Chapter 2- "Space"

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Take a breath please and relax ❤️ don't let this fanfic ruin your sleep schedule
Back to practice:
Kageyama sat on the floor, leaning his head against the gym wall. His heart thumped loudly in his chest, drowning out everyone's shoes that squeaked across the gym floor. Kageyama couldn't focus on practice anymore so he was "nicely" ordered to sit out of practice

His mind kept circling back to what he said to sweet Hinata only a moment ago after pushing him down onto the floor:

I don't want to lose him. I just gotta put some space between us so I don't weird him out. Kageyama hid his face in his arms, a towel still sitting on top of his wet head. I've handled it well this far, I can handle from now on but I just...

Kageyama could feel Hinata watching him from the corner of his eye throughout practice. Kageyama tried his best to not make any eye contact between them or acknowledge the fact...

I don't want to lose the volleyball I play with him.

After practice:
that's what I thought but... Hinata had now decided to follow me home. Kageyama felt on edge as Hinata's bike rattled loudly behind him. Kageyama was silent the entire time but then couldn't take it anymore

Hinata jolted up in surprise when Kageyama suddenly snapped his head in his direction, sending angry daggers his way. If looks could kill, his would. "Why are you following me?!" Kageyama demands, "what is it?! Do you need something?!"

""Oh, u-hmmm I-i.." Hinata stammers and looks awkwardly off to the side. "I just thought m-maybe... We could go home together..?" It sounded more like a question than a anwser.

Kageyama felt his stomach flip. "Were you not listening to me before? I said to stay away from me off the court, did I not?"

"Well yeah but..." Hinata mutters, puckering his lips, "I can't figure out why you'd say something like that."


"Tell me why!- Give me a reason! I'm not above apologizing if it's my fault, so..." Kageyama stayed quiet as Hinata mumbled things. Ridiculous things.

What does this idiot know? As if I could possibly tell him that I want him. That I don't know what I might resort to have him.

Kageyama casts his head sideways, keeping his glance towards the ground with his dark hair covering his eyes. "...It's not your fault I've been off game." He knew he was all too well. "I'll pass you proper tosses again soon enough so sit back and just be patient with me-"

Hinata gripped his green bike tightly and sent a incredulous new look at Kageyama. "I'm not worried you won't send me tosses, you know! I'm worried about you! You.. you always try to solve your problems on your own and I just don't think that's healthy."

Kageyama grumbles before demanding, "Why should I have to listen to anything you say--"

"Because I'm your teammate right?!" Hinata asks in an angered tone, "what kind of friends are only close on the court?"

The word 'friends' makes my stomach twist. Everytime.

"I'll do anything you tell me if I can! I'll listen to anything you ask of me!- So, whatever it is you're thinking of, or you want to do, tell me!" And then there was silence, the two boys just staring at each other. Hinata shifts from one foot to the other . "And that's... all I have to say. So uh... I'll be on my way, for today." Hinata turns with his rattling bike down the street.

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