Chapter 3

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When Wyatt saw Eve about to fall, he quickly rushed to catch her. "We need to get her to the den," he said picking Eve up.

"I hope she is going to be ok," Zed said to the wolves as they left.

When the group got back to the den Wyatt took Eve to her old room while Willa went to go find their Mom. But before she could come back to the room, Eve woke up.

"Eve, are you ok?" Wyatt asked.

"I'm fine, but what happened?" Eve said rubbing her head. "And where am I?"

"You fainted in Zombietown," Wyatt said hugging her. "And this is the wolf den. I figure it would be easier to take you here than to your house.

"Smart," Eve said sitting up. "So this is the wolf den? Is this my room?"

"Thank you," Wyatt smiled. Then he lifted his hands and said: "This is your room,".  Eve then looked around in amazement.

"What are these?" Eve asked picking up on of the bracelets from the desk next to her bed.

"There bracelets you made for us when you were 5," Wyatt explained.

"Why is it here? Wasn't I wearing it that day?" Eve asked, picking up and putting on the bracelet.

"You used to take it off whenever you were sleeping so you wouldn't break it, and on that day you forgot to put it now when you woke up," Wyatt said looking down.

"Ok that answers one question," Eve stated looking at the two bracelets left on the desk. "The other is why are yours and Willa's here?" she asked.

Wyatt hoped that Eve wouldn't ask that question, it wasn't that he didn't have an answer. He did! It is just that answer was hard to talk about, it made him feel sad and Wyatt hated feeling sad. "Its complicated," He finally said.

Eve stood up and put Wyatt's bracelet back on. When he looked at her she smiled.

"Don't worry, we are together again it won't be sad," Eve in a clam voice. Her voice changed a lot from the loud and proud one Wyatt remembers.

"You're right," Wyatt said pulling her into a hug.

"Why are we hugging?" Willa asked as she came into the room. Eva walked over to Willa and put her bracelet back on her wrist.

"Aww, I forgot about these," Willa said looking at her bracelet. "By the way, I have someone who wants to see you again follow me,"

Willa walked out of the room with Wyatt and Eve following. Eve had no clue where Willa was taking her, but Wyatt knew they were going to see their mother.


Eve vaguely remembered the route they were currently taking. But luckily she following Willa and wouldn't have to think much about where she was going. Eve tried hard to remember her time in the den, but she had been very young when she was taken from her family. She couldn't think of anything. What if she didn't have any memories of her time in the den? What if none of her memories were good? What if–

The lost wolf: The story of Wyatt and Willa's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now