Chapter 3- Plans

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The next day:
Kageyama got his answer the next day. Pulling open the gym door, he instantly locked eyes with Hinata who was standing idly by and jumped when the door opened and Kageyama was the one who stepped in.

Sugawara greets him but Kageyama pretended not to hear. Hinata's cheeks instantly went red and he turned his head away. Well, that's the reaction I expected. Kageyama sighs.

"T-Tanaka-san, would you mind helping me practice my tosses?" Hinata asks the bald man.

"Sure! Bring it on, little man!" Tanaka agrees, already pumped up.

I didn't really intend to take it that far...  it just sort of happened. Kageyama remembers the kiss from the day before. It was the only other thing that seemed to be on his mind besides volleyball for once. I knew that it's turn out like this...

Kageyama watch's Hinata any chance he got throughout morning practice. He was purposely doing everything he could to not practice with Kageyama and it was obvious. He's doing me a favor by avoiding me. He focuses better when he's on the run... And I feel like I'm having less trouble than usual looking at him. Though I still do feel guilty about the whole thing.

When finally setting with Hinata, Kageyama was more than perfect. "Nice one!" Daichi exclaimed when the ball landed. He was clearly glad that Kageyama was doing great on calculating his sets again- The whole team was.

Hinata stared down at his burning palm, enjoying the tingling sensation it felt. Kageyama is really on his game again! But that wasn't why Hinata felt happy. He was glad that Kageyama was back in the game and smiling like he was actually having fun... A soft and small smile but it was still wonderful. It made Hinata's heart fly

After practice:
Hinata's following me again... the sound of a bike rattling behind Kageyama was becoming quite annoying quickly. Kageyama also realized that he was beginning to get used to hearing it following after his steps

Kageyama stops, turning his head around to lock gazes with the older boy. "Why are you following me?!" Kageyama demands once more, getting a sense of deja vu. He furrowed his eye brows deeply in an effort to look upset.

"I-I thought that... mmaybe we could go home together..-" Hinata replies nervously.

"But why?!" This happened yesterday too.

"'Why?'" Hinata repeated back. "Just uhm.." Hinata rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Keep your distance from me, dumbass!" Kageyama finally yelled out, "don't you remember what I did to you yesterday? Don't play dumb, just-just get lost..." Kageyama balled his fist up, getting ready to leave again.

Silence fell before Hinata takes a deep, silence breaking breath, looking away from Kageyama's intense stare. "So then... do you not need to do it today?"

Kageyama sunk down. "Huh?" Kageyama topped his head sideways.

"W-were you playing better today because of what we did yesterday?" Hinata asks him. He was gripping his bike handlebars tightly, his knuckles turning white. Kageyama didn't answer him or better yet, didn't know how. "And, if it was... Well, then uhm...  You should just keep touching and hugging and... kissing me every day. If you want!"

"You.. do you have any idea what you're saying?!" Kageyama felt himself burn with angler. "What are you thinking?! Most people would hate that!"

"Well!- I mean, it did shock me a lot but..." Hinata mumbles, looking down with his cheeks a burning red, "just more than that... seeing you feeling down and off your game, telling me not to touch you, to stay away from you is... well, I hate that way more!" Hinata was shaking now.

So.. he's ok with it?

Time skip
"Uwah! U-Umm Kageyama-san?" Kageyama held Hinata as close as he could, burying his head into Hinata's soft hair. It smelled liked like the cheap strawberry shampoo you can get anywhere. They were right back in the secluded, empty park again. Shit. "Like I said last time,... I don't want it to hurt, o-okay?" Hinata reminded him nervously.

So I can touch him? I can touch him every day now? Kageyama's lips moved to Hinata's round cheek.

"A-And also!" Hinata added, "you promise you won't do anything I don't want, right?"

"Sure," Kageyama agreed instantly. He didn't want to hurt Hinata, not one bit. Kageyama just wanted to see him blush again.. To touch his soft lips and skin again. He didn't realize how much he truly wanted to till now. Kageyama squeezed Hinata closer, lost in a daze.

"Um.. wai- calm down!" Hinata voice, his voice startled. Hinata slapped both of Kageayma's cheeks, snapping him back to reality. He was going to quickly...

"Right.." Kageyama nodded solemnly. Kageyama raised his hand and grabbed Hinata's wrist, pulling Hinata back. Slowly, Kageyama connected their lips again, getting the same tingling feeling up his spin as he did the last time. Hinata melted under the gentle touch.

Wow... He seriously isn't putting up a fight at all. Their body warmth was shared and felt comforting, familiar even. Amazing... His lips were just as soft as Kageyama remembered. Maybe even better

Ugh... Shit. I want more. Kageyama couldn't pull away. More... Hinata broke the kiss for air.

"Hinata..." Kageyama said under his breath, "can I use my tongue?"

Hinata flickered open his golden eyes to see Kageyama's face. Suddenly, Kageyama realized what he just asked but he couldn't take it back. He waited anxiously for Hinata's reply, not going to go any further until he responded. Hinata froze in place, turning away with his face a blazing red. He looked like an orange tomato... Kageyama almost wanted to laugh but that'd ruin the mood

Hinata took in a breath and said, "J-just... just a little." What's a 'little'? "Okay?"

Kageyama hummed and then, connected their lips again but this time, he slid his tongue into Hinata's mouth. Hinata didn't know what to do but he let a gasp of surprise leave his mouth. Then, Hinata got into it. Kageyama grabbed Hinata's cheek and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. He used his other hand to grab Hinata's shoulder.

'Just a little?' Kageyama pushed forward. That's impossible... With this... Hinata was shuddering.

Suddenly, Hinata fell back, breaking away from the kiss and collapsing onto the floor.

Kageyama held onto Hinata's arm so that he wouldn't hurt himself. Hinata looked up at him, his cheeks still red and panting heavily. Kageyama relaized the corners of his eyes were sparking with tears. The other boy used the tree near him to pull himself up back onto his feet.

"I.." Hinata was slightly panting as he said, "I'm going home now."

"Hin-" Kageyama began before shutting his mouth close. Hinata was already wobbling away, his knees buckling. Kageyama looked down, embarrassed by what he said and did. A little was just impossible to do with Hinata. Kageyama hoped he didn't mess it all up...

"Kageyama!" Hinata called. Kageyama picked his back head up. Hinata was beside his green bike, grasping the handlebars. His golden brown eyes were dazzling as he told Kageyama, "Let's... go home together again tomorrow."

Kageyama knew exactly what Hinata meant. He watched as Hinata dragged along his rattling bike back to the main road. His heart was pumping loudly with this new.. whatever it was.

From that day on, I began bringing Hinata here to touch him... and kiss him... everyday.
Word count: 1267

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