted to help.

"I did it again, huh?" she whispered, sighing resignedly, eyes still closed

"Fourth time this week" he replied, not looking up from his cauldron.

"What did Kingsley say to you?" she stood, stretching as tall as she could, elbows and knees popping audibly

"He asked if we could scout out a few suspects. Move the process along. He's getting worried because of all the deaths" he informed her, waiting for the backlash

"That's a good idea. We need to move faster. I can get information" she smiled facetiously, pouring tea from the kettle

"We can't torture people" he quipped, pressing on the small of his back, aching as usual

"Isn't that your area of expertise?" she shot back drily, the honesty of it unable to make him angry but lack of judgment on her part made him almost chuckle

"I suppose so. I'm going to bottle this up and then we need to be off. Hold still, let me clean up your hair or else you'll scare our suspects away" he flipped his wand at her quickly, the dirt and tangles from wilderness camping disappearing instantly

Rolling her eyes, she began to pack up her things. He sent them all to her backpack and into his bag instead.

"You know, I want to be mad at you for that. But I can't" she shrugged her shoulders, leaning back up against the wall for a few more minutes rest.


"I think it's weird that you can change your whole appearance with magic" Eve divulged to him that afternoon from their perch on a park bench

"People change their personalities all the time. They hide who they are. This is just more visible" he replied, shifting in his spot.

"Quit being right. Who are we looking for?" she asked him, cracking her knuckles

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