14| Come And Get Her

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Chapter 14

Hyungwon's POV

Hyungwon sluggishly dragged his feet from his room, his blazer was crooked and his shirt wasn't tucked into his pants but he didn't have the energy to care.
He hadn't slept at all.
He was completely exhausted, letting out a harsh breath as he ran a hand through his rough hair and rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust the light that shouldn't have been on.
He raised an eyebrow when he saw Wonho in the kitchen, a protein shake in his hand and an extra glass sitting on the counter beside the blender.
"Why are you awake, hyung?" Hyungwon asked, shocked at how raspy and deep his voice was but didn't say anything about it.
Wonho grabbed the glass, walking over to Hyungwon and handing it to him. He thanked him quietly.
"Because I knew you would be awake. This is the week, isn't it?" Wonho straightened out Hyungwon's clothes and Hyungwon smiled gratefully at him.
"Five days." Hyungwon breathed out, trying not to imagine any of it. He remembered that day very vividly. He couldn't forget it.
He'd never forget it.
Hyungwon took a sip of the drink. He preferred not to eat in the morning. It just made him feel weird and made the rest of his day suck, but that was a simple superstition he had about his self. And it's not like it's true, so he drank the drink quickly, simply chugging the entire thing in a couple of seconds. Wonho instantly took the cup from Hyungwon's hand, walking over to the sink and just placing them in there. Kihyun or Shownu would probably wash them when either of them woke up.
"Have you checked in on, Y/N? I don't think she'd be okay. She's seemed a bit out of it for the last week." The corners of Hyungwon's tugged down at the mention of her name and his heart dropped.
After Christmas, which they'd spent together with the rest of the guys, Y/N had just kind of dropped off the radar. He'd see her in his classes, but she'd seem gone, like her mind was somewhere else. Whenever they spoke, she was desperately unenthusiastic.
She just wasn't who she normally was.
The fun loving, scaredy cat, adorable, most amazing person.
She was a shell of her normal self and he was too scared to go near her. Hyungwon did everything with caution around her. She was fine for the first part, but when it came two weeks to the date, she just dropped. Her skin was pale, her eyes were tired, she looked out of sorts and almost in pain.
After all, it was the anniversary of her brother's passing.
He may have been impacted hard by the news of his death, but could never, never, even compare himself to the pain that she'd felt.
And he just couldn't do anything about it.
"You should talk to her today. She may seem like she doesn't want to talk but she needs someone Hyungwon. Keep her happy. I can't even imagine how she's feeling."
Hyungwon nodded. He was right. She needed someone. She needed him. He'd promised Yoon all those years ago, that he'd make sure she was safe. He may have been late in keeping that promise but he was here now and he wasn't going to mess that up.
"I see her at the end of the day. I'll try talking to her after class is over."
Wonho just nodded. The sound of doors opening filled the house and Wonho turned to Hyungwon. Hyungwon just watched Jooheon rub his eyes as he adjusted to the lights that were on in the kitchen. He was still in his PJ's and his bright red hair definitely stood out against the darkness of everything else.
"That's your cue to go. You have that annoyingly early class to teach." Wonho nudged Hyungwon towards the door.
Hyungwon managed to grab his bag from the chair at the dining table before walking out the house, not even able to process the quick farewell Wonho had gave before closing the door on him.
Hyungwon yawned, looking at the torches and pulling his glasses out of his bag, as well as his phone, smiling softly at the wallpaper he had set. It was of the two of them standing by the Christmas tree. Her small self was tucked between his arms and they were both laughing their hearts out at a joke that Minhyuk had told.
He missed her.
The sound of his black dress shoes clanked against the ground as he walked through the dark hallway, turning his phone on Do Not Disturb as he did.
Today, he was thinking about nothing but being able to speak to Y/N.
Just seven more hours.
And so the hours went by.
Hyungwon couldn't focus on his classes whatsoever. Every lesson he taught was empty. It was meaningless. He hadn't even taken his lunch break because his mind was unbelievably filled with her. He was a terrible boyfriend. Not once did he go and check up on her during what should be the hardest time of her entire life. He'd been too scared to say something but he knew that she needed him there with her.
His day went by slowly. He hadn't touched his phone. He hadn't spoken to any of the guys, who would normally be around but they were probably busy starting lessons for finals. He should be too. But he wasn't. He'd avoided the eyes of his students even more. After hours of practice with Y/N, he'd learned that avoiding the confrontation would just make it worse. So, he'd learned to start making eye contact with people. He'd learned that he could control his powers and it was all thanks to her.
When he felt like throwing his head against the wall and breaking down, she was right by his side, encouraging him to keep going and that he could do it.
And look at him now.
Hyungwon was beating himself up. The anxiety slowly overcame him as each second passed. He'd seen the amount of messages from the guys but he hadn't bothered to read them.
None of them were from her.
Hyungwon missed her hugs. He missed her smile. He missed the way that she'd fiddle with her fingers whenever she got nervous just like he did. He missed the way she would hide in his chest whenever she got embarrassed. He missed the way she'd play around with the smallest of things. He missed the way she looked when she was in his hoodies. He missed the way she'd get mad at him whenever he bothered her while she was studying. He missed watching the night sky outside with her, the two of them talking about anything that came to mind and not worrying about a single thing.
He missed her.
So much.
He wanted his Y/N back.
The Y/N he fell in love with.
He was going to get her back.
He was going to hug her again. He was going to make her smile again. He was going to make her nervous so she would fiddle with her fingers again. He was going to make her embarrassed with his gestures again. He was going to play around with the smallest things with her again so he could hear the laugh that lit up his entire world. He was going to give her even more of his hoodies, so she could wear them. He was going to bother her while she worked again, so he could see the way her cheeks puffed up while she lectured him. He was going to watch the night sky with her again, so they could talk about even more because he would never get sick of hearing her voice.
Hyungwon was determined.
And nothing got in his way when he was determined.
He held his briefcase close to his side while he ran up the insane amount of stairs leading up to his Divination classroom. It may have been a long walk but if Y/N could do it every day so could he. He couldn't hide the grin that was threatening to spread on his face. He'd seen her on Friday, but today he was going to see her smile whether she wanted to or not.
He couldn't wait to see her.
He took heavy breaths when he walked into his classroom, but his smile instantly faded when he saw that she wasn't there.
It was just Yugyeom and Jungkook.
Where was she?
He looked down to his wrist to check the gold watch that his father had given him on his 11th Birthday. He still didn't know how it fit. But it did.
He was late.
But she wasn't here.
Y/N was never late.
Before he could even utter a single word at the boys, all the guys except Kihyun came rushing into the classroom, looking completely out of breath. Hyungwon tilted his head at them, wanting to speak again but Changkyun had beat him to it.
"Class is dismissed." He ordered at the boys, his face was unwavering and the two looked at Hyungwon, obviously confused.
He was too.
"Changkyun, wh-"
"Class. Is. Dismissed." He repeated sternly, glaring at Hyungwon from the side and turning to the boys who were now packing up their stuff and beginning to head out the door that he was pointing towards.
"Pages 1589 to 1617. Study them. Class will be cancelled until further notice. Books that have material that will be on the unit quizzes and final exams will be in the library. Just ask her and she'll tell you." Shownu told with a small but insincere smile.
Jungkook and Yugyeom hurried out the room, muttering their farewells before they both apparated away. Jooheon grabbed Hyungwon's hand, apparating the two of them back into their apartment.
Hyungwon cocked his hip slightly, brushing his hair out of his face and staring at the uneasy expressions on all of their faces.
He was getting nervous now.
"What do you guys want? Also, have you seen, Y/N?"
The guys awkwardly looked around at each other, and that made Hyungwon start panicking. He started fiddling with his fingers again, his eyes darting from Minhyuk to Jooheon to Wonho.
"That's the thing." Minhyuk trailed off while nudging Wonho with his elbow. Hyungwon was getting impatient. He could feel the tension between the five of them and it was driving him insane.
"Y/N isn't here."
Hyungwon's heart dropped at the sound of Wonho's words.
"She hasn't been in classes all day." Shownu started,
"One of her roommates approached Kihyun earlier today asking if she was okay since she didn't come back yesterday night. They all assumed that she was with us."
Hyungwon pulled out his phone. Rapidly scrolling through his messages until she found her, his eyes shaking just as much as his hands while he slowly typed out a small "Hi" to her.
He heard the ding from in front of him.
Changkyun was holding her phone.
Her wallpaper was still that picture of him.
His hands were shaking, his eyes eyes darted around the room as he gently patted himself and muttered with a psychotic grin. The guys looked at him with concerned looks on his faces but he didn't see them.
"I saw her last night. She walking through the gardens last night. I asked if she wanted me to walk her back and she said it was fine. No, guys. She's fine. She's not... gone. Maybe she's just walking around. She visits her mother's grave sometimes, maybe she's there? Y/N is smart, she would know when she's in danger. No one would've taken her. Why would the-"
"Hyungwon, calm down. It's been over 16 hours. There are people looking for her now. Just sit down and take a bre-"
"I won't calm down!" Wonho took a faltering step back at the sound of Hyungwon's voice. He hadn't raised it in years. His knees were going weak, but he slammed his hand on the counter top and leaned his entire body weight against it to keep him from falling. Wonho walked back towards him and gently rubbed his back.
"She's fine, Won. They'll find her." He assured despite the pained look on his face. Hyungwon looked down at his phone, staring at the picture of her. He could feel his eyes stinging from the tears that were threatening to fall but he blinked them back.
He wasn't that weak.
She wasn't weak either.
Everyone went silent. The air became suffocating and all of them just watched Hyungwon visibly break as each second passed.
That was until Kihyun came running through the front door.
A black envelope in his hand.
"Where did you get that?" Hyungwon's voice dropped an octave at the sight of the envelope. He'd never told the guys about them because he knew they'd try to do something about it. But at this point in time, that is not what he was thinking about.
He took the envelope from Kihyun's hand, ripping it open to see the signature red ink writing.
His entire world dropped as soon as he read the words that was messily written on the rough parchment. His fists balled up, making his knuckles go white and his teeth were clenched so tightly that he couldn't even feel the pain. He could feel his nails digging into his skin but he didn't care. He threw the paper to the floor, seething with rage and he uttered the words written.
"Come and get her, Wonnie."

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Bet y'all were expecting that
Unless you probably were
How as your guys day?
Mine was completely terrible
I've done a lot of painful things this week but the two that topped the list were texting my friends "I'm fine" while there were tears streaming down my face and ignoring the call of my friend who was just trying to make sure I was okay
But I'm fine
I'm fine

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