Chapter 1 - Mission

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A/N: Hi guys this is the first chapter I've written. Oh yah the Italics word means that the person is talking through it's mind. Please vote and enjoy!!!


Jae-ah's POV

It was a dark night. Well it was dark because it's freaking 8:00 pm! Stupid, stupid me. Why did I miss the bus?! It isn't my fault anyways...the teacher gave me too much work to do. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a thief pushed me to the ground and grabbed my purse. yaaaahhhh!! Give my purse back! But I couldn't stand, my leg had a huge scrape and it stung like hell.

Suddenly I hear strange noises.

"S-sir! I-i'm sorry! Here's the purse! Stop hitting me!" said the thief.

I heard fast footsteps running away, and saw a guy wearing white approaching me. He was so heavenly for some reason. I was trapped in his gaze. He is so fuckin handsome!!! But he had a certain charm that made him different from other people. Questions flooded through my mind, and my mind was somewhere else.

"Miss? May I help you?" the strange man asked.

I was still staring at him and I felt like I was looking down from a high place.

"My purse... It has been taken away from me... And the scrape on my leg hurts... Ow!"

"Is this your purse?" said the strange man asked while showing her the purse.

"Yes! Yes it is! Thank you very much. What is your name exactly?"

"My name is-"

"JAE, WAKE UP! You're running late for school again!" a loud voice exclaimed.

Wow, what a long name...



With this, Jae-ah woke up. It was just a dream, but it felt so real...

Jae-ah stood up and did what she normally does, unaware of the things that will soon happen to her.

--In Angel world/ heaven--

Luhan's POV

"I have a mission for the 12 of you." a loud and confident voice exclaimed.

Sudden murmuring ensued.

"Mission? What mission?" said Chanyeol.

"Where will it be? What do we do?" said Beakhyun.

"Will it be fuuuun?" said Sehun.

"Enough chitchat! Questions will be entertained after I speak. Now, may I speak?" the loud voice echoed everywhere.

"Yes sir..." all of us shut our mouths and listened to the creator.

The creator laughed. That's more like it!

The creator pointed down at a planet beside Venus.

"You see that wonderful planet? I made it, and I also created its inhabitants. I made the humans there." the creator said.

"I created them so that they can take care of what I have created, and so that they may love each other and live in peace..." the creator suddenly sighed.

"But now, the people there have... changed. They now are now greedy and selfish! Their greed is so much that they ended up killing each other for money! I don't see the love anymore! I don't see peace!" the creator suddenly burst into tears.

"Oh how I wish they would change their ways and love one another again..."

"What can we do for you, master?" Xiumin asked.

"Your mission is to change their ways and help them love one another again!" the creator exclaimed.

"But how do we disguise ourselves? How do we even live in earth? We've never been there!" Asked Lay.

"You will find one human being, a girl. She may not know it, but she will be your greatest help. She will guide you as you live on earth. But watch out you shouldn't just trust anyone, before you ask her for help you should make sure that she is reliable" the creator said.

"What is her name?"

"Choi Jae-ah"

"Where will we find her exactly??"

The creator smirked. "That is for you to discover. Off you go! Good luck and do not fail me, understood?"

"Understood!" all of us said in unison.

"Yehet! I can go to earth now! I wonder how it looks like... How do they live there...?" I bombarded myself with questions with no definite answers. "Will there be people as handsome as me?? Nah, I don't think so....."

With one flick of the creator's hand, the 12 Angels were transported to earth.

A/N: Hi guys! Hope you like this chapter even if it's not that perfect. I will try to improve on the next chapters and update it as soon as possible.

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