Chapter 5- Jealousy

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How late do you guys stay up? Personally, it's currently 5am as I'm writing this 😂
In school
Kageyama was in his classroom, reading along with the rest of his class as the teacher's voice drowned on in the background. The only thing on Kageyama's mind was Hinata.

His words before echoed in Kageyama's head like a bad show tune. He hated the phrase "I don't like it!" because it basically meant that he hated it...

Hinata hates my touch while I love his! Kageyama got angry at just the thought.

Suddenly, Kageyama banged down his fists onto his desk angrily without any warning. "Woah! What's wrong with him?!" a classmate murmured beside him.

The bell rang loudly throughout the school, signaling for Kageyama and everyone around him to gather their stuff and leave. Kageyama walked out of the classroom but then stopped almost instantly at what he saw.

Hinata was surrounded. By people and other boys... "You're the only one who understands how i feel!" One chortled, leaning against Hinata.

"I get it! I totally get it!" Hinata gasped for air. He had one arm around the boy. It made Kageyama's stomach flip...

"EEK!" Hinata squealed when he saw that Kageyama was giving him a death glare from across the hall.

After school
Kageyama grabbed Hinata's arms and pinned them against the same tree. "Wha-What?!" Hinata yelled, "Huh?! You're scary! A-And this hurts!"

They were together, back at their usual empty park. Kageyama dragged Hinata out there as soon as school was over. Kageyama wouldn't let go of Hinata's arms as he held them against the tree. Kageyama slowly but surely leaned forward and connected his and Hinata's lips again, wasting no time at all. He then pulled away quickly, with his tongue hanging out, refusing to slip it into Hinata's throat.

Yeah, yeah, I know.. Hinata was gasping for air after the sudden kiss. Their spit had connected together but snapped almost instantly. Hinata's cheeks were already red. I won't stick it inside.

Hinata flickered open his eyes. "Hey... what's with you..?" Hinata asked him, "Did... something happen? What are you so mad about?!" Hinata was completely confused. He had absolutely no idea how protective Kageyama was about what was his.

"Hey!" Hinata squeaked. I don't know! Kageyama couldn't form any words...

Kageyama leaned down and licked Hinata's neck gently upwards. Hinata glued his eyes shut, trembling with his arms still above his head. Kageyama used one hand to pin Hinata's arms and the other to pull up his shirt.

I don't know why I'm so pissed off.. Why I'm so restless... It's just NOT ENOUGH. Nowhere NEAR enough!

Kageyama trailed down his tongue slowly. "Kageyama!" Hinata yelled into Kageyama's ear. It was weak but powerful at the same time, snapping Kageyama back into reality.

Kageyama lifted his head up into the air, taking a deep breath of air. He missed it when it all used to be so simple. When they would play simple games of volleyball together and Kageyama didn't have all these confusing, longing feelings to hold Hinata. Or maybe Kageyama had always kind of felt like this but it overflowed before he could stop it...

Kageyama placed his head softly onto Hinata's shoulder, embracing the touch. The world around them dissolved. Will I feel better... If I just give myself over to instinct? Hinata gently placed a hand on top of Kageyama's head to comfort him softly. No... just having his body isn't enough... I want Hinata and for him... to want me.
Word count: 606
Sorry for the short chapters. I know how much those commercials can SUCK

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