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"It's a whole enemy fleet!"

"They're everywhere!"

"Incoming torpedo!"

"We're hit! We're hit!"

"Damage control!"

"We've been boarded!"

"Jump drive ruptured! ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP!"

He barely even had time to register what was going on. The next thing he knew that the whole ship was blowing up and through instinct, he ran and jumped overboard. He barely just got out when the whole hangar of the small destroyer type starship was engulfed in flames. Now he had another problem, he was free-falling towards the ground below. But luckily for him, as a Pilot, he had access to a piece of equipment that could save him from what was otherwise a certain death.

He tried to maneuver his body so that his Jump Kit could properly slow down his descent. He flailed his around until he was able to straighten out his body and activate his Jump Kit just in the knick of time as his helmet's altimeter indicated that he was only 300 meters or a thousand feet from the ground. The Jump Kit's jets roared to life and his descent began to slow down, but when he was about 50 feet from the forest's canopy down below, his kit's jets stopped working.

"Shit!" He spat out. I really should've replaced the fuel canister this morning! He looked down at the approaching trees below him. This is gonna hurt...

Once he was at tree-top level, he tried to grab on to one of the branches but his hand slipped and he kept on falling. And his legs hit another branch which made his body reorient and he basically just tumbled down to the ground, hitting almost every branch in his way.

He hit the ground on his back with a thud. Fortunately for him, the modifications that were done to his body and the fact that the branches had slowed him down enough meant that aside from a few bruises here and there, he was unharmed.

But that didn't mean that it didn't hurt like a bitch...

With a groan, he rolled over and put a fist to the ground and tried to push himself up. "This was supposed to be my day off..." He muttered. Once he was up, he dusted the dirt from his suit and looked around.

It was around past noon on this part of the planet that he was on, so the sun was way up. He could see plumes of smoke in the distance, which could probably be the remains of the ship that he was on just a few minutes ago. He then activated all the other systems in his helmet.

He scanned his surroundings for any friendly beacons nearby using his helmet's scanners. His HUD showed that there was one friendly beacon nearby and he immediately ran to it. After a couple of minutes of trekking through dense forest, he arrived at his destination only to be slightly disappointed.

It wasn't a person or anything he could use for communications, it was a small supply pod which only ever has a few things in it. He knelt down next to it where the access panel was and typed in the security codes.
The pod opened up, revealing a Volt E-SMG with a few extra extended magazines, a Data Knife, a bandage, and a single medical syringe. The syringe could help against some light injuries but anything worse than that then it's more of just a pain reliever. He took the stuff and put them in their respective places on him. He made sure that the Volt was cocked before scanning his surroundings.
Suddenly, he heard gunshots in the distance, and instinctively raised his weapon towards the source of the noise. Then he heard what can only be someone's scream, a scream of pain before being followed up with more gunshots. He took a short moment to think about what he should do.

He sighed. Oh, what the hell...

He started running towards the source of the noise. He almost tripped over a few times as he ran but he was determined to save whoever this person was. He came upon a small clearing in the forest and he took a good look into it. There was a pack of what looked like prowlers surrounding what appeared to be a person who was backed up against a tree. One of the prowlers was gonna pounce on the person but luckily he was quicker and he was able to put a few shots into it, causing it to slump over. He fired more shots and the pack was spooked and they dispersed, running into the forest. He advanced and continued to fire more shots into the treeline to make sure that the pack of prowlers continued to put distance between him and the other person and them.

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