Chapter 6- Hate.

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Hehe 😉
One week later
Kageyama sat on the gym floor, leaning his head against the wall while rolling around a volleyball boringly with one finger.

"Kageyama's been kind of unstable lately, huh?" Sugawara whispered too Daichi.

"Yeah... I'm a little worried," Daichi said.

Near storage, Hinata was with Tanaka and Nishinoya. "Huh? What's wrong with your neck Hinata?" Tanaka pointed out.

"H-huh? My neck?" Hinata looking down at it.

"Yeah. It's kinda red," Tanaka said.

"Get bitten by a bug?" Nishinoya guessed.

"Ah! Wait! Is-is that a hickey?!" Tanaka jumped.

Hinata wasn't paying attention. He stared at the red mark left on his neck.

"Oh, man! hahaha..." Nishinoya laughed.

Kageyama must have sucked my neck a little bit yesterday, leaving a mark

Hinata looked over at Kageyama who was watching him from afar. Kageyama smirked at him with all-knowing eyes. Hinata shuddered, instantly turning red as a tomato. "It's-it's not!!" Hinata yelled, "It's a bug bite! There are tons of them at my place!" Hinata waved his arms around in Tanaka's face who was laughing at him.

"Bahaha, yeah yeah we know!" Nishnoya chuckled loudly.

Kageyama, you idiot! Hinata thought angrily, feeling like he was going to cry.

After practice
"Why'd you go and leave kiss marks on me?!" Hinata demanded nervously. His back was up against the tree again. "What were you thinking?! Are you an idiot?! You'd better not do that EVER again!" Hinata balled his fists...

"Why not?" Kageyama asked him.

"'Why not?'!" Hinata repeated angrily.

"Did you not like it?"

"No, I didn't! So cut it out!" Hinata screamed.

Then, Kageyama went silent. "So..." Kageyama asked, "you hated it that much?" Hinata stopped.

"K-Kageyama..." he whispered under his breath in realization.

HATE. I hated the word. I knew that if I could never have his heart, that if these feelings were just going to keep getting bigger and bigger the more that I touched him... I ought to cut this off now. I knew that. And yet...

"Hey..." Hinata said after Kageyama went all silent all of the sudden. "Kageyama-san?" Kageyama wouldn't answer, just continued to stare. Hinata didn't really know what to do. He reached out and grabbed the edge of Kageyama's black shirt to grab his attention.

"Hey." Kageyama slowly looked up. Hinata cocked his head sideways and then asked, "Aren't you gonna touch me?" with his cheeks slightly pink but his eyes were deadly serious.

...In my head at least. Hinata looked up at Kageyama, looking so fucking adorable. Kageyama leaned down and buried his head, pulling Hinata's closer to him. Kageyama held him close.

"Ka-Kageyama..." Hinata whispered.

"Hinata," Kageyama said right in Hinata's left ear.

In a quick movement, Kageyama grabbed both of Hinata's cheeks softly and pressed his lips too his forcefully. Hinata gasped. I want to touch him so much more... Kageyama slid his tongue in easily, not teasing and wasting anymore time.

"Ka-Kageyama- Nh-!" Hinata tried. Kageyama pulled away then slowly trailed his kisses down to Hinata's chest, lifting up his T-shirt. Kageyama felt around. "Ya- s-stop."

I want him so badly, you have no idea. Kageyama licked his tongue upwards on Hinata's bare chest. Hinata shuddered and then yelled, "Stop!" He pushed Kageyama away, off of him, pulling his T-shirt back down. "I--I don't... I definitely don't like this!".

"Stop saying that!" Kageyama yelled. Dammit! What the hell am I supposed to do with this feeling?!

Hinata had turned his back away. Kageyama leaned down, wrapping his arms around Hinata, embracing him. Kageyama just wanted to feel his warmth... "Hinata. Hinata..." Kageyama repeated. I feel like... Kageyama squeezed Hinata, not being able to let him go just yet. A little kid, throwing a fit because he can't have the thing he wants... "Hinata!" I sound so desperate...

"Kageyama..." Hinata said then his eyes widened in surprise. He looked down and saw that Kageyama had slid his hand down Hinata's pants, touching his member "Don't! NGH-" Hinata struggled.

"Hey, you... STOP!" Hinata shoved Kageyama away. "STOP IT! STOP IT BAKA-YAMA!" Hinata fell onto the floor. Kageyama took a step forward and stood over him, looking down as Hinata was panting, out of breath. Then Hinata turned and looked up. Kageyama's heart stopped.

Even my fear... of losing something important to me... Hinata had tears slowly streaming down his cheeks. Kageyama's eyes widened. Had fled me...

With a loud WHAP, Hinata swung his hand smacking Kageyama's face painfully. "I said... I DON'T LIKE THAT!" Hinata yelled, his tears were flying everywhere as he screamed.

In quick movements, Hinata scrambled onto his feet, grabbed his book bag, and ran away past Kageyama. There was no more 'see ya tomorrow'.

Kageyama was... furious with himself. He went up to the tree and slammed his head into it. He slammed his head over and over again, angry with what he just did to Hinata. "Ah..." Kageyama sighed loudly when he was done.

I've done it again...

Kageyama felt like he was back on the court again, all alone and an complete idiot... The words 'You sure have great ball control, Kageyama!' that Sugawara said, echoed in Kageyama's head.

Sugawara-san... Please teach me how to control... Kageyama felt a kind of swelling inside of his heart. He balled up his fists angrily, shaking ...My heart!
Well that's dramatic 😂
Word count: 900

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