13| The Stars To My Sapphire Sky

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Chapter 13

You sighed as you mindlessly took notes for Shownu's Herbology class.
Just one more day of tests and you'd be free.
The December mood had finally gotten to you and for the first time in a long time, you'd felt happy about it. Christmas always reminded you of your mother. She always used to make you handmade gifts because you would never be able to afford all the fancy toys.
You never wanted them anyways.
As each day passed, you forgot more and more of your mother. You were so young when she died, so you didn't have much to remember her by. Yoon used to tell you anything and everything he could about her, but he wasn't here anymore either.
Since they both passed, Christmas lacked happiness to you. Yes, you'd gone to Mira's house and spent Christmas there every year following. Sometimes it really did feel like you belonged there. It was as if they were your family, but you knew they weren't.
But your love for the snow never wavered.
You sighed as you tapped your pen against your temple and smiled while looking out the window of the library.
You got up and held the Herbology book that you checked out close to your chest, your eyes still fixated on the snow.
You'd been studying for hours.
You could work on it later.
You just wanted to get out in the snow.
There wasn't much. Just a bit sticking to the ground, but there was more falling with each second and you could feel the excitement shaking you.
You placed your books at the table where Jieun was sitting, telling her to bring your books back to the dorm for you and running away before she could argue. You pulled your phone out of your robe and took it off of Do Not Disturb while you ran down the empty hallways, your footsteps echoing from the ground to the tall ceilings.
Classes were over for the day.
You grinned as you looked out the large windows, the snow falling harder. You looked down at your phone which buzzed.
A message from Hyungwon.

You're running outside right now, aren't you?

How did you know? Are you stalking me?

No. I know you too well. You're probably running while texting me and smiling while looking out the window every three seconds

Be careful though. Stop running and take your time.
I'm waiting at the front entrance.

However, you sprinted even faster, almost slipping on the tiled floors but managing to catch yourself until you made it to the steps of the castle. A lot of people had already headed back home, and unfortunately, you didn't have anywhere to go. So, you decided to stay in the castle.
The only people left were the people that had final tests to take and they'd be leaving midday tomorrow. There would be a few people sticking around, like Rosé, Minghao, and Felix since they were too far from home to go back.
You broke out into a smile when you saw Hyungwon standing at the bottom of the stairs, gently rubbing his hands which were covered with ash colored mittens. His long black hair gently rested on his shoulders, the snow falling onto his gray trench coat and sticking to his deep blue scarf that was loosely wrapped around his neck.
You were cold but you didn't care.
He looked ethereal.
You ran down the steps, jumping at Hyungwon who was completely unaware that you were there. His shock eased into a tender smile, which then turned into an annoyed expression.
"What?" You looked up at him, frowning at his lack of enthusiasm.
He swiftly took off the scarf off his neck and tightly wrapped it around yours. He sighed as he pulled you closer to him, enveloping you in his jacket and started walking, somehow managing to hold your hand through all of that.
"Can you be dressed for the weather for once? You're going to catch a cold."
You giggled while the two of you walked through the snow blanketed ground, the sound of your boots hitting it making you smile.
You loved the snow.
You couldn't help but smile whenever a snowflake landed on your hand, watching as at quickly melted as soon as it touched your skin. You looked up giddily at Hyungwon who was looking back down at you, smiling bright.
"Do you like the snow that much?" He chuckled, pulling you in closed and wrapping the jacket around you tighter. The two of you were squished together but you didn't mind. You looped your arm around his, resting your head on it while you walked.
"Yes, my little three year old." Hyungwon joked,
"Is it the snow that makes you smile like this or is it me?" He pouted while looking up at the snow. You shook your head at him but kept your eyes fixated on the snow. You were too enticed by the white falling from the sky.
"It's both."
You gasped when Hyungwon grasped your hand tight her pulling you across the snowy ground and smiling like a child. You happily played along chasing him around while laughing at his childish taunts. He was unnecessarily fast for a lanky man in boots.
You almost slipped on the slippery ground and you watched Hyungwon's eyes widen as you went closer to the ground. He ran towards you and you just laughed as you steadied yourself back on your feet, looking like a vampire that just arose after completely distorting it's back. Hyungwon sighed in relief, resting a hand on your shoulder still looking utterly confused.
"I've gotten good, haven't I?" You grinned while walking away from him. After scaring everyone countless times with almost falling straight onto your back, you'd learned how to get back up from Minghao and his b-boy skills. It took you a while and Eunwoo almost broke his back trying to practice with you.
Hyungwon took long strides to catch up with you, simply shrugging but he couldn't hide his smile.
"You fooled me for a second. You're really clumsy, you know?"
"You didn't have to remind me."
"No, I do."
"You're so annoying."
"Love you too."
You rolled your eyes at him, escaping from his hold and running into the cold. You shivered the a bit but you didn't mind. Though the feeling of your hand not holding Hyungwon's was strange.
You strolled in front of him, slightly shaking because of the white landing on your face but you liked the feeling of the small snowflakes landing on your skin.
Hyungwon's giant self kind of covered everything from you, but you wanted to feel the stinging feeling of the frigid ice melt into your skin.
You could see the two of you get closer to the secret back entrance of the guys apartment. Apparently, Shownu and Changkyun had built it a year ago and they'd just never told you about it. You didn't know if it's existence until you saw Minhyuk come out from behind the couch.
You hit your head on the corner of the glass coffee table.
He bought you hot chocolate though, so it was worth it.
When you turned back around, Hyungwon's coat was off and just slung around his shoulder, a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
You jumped towards him, gently nudging him and grabbing his coat from him, trying to get him to put it back on but it was to no avail.
He was too big for you.
"It's cold! You're going die of hypothermia, so put that back on." You continued to try getting the coat anywhere close to his shoulders but he kept on going on his tip toes, which immediately made him way too tall for you.
Not that he wasn't already tall.
He was very tall.
You'd made that a pretty obvious point.
"Do you need some help with that?" He chuckled bending his down so his shoulders were reachable to your short short arms. You weren't able to do anything because he snatched the coat from you, spinning you around and wrapping his arms around your waist and rocking you side to side.
You instantly pulled out of his hold, dropping down to the ground to pick up the coat that was on the ground.
"That's a nice coat! Don't ruin it!" You scolded, hitting his chest.
"And I'm your boyfriend. Give me the attention I deserve."
"Needy much?"
"Only for you."
You clutched onto your heart, trying to see if your veins were able to take the cringe that you'd just received from Hyungwon's smooth line, but you weren't going to boost his ego by telling him that.
"Okay, you can put it on me." He eventually sighed after you stared at him with the coat in your hands for a bit longer. You still had zero clue why he took it off in the first place. He was going to freeze to death if he didn't put it on.
"You know, Y/N. You're really short." Hyungwon blurts out of nowhere, making you snap your head up to glare at him. You tiptoed in your black boots so you could place his hand on his shoulders, being as serious as you could.
"Say that to my face, Chae Hyungwon. I dare you."
He raised his eyebrows at you challengingly, bending his knees down far enough so that his face was right in front of yours.
"You're short, Kang Y/N."
He grinned before pecking you on the lips. Your eyes widened. Instinctively, you hit him, trying to hide your face in the coat but your forehead hit something hard in its pocket. Hyungwon noticed your confused expression and took the coat from your hands, rummaging through the pocket to pull out a small velvet box. You tilted your head slightly at it, curious to what it was.
"This is really random." Hyungwon started, clutching the box in one hand, bit that one hand was enough to cover the entire thing.
"But Y/N, I want to tell you something."
You simply nodded, staying silent and holding yo it breath. You were confused.
"People normally compare me to the night sky. Dark, blue, enchanting." You giggled quietly at his self compliment. Although sometimes he came off as confident, you knew that he was just as insecure as you were. You were instantly distracted though. Distracted by the corners of his lips turning up into a meaningful smile.
"But I'm just an empty night sky."
He opened the box slowly, revealing a small gold necklace with a star pendant. There were small blue and yellow rhinestones lining the outside of the pendant and you couldn't help but gasp. It was gorgeous.
"You're the stars to my sapphire sky. You make me brighter."
Your eyes were stinging. You tried to blink away the tears that were forming in your eyes, but it was to no use because it wasn't long before a single tear trailed down your face.
Hyungwon looked genuinely surprised. His smile faded into a frown as he closed the box, fiddling with his fingers awkwardly as he started speed talking.
"Do you not like it? I thought you'd like it, I'm sorry. Should I get another on-"
You cut him off by throwing yourself onto him, hiding your face in his chest. You could tell you'd caught him off guard but he still managed to hug you back.
"No, I love it, you literal idiot. I love it. Thank you." You sniffled into his black turtleneck. You felt his body shake a bit as he laughed, his warmth taking you over. His hands gently raked through your hair and you still didn't have the heart to face him, so you continued to hide.
Hyungwon rested his chin on your head which made you laugh.
In the most normal way you could say it, he had a sharp chin.
"Merry early Christmas, my beautiful star."
Hyungwon tightened his grip on you and although you were still buried in his sweater.
Letting the snow fall on the two of you:
On this perfect day.
It couldn't get anymore perfect than this.

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Short but sweet teehee
This isn't edited either

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