9| Comfortable

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Chapter 9
Changkyun's POV

"Is it just me or have things been a bit... off between those two?" Shownu sipped on his morning coffee as he stared at Hyungwon and Y/N peacefully conversing on the couch.
"Off?" Jooheon questioned while leaning his elbows on the counter.
"Like different? They seem more..." Shownu trailed off, probably trying to find the right word to us,
Kihyun snickered at the older mans comment.
"Hyung, they've always been close."
The six men stared at the pair from the kitchen. Shownu narrowing his eyes, attempting to catch something but failing to do so. Wonho shook his head.
"No, Shownu hyung is right."
And that caught the others attention.
"They seem different. More Comfortable? I don't know how to describe it."
"Kyun, you're like best friends with Y/N. Why don't you go ask?"
Changkyun snorted at the unbelievable request he'd received from Jooheon, who just stared at him innocently. Changkyun still wondered if he was older than him sometimes.
"And we're best friends with Hyungwon, yet we aren't asking."
The others had to admit that he had a point, Changkyun could tell by their expression, they probably still wanted to keep their pride. It was at times like this where Changkyun loved the fact that he was unnecessarily smarter and quicker than the rest.
His mind was just that good.
"What if AngelWon is sailing?" Minhyuk wiggled his eyebrows at the others, earning confused looks from the all.
"AngelWon?" Shownu questioned the blonde.
"Ship name, hyung. It's their ship name." Kihyun chimed in while blending a fruit smoothie for himself. Jooheon cheekily slid in his own glass, smiling guiltily at Kihyun, earning a glare from him. He sighed as he poured some of the bright red smoothie into Jooheon's cup, making him smile even brighter.
"Wow, Joo, the drink is the same color as your hair." Y/N chuckled as she walked over to the counter the six of them were crowded around, all on her own. Hyungwon was at her side, having his arms ready just in case she faltered. Which at this point was incredibly unlikely. She'd been walking for almost a month. She'd probably be ready to leave in a couple of days, to a certain someone's dismay.
Changkyun just happened to catch the way Hyungwon gazed at her from behind. He could almost see the hearts in his eyes. He knew that he 100% had a thing for her, and Y/N obviously returned the feelings, but the two of them had been less flustered lately. They'd also happened to hide the obvious less. Changkyun smirked as he looked at the new couple in front of him.
Chae Hyungwon and Kang Y/N, you two are busted.
He giddily spun around in the bar stool he was sitting on, stopping himself by putting his hands on the counter in front of him, staring at the five others on the opposite side.
Oh, how he loved his stupidly perceptive self. This wasn't narcissistic. This was self empowerment. If he said he was dumb, he'd be lying. Changkyun had received his father's brain, his scientist father's brain. That put a lot of pressure on him. He didn't like to admit it, but he hated that his father made him uphold his 'smarter than his age' act. If one overlooked his academics, Changkyun was a normal 19 year old boy. Of course, a 19 year old most likely wouldn't be a professor, but anything was possible here.
"When do I get to go back to classes? I can walk just fine on my own. I love you all, but I need to see more than just you seven." Y/N whined while slumping down on the counter. Changkyun scoffed. What could be better than seeing their handsome faces 24/7? He couldn't think of anything.
Shownu, Wonho, and Kihyun all looked to each other, as if they were sending telepathic messages to each other. Those three scared him sometimes. It didn't hurt to verbally express thoughts rather than stare into each other's eyes for extended periods of time to communicate.
They all nodded at the same time and turned to Y/N. He instinctively did too.
"Sweetheart," Wonho took a deep breath in before continuing, obviously hesitating but trying his best not to show it.
"It's 4 PM on a Sunday. Text your friends."
Another deep breath.
"Go out with them."
Y/N instantly broke out into a smile before running over to Wonho and wrapping his arms around him tightly. He chuckled before pulling her into his embrace.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She squealed into his loose shirt. Changkyun side eyed Hyungwon, noticing a glimmer of jealousy in his blue eyes as he sat down on the bar stool next to his. Changkyun snickered.
Already overprotective, aye?
He nudged him in the side, making Hyungwon jump from shock.
"Are you even trying to keep it low?" He whispered to the man whose eyes instantly widened once he heard the words that Changkyun had uttered.
"W-what do you mean?" Hyungwon stuttered, trying to laugh it off. Changkyun rolled his eyes at him.
"The two of you are incredibly obvious, hyung."
Hyungwon sighed at him, looking down at his hands.
"Do they all know?"
"They have their speculations."
Changkyun watched as Hyungwon ran his hands through his hair roughly, biting on his bottom lip while staring out one of the windows beside him.
"Chill out. They all seem fine about it. We're happy for you, hyung."
Hyungwon gently touched his arm.
"Do you really think so?"
"She's perfect for you."
His lips tugged up into a small smile as he rested his hand on Changkyun's shoulder.
"Thanks, Kyun. I was just worried people would take it the wrong way."
Changkyun scoffed at him, leaning his head in his shoulder while Hyungwon sipped a glass of water that Kihyun had slid across the counter to him.
"What do you think they expect when they hired a bunch of young male professors? It's not like Heechul hyung isn't dating a student."
Hyungwon choked on his water.
Y/N quickly scurried over to pat his back.
"Hyungwon, are you okay?"
When he finally regained his breath he looked up to her and smiled sweetly.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
He returned his attention to Changkyun.
"So, what about Heechul hyung dating a student?"
Y/N choked on air.
Hyungwon shot out of his seat but Y/N took a step back from him, eventually taking a deep breath in.
"Are you okay?" He stepped closer to her and began to twirl her hair around his finger. Y/N's eyes darted around the room, looking at the boys. She gently pushed him away and whispered through her clenched teeth though Changkyun could hear her easily.
"Chae Hyungwon, what on earth are you doing?"
Changkyun broke out into laughter, earning a confused glare from Y/N. Changkyun looked at the others who were standing on the opposite side of the counter, frozen at the scene playing out in front of them.
"Yo!" He shouted, making everyone in the room's attention turn to him.
"AngelWon is sailing."
Gasps echoed across the room. All of their eyes were on the two standing inches apart apart from each other.
Y/N's eyes widened as she slowly turned to Hyungwon. He just gently rested his forehead against hers.
"Since when?" Minhyuk breathed out as his smile widened.
"Two days 'til one month."
"A month?!"
"And you never told us?"
Jooheon waddled over and pulled Hyungwon and Y/N into a hug. Changkyun could hear Y/N's soft giggles from his seat. That made him smile.
"I'm not surprised." Shownu laughed brightly while Kihyun rested his head on his broad shoulder, just for fun.
"Congratulations, guys." Wonho smiled softly, making everyone break out into laughter.
They didn't know why, they just did.
Everything was just perfect.
Changkyun thought about it.
It hadn't been perfect like this in a long time.
"Okay, I have to head out now." Y/N said and backed away from the group hug, though Jooheon still clutched onto Hyungwon.
"We're going to be meeting in a bit."
"Oh, who's coming?" Minhyuk giggled, imagining students meeting up to have fun. He'd graduated a while ago, he didn't really remember what that was like.
Y/N thought for a moment before listing out names.
"Mira, Jieun, Rosé, Jamie, Minghao, Eunwoo, BamBam, Sicheng, and Chan. Felix might pop in too."
"Lee Felix?" Wonho questioned. She nodded.
"I love that kid. He does amazing in class."
"Felix has always had a knack for it. He's just too gentle."
Y/N grabbed her bag that was conveniently slung it around her shoulder, heading towards the door.
"Bye guys! See you later."
As she was about to close the door, Hyungwon stepped out of Jooheon's embrace and called out for Y/N, making her peek through the door.
"Do you want me to take you?"
She shook her head, giggling softly.
"I'm capable of walking myself to my own dorm, Hyungwon. Thank you, though."
She spared them one more smile before leaving.
A very long silence.
"So, are you gonna tell us when you guys started?"

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