No Reservations

533 30 15

The room came into view as he apparated them back from the bar. He stood still and stared at her for a moment. This beautiful, enraging, intelligent, humble, incredible woman.

He wanted to be mad. But he couldn't.

She jumped back and immediately began defending herself as if he had already launched an attack

"Severus you can't be mad! He was a complete asshole! You don't deserve to be spoken to that way! Never! You deserve to be honored for what you did! Those spineless scum bags never did a thing for any cause! I swear to god if you get mad at me I'll shove your wand through your eye too!"

He smiled, enjoying her stomping foot and curled fists. But she wasn't mad at him. She was mad for him. That was the difference. Angry at the injustice. Willing to sacrifice herself for him. Standing in between him and a hoard of drunk death eaters. No magic to keep her safe. But she did it.

"I'm not mad" he assured her, stepping closer, palms up

He wasn't angry at her defense of him. He was upset that she could have gotten hurt at his expense. He never wanted her to get hurt.

"You're not?" she asked suspiciously, eyebrows furrowed tightly, her pacing halted

"No. I'm not. I could be. I very well should be. What you did was horrifically irresponsible. Impulsive. Illogical. You jumped in front of a crowd of magical men with no protection. They could have killed you. What were you thinking?" he told her sternly, taking another calculated step towards her

"It doesn't matter, it's over now" she rolled her eyes, closing ranks around herself

Not this time.

"It matters to me. What were you thinking?" he tilted her chin up to meet his eye-line, when she refused he dropped his voice lower

"Please look at me Eve"

So close. Her perfume met his nose, vanilla and musk. Strands of caramel and whiskey colored hair framing her shining face. Small cluster of blue veins at the corner of her temple. Long black lashes laying against her cheeks.

She flicked her eyes up at him, taking a deep breath before quickly divulging

"I was thinking that it was about damn time someone defended you. I would have ripped them limb from limb with my bare hands if that's what it took. But... It really wasn't about them...I didn't even think about whether or not to defend you. It was instinct"

An instinct to jump to his defense. She had no thought to her own safety. But she would do that for anyone, right? She did that on the battlefield. Was this the act of a soldier, or something else...

"And you would know how to do that better than anyone, right, Doctor?" he tentatively reached up to touch her cheek, flushed against his cool thumb, giving her a chance to take an out

"Yes, I would. I'll do anything for you. No questions asked" she pressed herself up against him, running her palms up his chest

He drew in a breath, leaning down to her lips, savoring her breath against his

"No questions asked...That could be rather dangerous"

"I'm not afraid" she whispered back, tilting her head to the side

"You won't have to be afraid...I wouldn't hurt you" he slid his hands up her arms, cupping her face in the way he had only ever imagined doing

"Kiss me... Please?" she asked hopefully with a lopsided grin, slipping her hand around the back of his neck

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