Chapter 10- The sunshine to my rain

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The two had to move under a kid's playground as the rain was now pouring down forcefully and they couldn't stand under it anymore. Hinata was laughing after everything was over.

"That felt good, huh Kageyama?" Hinata asked him with a smile.

Kageyama looked away, nervous. "..yeah," Kageyama agreed. The rain shushed loudly outside. "It's... kind of like the rain," Kageyama said.

Hinata cocked his head sideways in confusion. "M-my desire..." Kageyama began to tell him, "I feel... like it's gotta be huge, massive."

"Ooh! Was that a dirty joke?" Hinata asked.

Kageyama smacked his head. "No dumbass! Listen to me!" Kageyama sighed as Hinata rubbed his now aching head whispering under his breath, "ow..."

"And I feel it dripping down steadily," Kageyama explained, "but before I realize it, it's become a downpour, overflowing its banks and it's all soggy and mucked up, and you can never tell when it'll start pouring, or how much of it there'll be." Kageyama held his hands together as he leaned against the playground's wall beside Hinata.

"I feel like I can control most things in my life but I'm helpless when it involves you and that's... kinda scary," Kageyama admitted...

"You really overthink things!" Hinata gasped. "Do you hate the rain or something? Scared of lightning?" Hinata guessed.

"Oi, listen to me!-"

"I don't really get what you are so scared about!" Hinata complained, "this old lady who tends a field near my place said 'without rain, the crops won't grow or bear fruit.' Plus... '' Hinata trailed off and looked the other direction.

Kageyama watched as Hinata looked up at the playground's ceiling thoughtfully. "I'm sure it's not a bad thing. Even if it's soggy and mucked up, it'll dry out eventually. After all... now you've got the sun!"

So he had been listening to the metaphor... Kageyama remembered the words, 'Just find an even bigger container...' that's exactly what Kageyama did.

"Ah!" Hinata gasped, bringing Kageyama back to reality. Hinata began crawling out of the playground, "It stopped! Hey Kageyama! Check this out! Awesome right?" Hinata pointed outside but then stopped when he saw that Kageyama was looking down at the ground with a certain look on his face.

"Kageyama." Hinata crawled back in, "are you crying?"

It took a moment before Kageyama mumbled softly, "No, I'm not."

"Yeah but." Hinata reached his hand out and then smiled softly. "This is...just rain." Hinata cupped Kageyama's cheek as tears finally came raining down. "It'll all be ok."

Kageyama finally had his sunshine and he was determined to never let it go...

The end.
Word count: 435

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