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Gates stood at ease the moment the door open and saluted. And in the corner of her eye, she saw Walker's expression change.

"Oh, it's just you," He said in a tone of distaste while also glaring at the person who walked in.

Sarah Briggs raised an eyebrow as she raised a hand to wave down Gates. The Captain of the 6-4 lowered her hand and placed both of them on her back as she took a step back so she was standing in the corner of the room, observing its other two occupants. The Commander of the SRS, however, took the seat which was previously occupied by the Captain.

Briggs gave the captured IMC Pilot a quizzical look. Gates had written a report detailing her experience on Xena, especially since she had an IMC Pilot along with her who helped her out. It was also written in the report that the captain had convinced this guy to turncoat. Not that Briggs was not complaining, a new pair of hands in the force would certainly help them, even if it's just a little bit. Now she wanted to meet this Pilot face to face to see who she really was going to be inviting into their group.

The first Briggs noticed was that he was giving off this weird vibe of familiarity. Do they know each other? Have they met before? Since this guy was IMC, she'd probably ran into him on the battlefield. And by the looks of things right now, she's guessing that it went badly for him but not for her.

"I take it that you know who I am," Briggs said as she leaned forward and clasped her hands on the table.

Walker snorted in slight amusement. "You have no idea," He said.

Briggs narrowed her eyes at him and began to speak. "Okay so, are you aware of where you are and what's gonna happen next?"

The Pilot looked around him. "I think I'm in a Militia carrier of sorts and judging by the sheer size of it, this is probably the flagship of whatever fleet this is. And, I'm sure this is the part where I get questioned, right?"

She nodded. "Heres the deal, Pilot. You tell us what we want to know, and maybe we can do something for you." She told him, but he didn't reply and continued to glare at her. "Okay, first off. Who are you?" She felt like she needed to get that one down first before all else so she'd know the best way to proceed.

The Pilot raised an eyebrow before chuckling slightly, causing a pair of confused looks from the other two women in the women. "You really don't recognize me, don't you? I mean, that was no more than a job for you, anyway. Why was I even surprised?"

Briggs was slowly becoming uncomfortable, but she needed answers. Even Gates was eager to know what this was all about. She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off when there was a knocking from the door before opening. A rifleman entered and saluted the superior officer before handing her a holopad. She gestured him to leave before examining what was in the holopad. She read each line carefully, making sure to take in every bit of information. Now she was definitely on edge now. Her eyes moved from the holopad to the Pilot, and back, and vice versa a few times. After a minute or so, she put it down and glared at him.

"What do you want?" She asked, making eye contact with him.

"What's good for the Frontier." He answered, staring her down.

"What good will killing me do?" She challenged.

"If I wanted to kill you then this whole ship would've been torn in half an hour ago," He countered.

"This ship is filled with some of the best Pilots in the whole Frontier. Just tell me, how did you even expect to succeed with such a plan?" She challenged him with a smug smirk as she got comfortable with his seat.

The Pilot raised an eyebrow. "Well, this is why," He wrapped his right hand around the metal chain of the shackle which bounded him to the table and calmly broke it. He reached over to his left and broke that chain as well. And he did all that while keeping a neutral expression on his face.

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