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Despite her injury and the fact that she slept on nothing but a bunch of grass and dried leaves on the dirt ground, Amelia woke up fine. More than fine to be exact. Hell, she woke up better than most days. Although, it was due to some reason she didn't really understand. It could just be the fact that she woke up normally and not to some sort of damn alarm. But she didn't care, she woke up nicely and that was good enough for her.

Opening her eyes, she took a good look at her surroundings. She was met with the same surroundings she was in last night, except the obvious presence of sunlight that illuminated the entire area around her. The bonfire was out and was now just char. Looking over to her left, she was surprised when she didn't see the outline of another person on the ground a few feet away from her.

Amelia sat up straight and looked around a bit frantically. Nick was gone, and so was his helmet! Where had he gone? What happened to him? Did he leave? Why would he leave? Maybe he just needed to do something. Then what did he do? The Militia Pilot found herself asking herself more questions than her mind can handle. A tsunami of emotions overwhelmed her and she did not know what to feel. But slowly, anger started to dominate her and she began to regret feeling sorry for the bloody son of a-

She was startled when she heard the sound of a branch breaking followed by an exclaimed curse and then, after a short moment, a thud of something hitting the ground. Amelia gathered all the strength she had and pushed herself up. She made a quick check of herself and tried to move. Her leg still hurt from the wound so the best she could do was limp.

The Pilot limped to the best of her ability to the source of the noise. She pushed past a few rows of bushes when she found the missing IMC Pilot laying flat on his back on the ground in front of her.

"What the hell did you do?!" She spat out at him.

He turned his head to his side to look at her. Although she couldn't see it, he found himself smirking under his helmet.

"Good morning to you as well, sweetheart!" He told her.

She narrowed her eyes at him in annoyance. "May I remind you that I only need one leg to kick you're arse." She threatened him, venom dripping from her voice.

"H-Hey, I-I'm just trying to be nice," He said nervously with his hands up.

Now it was Amelia's turn to grin as she looked down on the fallen IMC Pilot. "'Just needed to get you attention, that's all," She extended her hand which he took and she pulled him up. "Now, I'll ask again: what did you do?"

He dusted the dirt off of him and cleared his throat. "I did two things," He began while gesturing to her so he could help her move. "First thing I did was try to find us breakfast."

"Did you get lucky?" She asked accepting his help, wrapping her right arm around his neck.

"I found these two bird looking things, helmet said it was edible again," He gestured to the two small dead animals which were attached to his belt while he moved his left arm around her back.

"Alright then. What about the other thing?" She asked as they slowly walked back to the camp.

"I decided to find a way out of here, and luckily, I think I did." They both reached their camp and Nick set Amelia back down on her spot.

"What did you find?" She asked as she shifted to find a comfortable position for her bad leg.

"Nick sat down and set aside the dead animals while removing his helmet. "Well, first I thought that I should use my helmet's scanners but there was so much vegetation around us that it would block out the signal. So I had to get up high, that's why I climbed up the tree." He said, pointing a finger upwards. He reached into one of his front pouches and pulled out a zippo lighter then grabbing some dried grass. "I made another scan and discovered that the wreck of the IMS Phoenix (the ship that I was on) only 10 klicks northwest from here," He extended his arm to the direction of the downed ship. "I also realized that there is a short-range portable beacon on board," He lit the dried grass on fire and tossed it at the bonfire. He leaned to his left and grabbed a bunch of sticks and began tossing it at the fire.

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