Biohazard Part I

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"Those were zombies, no doubt about it."

"Really, zombies? That's ridiculous." Roux said.

"Is it though?" Hayley countered, raising her voice a little and turning her head behind her. "I know what I saw Nat! And you saw it too!"

"Okay okay, calm down," Roux said, putting a hand up to her, to which she just huffed and looked away, crossing her arms.

"I saw it too," Walker said. "These two guys, or whatever the hell they are now, were on their knees eating another guy's intestines. It was the grossest shit I've ever seen. And I've seen some really strange ass shit in my career. But this takes the cake." He declared, shuddering a little.

"Alright, zombies it is. But we have to report this in, and I don't think 'zombie' is going to stick too well to high command," Gates stated.

"They can come down here and see for themselves," Hayley muttered before deciding to dig around the food basket.

"Bioweapon, try that," Walker said into their comms. "They told us that you guys were on an intel run on some sort of IMC weapon. Perhaps you can add this to your report."

"Or is this the weapon you found?" Roux asked curiously, pointing to the ground.

"No, what we found isn't even close to this," Gates replied, shaking her head. "We found a new weapon designed for ship-to-ship combat. Force projection suggests it's a 'fleet killer' type weapon, not a planet-killer. They call it the F-SpAr. But, I think I'd rather face-off against that than whatever this is. This is way beyond my pay grade."

"Damn straight," Bear agreed. "What's the plan of action COs?"

"Check your ammo. Best case scenario is we go around them. But if it comes to it then we'll have to go through them, literally." Gates explained. "Which brings me to another thing, what's the best way we can kill these things?"

"I unloaded an entire mag into one of its chests. It fell down for a second or two before getting back up." Hayley said.

"What about you boys in the back?" Gates asked.

"They take a few rounds from my Spitfire before going down. But the punch helps." Haggard said.

"Davis and I took a few down, energy shots burn right through them," Droz said.

"They take a couple of shots from the M4 before going down for good. But I don't think we can carry this thing around everywhere we go, though," Walker said.

"Um, the good 'ol headshot still does the trick, it seems. Although I did blow it's head off since I was so close to it." Sweetwater said.

"Alright. Okay everyone, focus your aims on the head as much as possible. I don't to be wasting ammo out there," Gates instructed.

"You got it," Bear replied.

"Good, now the next thing we focus on is getting the hell out of here."

"Hayley, map," Roux said.

"Got it," She said before examine their route. "In the next 20 kicks we arrive at Racoon but we don't have to really go in. The road goes around it, not through. Unless, of course, it's blocked off, then we have to cut through. But beyond the city is just a straight shot to the LZ," She explained.

"Okay then. Bear, take us in," Gates told him.

"You got it."

"And that about wraps it up, for now. Now, I better start adding to the report. Do you guys have any other ideas?" She asked.

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