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"Severus...More..." Eve whispered, her body burning as he took his time exploring the sensitive area under her breasts, teeth pressing into her ribs

He smiled against her skin, making his way down her stomach, blowing a hot breath onto her thighs, kissing everywhere but where she wanted. Teasing her. Playing hard to get. Driving her crazy. Three days had passed since their first night together, and it would be the last time for a while they could be together.

They were scheduled to meet with Kingsley, Potter, and Weasley later that day.

"So demanding" he faux chastised as he began to taste her, the gentle insistence of his tongue nearly pulling her over the edge, painfully slow and arduous

He learned quickly, determined to show her he could please her, he could be vulnerable, he could be those things that he hadn't been able to be before. She invited in his efforts, giving back in the same way. He spent several hours brewing the newest upgraded potions, but quickly came to her, spending as much time as possible in her company.

She couldn't stop staring, her desires rekindled after years of dormancy. Watching him as he brewed. Mind wandering at what life would be like when they got home. She was brought back into the present by his tongue performing the final flick, knocking her over the edge.

"Your turn..." she whispered, flipping over on top, wasting no time straddling him, staring into his eyes, burning with desire and unbridled lust.

"Eve, you feel so good" he moaned gratefully, gently moving her hips up and down, hot mouth wrapped around her breast as he arched his back and froze in release

Laying beside him, she breathed in his scent of cedar, mint, and musk; like laying on the forest floor at twilight.

"Why are we meeting with Kingsley again?" she asked a few minutes later, making her way to the bathroom to get ready

"Kalandra is spilling names and secrets. Kingsley wants us to come and listen. He was very impressed with the Muggle medicine you helped me imitate. He told me if the by-laws were written differently he would hire you on the spot for public health" Severus smiled, the one side of his mouth higher than the other, changing the landscape of his cheekbones and eyes

She didn't understand why antibiotics wouldn't work in the magical world. It infuriated her. The divide between their worlds had never been so apparent.

Severus spent three straight days running tests and charm casting the clothes he took from the chest at the meeting. A notebook full of scribbles. Potion after potion, the tedious and minuscule change of counter versus clockwise of one stir...Even her research loving brain has become fuzzy.

It was nearly two in the morning, her eyes burning as she bent over a book, when he jumped up, swearing in relief. He deduced that a form of the Cruciatus curse  as well as a living airborne virus had been intertwined with the fabric molecules.

How that was possible, he still didn't know.

But after researching through her pharmacology books, she and Severus made an even stronger antibiotic than penicillin, with a magical component that began to reverse base dark magic from inside the body. Once they found the head of the organization, Severus would be able to fine tune the medicine and counter curse as well as get the locations of the infected clothing.

It was the breakthrough they needed. Seven months of traipsing and digging, research and toil. The light at the end of the tunnel was quickly approaching. Then it would be back to normal. Back to regular life. Whatever that meant. For Severus, his normal had been a lie. A world fashioned for him to flourish without his knowledge. Perhaps he wouldn't want to go back to that...

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