Finale| Blue

131 7 48

Five Months Later


You stood amongst the crowd of students that gathered on the fields of the school. You looked back at the castle one last time. The castle you'd grew up in for the last seven years. You couldn't believe that you'd probably never be back here again.
Seven years in that castle, and yet your last one was both the best and the most heartbreaking.
You looked out at the colorful array of green, yellow, and red graduation gowns, almost like tulips in a field. You then looked down at your own blue graduation gown.
You'd never be able to look at that color the same way.
You missed him so much.
You looked down at the star necklace that he'd given you all those months ago. Over half a year ago.
You hadn't taken it off since. You never planned on doing so.
"Congratulations, kid!" You heard Yoon chuckle as he walked over to you with a flower bouquet in his hand. He patted you on the back encouragingly and handed the bouquet to you. You admired them carefully and then thanked him for the gift.
"I can't believe you're already graduating, and I can't believe I'm here to see it."
You nodded your heads at him, smiling tenderly. You didn't think he'd be here to see it too. You were so unbelievably happy that he was though. He took the flowers back, pointing his wand at them for a second and then they disappeared, most likely back at his house.
You turned around when you heard the familiar voice of those six boys. Changkyun came running at you, holding the scroll in his hand and then gently passing it on to you, jokingly bowing.
"Ms. Kang Y/N, I am proud to say that you have finally graduated." He joked and you slapped his arm playfully. You swear you were going to get sick of him one of these days.
"I finally don't have to hang out with a child anymore." Shownu took a breath of relief and you raised an eyebrow at him.
"You do realize I was 18 when we met, right?"
"You're old, hyung. Accept it."
"You're literally only two years younger than me, Joo."
Jooheon crossed his arms at his chest, resting his weight on his right leg as he shook his head at Shownu. Kihyun slapped them both on the head, very obviously done with their constant bickering.
Seeing the six of them together smiling made you so happy, yet it felt so empty without him.
You remembered it like yesterday but it was so long ago. You don't know how you were surviving without him.
But you were. Just barely.
"Did you take pictures with all your friends already?" Wonho asked to which you nodded. You'd gathered up all your closest friends from this year and you all took a giant group picture. There was one thing you were going to make sure of, you weren't going to lose a single person that was in that picture.
"Hey, what about us? We're your friends too. Why didn't you take a picture of us?" Minhyuk whined, gesturing towards all of them. He pouted slightly making you giggle at him.
"You guys aren't my friends."
"Damn, that's cold."
"Let me finish, Kihyun."
"Speak faster, Y/N."
You glared at the man that was simply grinning at you with the sneaky grin of his. As each day passed you swear that his ego got bigger and bigger it was getting unhealthy. You took a step closer to the guys, pulling Yoon closer to them too.
"You guys are my family."
"Oh, here come the waterworks." Jooheon choked out while looking towards the sky, his eyes actually glassing over. For someone that looked so intimidating, it was surprising how sensitive he was.
"That's really cute, sweetheart." Wonho smiled while ruffling your hair. You swatted his hand away and he chuckled at you, beginning to fix it up again. Out of nowhere, Felix slid in, grabbing a phone out of Changkyun's hand and taking a couple steps back from you guys.
"Gather around Y/N. Get all cozy." He said while waving his hand, telling everyone to move in closer so they could all fit in the frame. There were only eight of you and you were all struggling to figure it out.
You couldn't imagine how long it took Sicheng's friends to figure out how to fit into one frame.
"I'm taking it!" Felix announced, peeking his eyes above the phone,
"Everybody smile big!"
Changkyun, Kihyun, and Jooheon all kneeled down to the ground while Wonho, Shownu, Minhyuk, and Yoon stood standing next to you. Yoon rested an elbow on your shoulder on your right while Minhyuk held up a peace sign above your head like bunny ears on your left.
That seriously proved how ancient he was.
You smiled brightly at the camera, watching the flash from the phone blink on and off.
You felt Minhyuk move closer to Wonho, creating a random gap mid picture but you didn't think much of it. Felix took a couple more pictures until you felt and arm snake around your shoulder. You looked up to see him, who was wearing that white t-shirt you bought him and a pair of slightly distressed jeans while holding a very small bouquet of flowers with a dark navy bow gently wrapped around them.
"Happy Graduation, love." Hyungwon whispered into your ear, his breath tickling them. You jumped into his arms, rocking him back and forth while he chuckled at your burst of energy.
"I missed you, idiot." You muttered quietly, but loud enough for him to hear, making him grin happily at the sound of your words.
"I missed you too, but I was only gone for two weeks." He awkwardly rubbed the nape of his neck while looking down at the pouty you.
"That's fourteen whole days I had to spend without looking at your face." You complained, poking his cheek with your pointer finger.
"I'm sorry, I had to go spend time with my parents."
"Am I not a priority to you?" You joked and he rolled his eyes at you, but he couldn't help but smile.
It was you after all.
He finally handed you the bouquet. You happily received it from him.
You weren't being biased when you said that his was the prettiest one you'd received today.
He bent down slightly as he pointed to each flower.
"Carnations." He said while pointing at the fluffy white flowers,
"These ones mean innocence and pureness." He gently touched the petals of one of the carnations. He grabbed your finger, using it to point to the next, tiny, familiar blue flower.
"Forget-Me-Not's mean true love."
He pointed to the last flower, a bright yellow flower, adding a pop of color to the two other somewhat duller ones.
"These ones are called Dahila's." Hyungwon rested his head on yours as he began to speak again,
"They represent beauty, elegance, strength, and an everlasting commitment."
His lips traveled back down to your ear as he whispered something that made your face go completely red.
You literally were minutes out of graduating and he was already mentioning marriage.
Hasty, much?
"Do we want to know?" Kihyun asked completely exasperated and very much done with the two of you.
"You'll see soon enough. You'll get the first invite." You repeatedly hit Hyungwon with your free hand, hiding your face behind the flowers as you did so. Your face was the same color as the Gryfinndor gowns.
When you were finally able to uncover your face from the bouquet, you turned to look at Hyungwon who was shining brighter than the sun that was gleaming behind him. Those sapphire eyes of him shimmered more with each second that he looked at you.
You still couldn't believe you almost lost them.
You still had barely forgiven him for that.

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