Chapter 7

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Even though I’m normally the first one in my English class (I much prefer words to numbers), Dylan cuts in front of me. Suspicious, I watch him walk past my desk and just as he does his hand darts out and then back in. Unsure of what he’d done, I approach my desk warily and as I sit down I find a post stick note stuck to the bottom of my desk. It read:

Be at Pine Lake for 5pm sharp if you want answers.

From You know who

I don’t know why, but I half expected a blank note which would’ve really annoyed me but that probably would’ve been the whole point. Should I go? Should I not? I really do need some answers… fine, I guess I’ll go because I’ll probably regret it if I don’t. I wonder what he’d say… or if he’d even be there. He better be. Else there’ll be hell to pay. As I turn my head back to look at Dylan, I feel a sharp slap across my arm.

“Ow!” I hiss between my teeth, cradling my wounded arm and glaring at the offender.

“What? I told you earlier that I would slap you every time you look in Dylan’s direction- I know you’ve got a crush on him and everything but-”

“No, I don’t!” I snap, cutting Izzy off.

“Oh, really? So why can’t you keep your eyes off of him? Why are you blushing?”

“I’m not,” I put my hands to my face-my cheeks are flushed, “but I’m not always…” I give up exasperated because I know deep down that Izzy is right. Somehow I have feelings for this sullen, depressing boy and what they are still remains a mystery.

 Later that day at 5:30pm, I reach The Pine Lake and stop to admire it. Under the sunset glow, it shimmers and ripples as the gentle breeze caresses its surface and also makes my emerald green dress sway gently.

Scanning the area, I can find no evidence of Dylan’s presence. Had he tricked me? For a moment, I consider turning back but a magnetic pull is drawing me closer and closer into the lake. It isn’t the same kind of pull I feel when I see fire, because it makes me feel alive and excited, but this pull hypnotises me into a relaxed state. As I remove my white sandals, I then slowly take step after step into the clear, ice cold water. Then when half my lower legs are submerged, in a flash something springs out of the water and knocks me back into the shallows. Soaked and spluttering I hurry to my feet and stare down at the rolling ball of laughter.

“Ha, ha, ha! You should’ve seen your face! Priceless!” Dylan laughs in delight as his practical joke had been a success.

“How dare you! You think this is funny?” I accuse fuming. As my anger rises, I start steaming as the water evaporates.

 Collecting himself back up, he stands and says: “Of course it’s funny, you would’ve laughed too if you were me,” he points out.

“No, I wouldn’t! Anyway…who are you and what have you done with the Dylan that I know?”

“Oh, it was mainly just a façade. I didn’t want to bring attention to myself, unlike you. Also I didn’t want the Humans to know.”

“So why did you have a go at me in the corridor?”

“Because I felt that it wasn’t the right time to tell you the truth. Don’t take what I said personally, I didn’t really mean it.”

“Okay, but don’t you dare jump out on me again, otherwise I’ll kill you.” I warn him.

“If you say so…” he replies.

We walk up the bank and I sit down on a nearby rock.

“I came here for answers and not to be the victim of your stupid practical jokes.”

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