7| Crazy

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Chapter 7

You were escaping.
You'd been in the household for over two weeks and you hadn't been in contact with anyone but the seven boys. They were great, but you hadn't seen anyone else in way too long.
Everyone was out of the house teaching classes. Changkyun had bought you a wheelchair a couple days ago and you didn't really depend on your IV anymore. With the strength you had, you lifted yourself into the wheelchair.
You knew exactly where you were going.
You were going to class.
You missed being in the classroom and learning. The boy's occasional one on one lessons were great and all, but you wanted to be back in the classroom.
You struggled to move the wheelchair out of your room at first, but you eventually got the hang of it. You'd done this before anyways.
You grabbed your robe and your phone which were both sitting on your bed and rolled out the room, swinging the bag that was sitting on the couch over your shoulder.
You looked at your phone. Fifteen minutes before class started.
You yawned.
You rolled out the door, making sure to lock it before you went on your way.
"This is new." You muttered to yourself as you looked around. There was an ominously dark hallway in front of you, only the occasional lanterns to provide light. You weren't familiar with this area. In your seven years of being in the massive castle, you'd never seen this place. Thankfully, the marks of the guy's boots were still on the cobblestone floor.
You better tell them to clean their shoes.
You went down the long, lantern lit hallway until you saw a door at the very end. You struggled to open it but managed. Once you got out through it, you noticed that the door had been hidden within the old brick walls. You were living in a secret part of the school but somehow you weren't surprised.
No wonder they didn't want anyone to visit you.
You could already hear the sound of students and you happily sighed.
Human interaction. Oh, how you missed it.
Your introverted self never thought you would think that but you missed your friends so much. You purposefully hadn't been responding to anyone but your roommates, if you started talking you'd eventually spill everything.
You managed to scoot across the hallways, people stopping when they realized who you were. Word really did get around quickly. You bet that half the school thought you were dead.
"Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice from behind you. You stopped and waited for the person to walk in front of you. You broke out into a smile when you saw who it was.
"Minghao!" You laughed brightly at the concerned looking boy in front of you.
"Holy Jesus Christ, are you alright? You haven't been answering my texts for like last two weeks." He placed a hand on your shoulder and rested his other one on the back of your wheelchair.
"I had a bit of a situation so I didn't have access to my phone." You fiddled around with your fingers,
"Sorry about that." You chuckled quietly at the end. Minghao shook his head dramatically as he responded rather loudly,
"No no no no no!" He looked around at the people around you and quieted down,
"I'm just relieved you're okay."
He checked his phone and turned back to you,
"Class is gonna start in a bit. We're going to the same place anyways so want me to push you?"
You shook your head,
"Thanks but I'll have to pass. Gotta learn how to function this thing."
"Let's go then."
He walked beside you, adjusting his speed to your decently slow one. Eventually you both made it to the classroom.
You were greeted with the shocked expressions of everyone in the room. How lovely. Kihyun hadn't shown up yet thankfully. You didn't know how but you were going to lay low. You rolled over to the back of the room to yours and Minghao's shared table and waited for class to begin. Minghao and you did some catching up before you heard a voice you recognized in the distance.
"Kihyun hyung, do you have any Dittany I can steal from you?"
You watched as the two of them walked into the classroom together, the entire class greeting Professor Kihyun.
"Filing cabinet, third one from the right in the fifth row. Take it and leave, Kyun. I have a class to teach."
You ducked under the table as much as you could, which was close to nothing. He turned to the back of the room and took two steps before making eye contact with you and stopping in his tracks, his eyes widened.
You panicked. You waved your hands like a maniac as you mouthed,
"Changkyun, please don't say anything. Don't tell Kihyun, I'm begging you, Changkyun. I'll owe you for the rest of the week, please don't say anything."
It was to no avail.
"Kang Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?" He exclaimed, making everyone in the room turn to you. You winced and hid your head in your hands.
"Im Changkyun, I'm going to kill you later." You muttered to yourself and Minghao gave you a look.
Kihyun snapped his head at you and his eyes widened too, but immediately narrowing. He looked mad. You watched as the two of them stomped over to you. Kihyun grabbed the handle of your wheelchair and aggressively pulled you out of the room through the back door. Changkyun following behind.
"What on earth were you thinking?" Kihyun clenched his teeth together, trying to contain his anger.
"I'm better now aren't I? I don't see a reason why I can't come to class." You argued with the older man and crossing your arms together.
"You're not fully healed yet, Y/N." Changkyun patted your head and you swatted his hand away.
"I get it. You're a seventh year, you don't want to miss lessons. You're smart, Y/N, you'll catch up in no time and I know it. What's important right now is that you heal completely and then you can come back, okay?"
You hated that he was right. Why did he almost always have to be right?
Kihyun sighed at you and pinched your cheek.
"You drive me crazy."
You laughed at him, Kihyun and Wonho were both your overprotective mom's. They could never be angry at you for long.
"Can you take her back?" He asked Changkyun and shook his head.
"I have to meet Hyunsik hyung at the Ministry in a couple minutes. I should honestly probably go now."
He spared a smile at me the two of you before a very small cloud of gray smoke lingered, replacing the disappeared Changkyun.
"Before you ask, I'm not letting you go alone. Who knows where you'll escape to."
You didn't even think of that, but alright then Kihyun.
You yawned.
"Jooheon and Wonho hyung have classes basically all day, Changkyun is gone, I have a class to teach, I don't trust Minhyuk with you." Kihyun listed off to himself and you smiled as he pondered with his finger to his temple.
"Shownu hyung. Hyungwon has a class too so Shownu hyung will take you back."
He pulled his phone out of his robe and texted at the speed of light.
"He'll be here right about... now."
Just as he finished his sentence, Shownu appeared next to Kihyun while the dark gray cloud around him dissolved into thin air. You honestly wished you were better at apparition.
"Hyung it's all you." Kihyun clapped just hands together,
"I have a class. Peace out." He walked into the classroom, his black robe trailing behind him.
Shownu started pushing you down the hallway. He huffed,
"Y/N, I probably have high blood pressure because of you."
He leaned his elbow on the wheelchair as he rolled it until you got to the secret door.
"I'm crazier when I'm mobile."
You could tell he was rolling his eyes,
"Great. Can't wait for that."
You both went through the dark hallway and you could almost see the apartment door at the very end.
"Why do you live here? I'd expect you to live where the other Professors do."
Shownu opened the door and rolled you into the bright, sunlit apartment.
"This place was our hangout room for the longest time. We turned it into a living space over time and then just decided to live here."
He smiled,
"It holds a lot of memories, you know?"
You nodded at him. You admired their close friendship. They'd been friends for years, they must know each other inside out. Shownu moved you into your room and you lifted yourself onto your bed with him holding out his hands at both sides of your waist, just in case you fell.
"Do you need anything? I'm going to be leaving for a moment. I'll be back in like twenty minutes though." He gestured towards the door.
"I'm fine, Shownu. You should get going if it's somewhere important."
He looked at back at the door, and then at you, and then back to the door.
"Okay." He sighed,
"If you need me call me."
It was just you.
You yawned.
You stared blankly at your phone, knowing very well that you wouldn't be receiving any texts since everyone was in class. You threw it onto your pillow. You'd gotten used to the hours of the day where you were alone, but after that small taste of human interaction, you couldn't help but feel lonely. You picked up Churro who was sitting on your pillow and pouted,
"You're my only friend right now, Churro. Bebe isn't even here."
Every now and then, Bebe, Wonho's Pygmy puff, would fly into the apartment when no one was around. Wonho was very lenient with his pet and let him roam around as he pleased. He would always come back anyways. He was very well trained.
You fell onto your pillow, ignoring the sharp pain in your abdomen as a punishment for moving to quickly. You stared at the ceiling, noticing even the smallest of details, like the small black scratch above the couch, or the corner where the paint just barely missed.
You felt a vibration from beside your head. You eagerly picked up your phone. It was a text message.

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