15| Gray

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Chapter 15

You opened your eyes, but there was no light for your eyes to adjust to.
Where were you?
You winced at the rush on pain that shot through your head. You hit your head on the stone ground you were lying down, wanting to cry out but you heard a voice instantly soothing you.
You looked up to see a beautiful woman. An older woman.
Long dark hair, frail body, but clean clothes, and eyes, eyes that shone even when there was no light.
Her eyes. They were so familiar.
She in general. She looked so familiar.
"It's okay. You're okay."
You sat up, only for her hands to hover behind your back. She grabbed a cold compress that was lying next to her, gently pressing it to your forehead.
"Where am I?" You weakly asked. The last thing you remembered was walking in the gardens. Hyungwon had approached you but you didn't have the heart to be able to talk to him. He left you alone, respecting your wish.
It was the one time you wished he'd disregard what you wanted and give you what you needed.
You didn't remember anything after Hyungwon left, and now you were here. In a cold concrete room. You tried to move but you were pulled back by a large metal chain that was locked around your right ankle. You tried pulling away from it, hoping that it would snap off, and hoping that you'd wake up from the horrible nightmare you were in right at this moment. You'd been having so many of them in the last few weeks but this one felt too real.
That's because it was real.
"Don't worry, Y/N." An older man that sat on the other side of the woman said. If you thought the woman looked familiar, you couldn't believe what you saw in him.
"It's been so long since we saw you. You were just a baby. You look just like your mother."
You snapped your neck towards the woman, tilting your head while still holding the compress to your forehead.
"You knew my mother?"
Both of them slowly nodded at you, giving you pitiful smiles.
"We all went to school together. We were best friends. They even took a picture of us and put it in our graduating yearbook too."
She sighed, staring off at the metal barred windows that was shining in light from what looked like another room. It was small, maybe the size of your forearm, and it was the only thing that wasn't gray concrete. There was a small table and a potted plant with a single blue flower, gently shining from the light that came through from the barred window.
It was the same color as his eyes.
You really couldn't look at that color without thinking of him.
You sighed, resting your head against the concrete walls. You had so many questions, yet there were no answers.
"How long have you been here? If you don't mind me asking, of course." You turned to the two. The woman put her hand up to her head, looking as if she was thinking. That was when you saw the beautiful diamond ring that was resting gently on her ring finger.
She's married.
Well, if she was that beautiful it would be very confusing if she wasn't. You looked to the man and saw a similar ring on his finger.
They were married to each other.
There was still something about them that made them feel so familiar. Maybe it was because they knew your parents?
"How old would he be by now, Hyun?"
"Almost 22."
The woman had a bitter sweet smile on his face.
"About 11 years."
You gasped, slapping a hand over your mouth. That was insane. They were trapped? Here? For 11 years?
If you were trapped in here for 11 years you would be almost 30. You haven't even made it into your 20's. You haven't even graduated.
You haven't gotten a pet.
You haven't gotten to buy your own house.
You haven't seen the world.
You haven't done a lot of things and you couldn't spend your life in here. But it's not like you could get out.
"I'm Kim Miwoo. It's lovely to meet you again, Y/N. You've grown up into a beautiful young woman. I just wished we didn't have to meet like this."
You froze.
Kim Miwoo.
It couldn't be.
"Y-you're Hyungwon's mother?"
Your hand floated to your mouth as you moved back from her.
You were sitting next to Hyungwon's dead parents.
Except they weren't dead.
They were very much alive.
"You know our son?" Mr. Chae questioned, moving closer to the two of you, well as far as his chains would allow him. You couldn't believe it. You'd seen Hyungwon break because of them so many times, though he'd never cry.
You'd never seen him cry.
You didn't know how to respond to them. What would you say? Yeah, I've been dating your son for the last six months? You couldn't possibly say that. You looked down to your neck and gently pulled out the necklace that he'd given you what felt like forever ago. You stroked it with your finger and put it to your heart.
Where was Hyungwon when you really needed him?
You suddenly missed him even more.
You yelped when you heard a sudden bang and the ground began to shake. Hyungwon's mother put an assuring hand on your shoulder and you just watched as smoke came out from the bare wall parallel to all of you. As the smoke faded, you saw the silhouette of a woman, the sound of heels clicking becoming prominent. You coughed, inhaling in the smoke, your eyes becoming teary from the burning. You rubbed your eyes, wiping the tears off the see a woman. Her clothes looked expensive. She wore a black trench coat with a leopard fur scarf wrapped tightly around her neck. Her red heels shined just as bright as her toothy grin.
"Y/N, sweetheart. Welcome to your new home!" She opened her arms out wide, looking around the entire room.
"That is until your little boyfriend comes and tries to find you. Wonnie might not know what happened to his parents but he knows that you were taken so you can't expect him to sit still."
You froze at the mention of his name.
"Who are you?"
She walked over to you, bending down so you were at eye level. She gently pinched your cheek and you were not amused whatsoever.
"You can call me Aunty Lin."
She cackled to herself.
"My condolences for your late mother. We were such good friends back in the day. Like three peas in a pod. A pity it couldn't stay like that."
She glared at Hyungwon's mother and she didn't even seem to be fazed.
"To think, that if my sister and her husband didn't fall for each other, they would've never been in this situation. Or if they never had my sweet little nephew, maybe then you wouldn't have been here. Same goes with your brother."
Your brother?
Your eyes widened and Aunty Lin seemed to have noticed. A satisfied smirk spread across her face as she turned back.
"Bring him in."
You slapped a hand over your mouth as the last person you expected to see was pushed in through the wall by a man in a red suit. He was tied up with a rope, the chains wrapped around his ankle connecting to the wall as soon as his back hit the concrete wall. He winced in pain at the impact, turning to you and looking straight at your glassy eyes.
It took him a while to recognize who you were but as soon as he did, he had the most mortified look on his face.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Shush." Aunty Lin put a finger to his lips, bending all the way down to wink at him. Yoon looked at her with pure disgust. She walked backwards through the wall, but you heard one last thing as she disappeared.
"Stand guard, minions. My nephew will be here any moment now. I can feel it."
Yoon banged his head to the wall, and you just watched him with tears welling up in your eyes. He looked the exact same, just a bit older, and a bit more worn down. His brown hair was everywhere, just barely past his chin. You smiled a broken smile as you remembered the way he used to keep his hair. The uneven bowl cut he had cut for himself and expertly sported for almost eight years. You begged him to change it so many times but it was as if he'd grown an attachment to it.
You bet there were still girls all over him.
He finally turned to you, smiling softly.
"You grew up so well, kid. I'm happy that you were okay while I was gone."
You slapped a hand over your mouth, the tears spilling from your eyes as you silently broke down in front of the three of them. Hyungwon's mother put a comforting hand on your back, gently tapping you like how you remembered your own mother used to.
It was one of the few memories you had of her.
"It thought you were dead." You choked out, remembering all the times you used to beat yourself up over his "death." You should've never run away. You always thought you should've died with him, or even switch places. So, you'd be gone, and he'd still be here.
"I'd much rather be dead than have been living here for the last eight years." Yoon grimaced, shaking his head.
"Or is it seven? I think it was seven. My point still stands."
You slowly nodded, trying to wipe your tears away but they were still streaming down your face. You took a moment, taking a deep breath, fiddling with your fingers and calming yourself the heck down.
"Why are we all here?" You finally managed to make out. You noticed Yoon and Hyungwon's father both roll their eyes at the same time. However, Hyungwon's mother was the first to start speaking.
"Before I got married, my sister and I were close. And I mean very close. We told each other everything and we loved each other dearly." She sighed deeply.
"But when I ended up Hyun, my family disagreed. I still don't know why they were so held against the thought of us, but I was told that we couldn't be together. Obviously, that's not how it ended."
Well, this was a story.
"I ran away. With him. We started a new life. And I had to leave my sister behind. That's probably why she became so bitter. She thought I betrayed her." You watched Hyungwon's father grab her hand, gently rubbing circles on the back of it.
"She swore to make our lives miserable, and to her, that meant making Hyungwon's life miserable. So, she staged a case for us to go to, and she took us there."
That's right.
The two of them were aurors.
They'd disappeared from the scene, they were never marked dead.
Hyungwon had always assumed the worst.
He had the right too.
It was a decade.
"But Hyungwon met the boys, and suddenly, his life wasn't as miserable."
"I knew I was going to get taken that day." Yoon chimed in hollowly.
"That's why we went shopping that day. I wanted to take you to as many places I could before... yeah."
You softened at the expression on your dear brother's face. You wish you could convey how much his "death" hurt you. You couldn't even have a funeral. You were just an 11 year old that was trying not to make her first school year suck.
And it did.
"Hyungwon and I were close. Like brothers. He told me everything. I did not, and yet he was completely okay with it. For someone that was three years younger than me, he sure was an understanding guy. And he was only what? 15? 14? When I left? I honestly wonder what he's like now."
You smiled at the thought of him.
"He's the same. Probably colder than when you saw him, but he's a softie."
Yoon raised an eyebrow at you. You tilted your head at him. You weren't understanding his expression.
"A softie?" His eyes narrowed at you.
"Honestly, why the heck are you here? What do you have to do with Hyungwon?"
Hyungwon's father tapped him gently on the shoulder, giving him a "really?" look. Yoon shrugged his shoulders at him.
"You didn't hear her say 'Your Little Boyfriend'?"
Yoon's eyes widened at the words.
You guess he didn't.
"Boyfriend?" He exclaimed, a little bit of anger in his tone. You watched as his fists ball up slightly.
"Just wait until I get out of here and get my hands on th-"
His words were cut off by the rather loud yelp you let out as the bars from the window fell from the wall and onto the ground at your feet.
"Dong Sicheng?"
Sicheng peeked his head through what now you knew wasn't a room, but a vent. He put a finger over his lips, signaling you to be quiet. He looked around, seeing that there wasn't just you in the room. He looked down, his gaze switching from the three of them to you. Sicheng peeked back into the vent.
"Professor! Y/N isn't the only one in here."
"What did you say?"
You shouldn't have but you broke out into a smile hearing that voice.
Lin was right, he did come for you.
You saw his hand peak out beside Sicheng's head. The vent was too small for both their bodies to fit.
"That's not going to work." You implied lightly.
"Y/N." Hyungwon's voice was dripping with honey. You could almost see the smile on his face. It hadn't been long but you already missed his face.
Before you knew it, the dark gray smoke filled the room, fading as the familiar tall, slim silhouette began to pop up.
And there he was.
He dropped down to the ground instantly, roughly pulling you into his embrace, drawing circles on your back. He rested his head in the crook of your neck, the feeling of his hot breath on your skin sent shivers down your spine.
"I'm so sorry. I should've walked you home that night. You would've never been caught in this mess. I should've been more caref-"
You rested your pointer finger on his lips, making him shut up immediately. You smiled gently at him, taking in his blue eyes.
"I'm the last person in this room you should be going to, Hyungwon."
He tilted his head at you, bringing your finger down from his lips, holding it tightly in his hands. You gestured towards the two people next to you that Hyungwon had not bothered to notice whatsoever, yet they looked at him with such pure love. He slowly turned around to look at them, his black leather jacket, which was definitely something you'd never expected him to wear shone from a sudden burst of light from the vent. Sicheng went back through.
At first, he didn't react looking at them. He just blankly stared at them without saying anything. They both lovingly smiled at him, wondering if he had forgotten who they were already.
You knew very well that he didn't.
It took him a couple of seconds before he had finally realized who the older couple that were sitting in front of him were. His eyes widened as he uttered one thing.
"Mom? Dad?"
They both slowly nodded, coaxing him with their open arms. He hesitantly moved closer to them but his father pulled him in.
"You really are handsome now, son."
The room was filled with the quiet sobs of Hyungwon's mother, and both you and Yoon just watched them in silence, not wanting to ruin their moment.
A family had just been reunited after ten years.
They all mumbled a few words to each other that you couldn't understand and eventually Hyungwon pulled away, looking in complete shock still.
"I want a hug too, kiddo." Yoon joked. Hyungwon looked even more shocked looking at Yoon than he did his parents.
"Y-you're dead. Hyung, y-you're supposed to be d-dead." Hyungwon turned to you, pointing at your brother.
"Love, please tell me I'm not going crazy."
"Love? You call my little sister that?" Yoon seethed at Hyungwon. He jumped as far as he could with his chains on and harshly slapped his arm. Hyungwon retracted it, rocking his arm and soothing it like a child.
"I swear to god, I'm going to kill you." He rolled his eyes, but he couldn't hide his smile as grabbed Hyungwon by the shirt and hugged him for a second.
"Not gonna lie, I missed you, bro." Yoon chuckled. But before Hyungwon could utter a single word, Sicheng popped back into the vent.
"I hate to ruin the moment, Professor, but you really have to get them out of there. We're... struggling."
Just then you heard a large blast, shaking the entire ground violently. You clutched onto your chains, hiding your face underneath your hair as the ground continued to shake. More gray smoke filled the room and soon you saw Kihyun, blood dripping from his head, clothes tattered, but yet he still was standing straight.
"I'll take her." He offered, pointing the wand in his hand at the chains, then disappearing with such ease. He grabbed your arm, lifting you up and pulling you close to his side. Hyungwon placed a hand on his shoulder and Kihyun nodded. He bent down a bit, placing a small kiss on your forehead, giving you a bitter smile.
"I'll see you on the other side, babe."
He looks at Kihyun and suddenly his grip on you tightened. You knew what he was going to do.
"Kihyun. No, wait. N-"
And you were gone.
You were in the apartment.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" You shouted, ramming your head into the wall. You slouched down, hiding in your hands.
You couldn't leave them there. You saw the way Kihyun looked. You couldn't leave your brother, your friends, your fricking boyfriend to be knocking at death's door. Never once in your life were you ever expecting to see yourself running into a battlefield but here you were. You jumped up off the ground, running into Hyungwon's room, swerving as soon as you saw the desk. You rummaged through his drawers.
It had to be here.
You knew you left it here.
You stopped as soon as you felt the feeling of wood. You hastily grabbed it, pulling out the wand.
Hyungwon's spare wand.
It was the smallest of details, but on the first day of class you remembered something he'd said to you.
You both had the same wand core.
You pointed the wand at his light, it instantly bursting into hundreds of tiny little pieces. You grinned to yourself.
It worked.
You ran into Jooheon's room, grabbing that waist bag that Shownu had jokingly bought for him for Christmas. You were incredibly certain that he wouldn't mind you borrowing it. You went into Kihyun's room next, opening the drawer at the very back of his room, revealing all of the random elixirs, potions, pastes, and everything else. You sped read through all the labels he'd so carefully written, grabbing anything that could help heal, energize, or benefit in any sort of way. You stuffed them all into the bag.
You made your way back out into the area between the living room and the kitchen, right where you were dropped in from. You took a deep breath, clutching into your heart with your left hand and holding on tightly to the wand with your right.
You could do this.
You squeezed your eyes close as you repeated one thing to yourself over and over again.
And you were gone again.
You dove down as soon as you saw a yellow spark head straight at your face. You mindlessly muttered a spell and shot something back towards where the spark had come from. You heard a groan and just saw a man lie on the ground.
You did it.
Lucky for you, you'd actually been doing well in Kihyun's class.
Sure, you felt like you were just about to throw up, but you were here.
The ground was gray, the sky was black, the clouds were just mere speckles of white that were scattered in the darkness. It was empty, but you could hear the sounds of various blasts and shouts in the distance. You had zero clue what was going on here but that was the least of your worries.
You turned around and your heart instantly dropped.
You ran over to Minhyuk, who was laying on the ground, cuts on his face, his shirt ripped to pieces. You kneeled down at his side, wiping some dust off of his face with your sleeve and he grabbed your hand, stopping you.
"Kihyun took you back. Why are you here?" He said weakly, trying to get up. He picked up his wand and another spark came flashing from it. You looked back to see another man on the ground. But your attention from Minhyuk didn't stray for long.
He looked terrible.
You looked at him with worry and he definitely seemed to notice.
"I'm fine, Angel. Angel, I'm okay. It takes a lot to kill me. This is nothing."
He somehow effortlessly got up. Your arms still hovered closely around him. He grabbed your arm.
"I'll take you back."
You pulled it away from him. He didn't have enough strength to keep you in his hold like he'd usually be able to.
"I'm not going anywhere."
"But Hyungw-"
"But Hyungwon, what?" You raised your eyebrow at him and Minhyuk huffed at you, crossing his arms at his chest.
"Hyungwon would kill himself if anything ever happened to you."
Your face didn't fade.
"We need you safe, Y/N."
You rolled your eyes at him, suddenly all the attitude that he normally would have felt as if it were transferred to you.
"Minhyuk, you said that it would take a lot to kill you?" You started. He opened his mouth but you didn't let him answer.
"I've survived one hell of a car crash, plus whatever the heck that dementor thing was, making me immobile for months. I don't know how much it'll take to kill you, but it'll take more to kill me."
He couldn't argue back. You thought he would but he just sighed at you. You handed him a small vial and he grabbed it, tilting his head slightly.
"Murtlap Essence. It'll help." You pointed at the cuts that were scattered across his face.
"Thanks, Angel."
"No problem, Min."
He gently patted you on the back, but his head snapped back as soon as the sound of another loud bang echoed through the air. You both nodded at each other before sprinting in the direction of the noise. As you were running, Minhyuk met eyes with you pointing in one direction and then pointing in the other. You understood.
You ran towards the right, not looking back as Minhyuk ran left.
You grimaced while muttering more spells underneath your breath, pointing your wand at anything and everything you didn't recognize. You took a deep breath as the sounds of the fight were getting louder. You were getting closer.
You stopped for a second, trying to catch your breath. You dropped your wand, it slipped out of your sweaty hands.
You'd never been put into a situation like this.
Before you could bend down to pick it up, you watched a black blur run past you. You turned around to see Hyungwon on the ground, pinning another one of Lin's men to the floor, completely knocking him out with one hit to the nose. You hadn't even noticed him creep up behind you. You watched with your eyes widened as Hyungwon dusted his clothes off, flipping the lifeless man over onto his stomach with his foot. Violence was the last thing you'd ever expected from him yet here you were.
"Thanks, Won. I didn't notice him."
When he turned to face you, he wasn't smiling.
"How in the hell did you get back here?" He seethed, placing both his arms on your shoulder and bending down to your height.
"I saw Kihyun take you back. Why are you here? Where'd you get that wand? Why aren't you paying attention? Do you know how lucky you are that I was over there? Who knows what he could've done to you."
You couldn't pay attention to his lecture because you were so distracted by the mix of sweat and blood that was dripping down his forehead. You tiptoed slightly, using your sleeve to slightly dab it away. You noticed him wince as soon as you lightly tapped his left temple. You retracted your arm slowly, tilting your head slightly at him and softening your voice.
"Does it hurt?"
He didn't say anything. He didn't need to.
You went back into the bag, pulling out a bright yellow bottle. You opened it up slightly, squeezing some of the thick liquid into your finger. You went to put it on the bleeding area, but stopped before you could touch his skin.
"It's gonna sting a bit."
"I'm a man, Y/N. I can take it."
You rolled your eyes at him. He was unbelievable sometimes.
"Men can feel pain too, Chae Hyungwon. Squeeze my shirt if it's too much."
You began wiping off some of the blood, and then gently dabbing the area with the ointment. Surprisingly, there was no reaction. He was just as stone faced as he was before. That was until you hit a certain spot and his hand immediately reached for yours, squeezing it tightly. You scoffed at him.
"I'm a man, Y/N. I can take it." You mocked while putting the bottle back into the bag. Hyungwon uttered a mellow thank you band bent down to the ground to pick up the wand you had dropped.
"I hate to ruin your moment." A female voice said from in your vicinity,
"But being lovey should be the least of your worries, nephew."
You watched as Lin walked closer, her red heels digging into the sandy ground, but the indent of her footsteps disappeared with each new step she took. She had her wand in her hand, expertly spinning it around as she weaves it through her long fingers. Hyungwon pushed you behind him but you weren't going to take that.
"I don't even know you." He held out his wand too, holding it pointing directly at her head.
"You would've." She flicked her hair behind her shoulder,
"I just wanted to cherish you like my own, but your foolish mother made so many mistakes. Both starting and ending with you."
You wanted to attack that old woman. Pull her hair out, chip her teeth, ruin that makeup, maybe break a couple of her bones, but Hyungwon pushed you behind him again.
"Stay back." He muttered with frustration underneath his breath.
"It's cute." Lin said out of nowhere, making you both look at her with confusion.
"It's cute that you think you can protect her, Wonnie."
Lin took one step forward and Hyungwon pushed you two steps back.
"You're the one that got her into this mess. You think you can get her out?"
Hyungwon wasn't saying anything. That's not like him. You looked at his face, all of his features weren't as tense as they were before. It took you a while before you finally realized what was going on in his head.
He was believing her.
You tapped his back.
"Don't listen to her." You whispered but he didn't even turn around. He wasn't listening to you.
"Come with me." Lin coaxed, holding out her hands for him. She dropped her wand to the ground. Hyungwon did the same.
"What are you doing?" You whisper shouted at him. He still didn't acknowledge you.
"I'll leave her alone. I'll leave all of your other friends alone. Just come with me."
Hyungwon looked off into the distance, you couldn't see what he was looking at but all you knew is that he took one step closer. You grabbed him by his jacket, pulling him back. You turned him around so he was facing you.
"Are you actually about to go with her?" You exclaimed. You didn't know when he had gotten so stupid. Hyungwon's hand traveled up to your cheek, slowly caressing it. His hand trailed down to your neck, stroking it once and then bringing his hand back to himself.
"I don't want you to get hurt."
He gave you a pained smile as he began to walk towards Lin. It was as if the air had been completely knocked out of your lungs. Hyungwon took the hand she had offered out to him and her long nails wrapped around his pale hand.
"That's a good boy." She cooed, gently patting his head. He brushed the hair out of his face and smiled at him with nothing but satisfaction. She laughed manically as she pulled him closer to him.
"You're mine n- Oh!"
You gasped as two large pairs of arms wrapped around Lin's body, dragging her back away from Hyungwon.
"Actually, you're ours now, ma'am" Wonho corrected, his grip on her tightening. Lin tried to escape but it was to no avail. Shownu wrapped a blue rope around her hands, it glowing as soon as he tied the final knot.
"The Ministry has been search for you for far too long, Ms. Kim Linhui." He dusted off his hands, smiling as a tattered Changkyun and Jooheon walk towards them.
"My father will be ecstatic to see you." Changkyun laughed, pointing towards an empty area. He tapped his foot on the ground while looking at it, as if he was waiting for something. A car suddenly emerged out of nowhere, the portal behind it closing as soon as it had all gotten out. The door to the back seat opened on its own and Jooheon gestured for Wonho to "escort" her into the car.
Before you could watch anything else unfold, Hyungwon grabbed your hand, dragging you away from everyone and into the the gray abyss. You got far enough away from everyone that you could barely see their silhouettes in the fog.
"What do y- Ah!" You yelped, wrapping your arms instinctively around Hyungwon's neck as he picked you up and spun you around in his arms, giggling brightly. You laughed with him. He dropped you down, pulling you right in front of him and staring at you with those blue eyes of his.
In the darkness around you, they were the only light you could see.
He brought his lips onto yours for a brief moment, smiling as soon as he pulled away.
"Y/N." He grinned.
"This has been such a terrible day. But I met my parents, my not so dead best friend, and I got to see you again. So, I can't tell if this is the best or worst day of my life." He bounced up and down excitedly and you didn't know what to do. He was so hyper. It was so new.
You pulled him closer to you, enveloping him into a hug, resting your head on his shoulder and hiding your face into his leather jacket.
"I'm glad you're okay, Hyungwon."
That was until you heard one more blast.
Hyungwon took a faltering step forward.
You slight peeked your head from his shoulder and turned to where you had came from, seeing Lin with a wand in her hand, the blue rope on the ground next to her as Wonho, Shownu, and Changkyun all hurried to restrain her again. She laughed manically, making eye contact with you for a split second before she was shoved into the car and the fog from over there closed in on you. You wondered what on earth she d-
The blast came towards your direction.
You lifted your face entirely from Hyungwon's shoulder. Your heart stopped.
His face was frozen.
His breath was shallow
His eyes were gray.
He was hit.
His body staggered down to the ground and you dropped down next to him. You pulled his still body onto your lap gently tapping his face and his arms and his chest.
"No, no, no, no, no, I just got you back." You repeated fearfully. Your head was spinning and your heart was racing. You could barely see anything around but you watched his head slowly look up at you. He weakly grabbed your hand and you flinched.
It was cold.
His hands were never cold.
"Slow down." His voice was faint, weak, it was losing energy. That in itself made tears stream down your cheeks.
This wasn't happening right now.
You tapped his face gently, praying that he was just faking it all. Like it was revenge for what you did all those months ago. But his eyes were gray. They were gray.
Why were they gray?
They weren't shining like they always were.
They were as dull as the fog and as dark as the sky and it was breaking you.
You were breaking.
"Look at me, Y/N." He reached up weakly to wipe the tears that were streaming down his face.
"Smile for me." He rasped out, coughing violently and that made your sobs harder. They echoed across the empty blackness of the surroundings. Everything was quiet, and only the sound of your crying resonated.
"Smile for me, love. One last time." He painfully smiled and you shook your head at him, pulling his still self closer to you. His grip on your hand tightened, yet it was still so weak that you could barely feel it.
"Don't say that. You'll be okay. You're okay, Hyungwon." You choked out.
"The stars can't shine with a sapphire sky. I need you."
You watched as a single tear tricked down his face, wiping the cold sweat from his face. You laid your head on his chest, hiding your face in his shirt, listening to his slow heartbeat and feeling his shallow breaths as he uttered one last thing.
"I love you."
Your scream caught the attention of the guys over in the back. You could hear their distant footsteps as Hyungwon's chest stopped rising and his hand that was tightly wrapped around yours went limp.


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