Biohazard Part III

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AN: Part III because I'm out of ideas.

And, you already know that *** is a breaker splitting the characters and times. But be reminded that the time difference between the events could be either moving into the future or the past. Anyway, that's it.

I wonder what they're thinking right now?

"She's got some really sexy curves, in my opinion," Walker said moving forward.

"Not to mention her rear. Now that's a hell of a sight," Carlos added.

"Well yeah, but have you seen the other ones? Those were pretty hot too," Tyrell piped in.

Carlos nodded. "Uh-huh, but nothing can beat her. End of story."

"If you had to stare at something without looking at something for a week straight and it's going to be that, would you accept it?" Sweets asked curiously. 

"Without hesitation," Carlos answered. "Her looks are just unmatched."

"Jesus Oliveira, why do you have to make it sound so weird?" Walker spat out.

"Hey, I'm not trying to make it weird. You're making it weird by thinking that it's weird," He retorted.

"Well you are personifying an inanimate object by calling it a 'she'," Tyrell added.

"I just think that it deserves more respect, ya know?"

"The ZR-1 is one hell of a car, so is GT-4," Sweets said. "Zero to one hundred in three seconds. Three goddamn seconds!" He told them, holding out three fingers.

"Sweets has a point. I'd choose performance overlooks any day," Tyrell said.

"Valid point, but a pretty car is a pretty car," Walker concluded.

Walker and his small fire team of mixed IMC and Militia were walking patrolling the surrounding city blocks hoping to find any supplies they can or survivors they can rescue. They managed to find a bunch of useful stuff on their patrol as well as a few survivors which they promptly directed to the subway before continuing forward. 

"Let's clean up this last block and we'll head back to the subway. Then just decide what else to do from there," Carlos said.

"Yeah, I kinda need a break," Walker said.

"A break, I thought you Pilots don't get tired?" Carlos asked.

"Some of us Pilots are generally considered as super soldiers, unfortunately, that doesn't mean we don't have to take a piss break. Besides, I've completely forgotten how long I've been awake," The Pilot said, tiredly. "I could inject myself with a Stim. If I had one though."

"I could use a snack too, and I wanna see how the others are doing," Sweets said. "And besides, I don't really think Stims are too good for the human body.

"Well yeah, but in dire situations, it can work wonders. Gotta love Umbrella for making that stuff,"  Walker said and glanced back behind him towards the other Pilot and to the rest of the group before he turned back around spotted something in the distance. 

"Hey what's that?" He said and jogging over to the object. 

Once they were close enough, they grouped around it and examined it.

"It's a case, a black case," Sweets pointed out.

"I wonder what's inside it though," Walker said before kneeling down and opening it and inspecting whatever was inside it.

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